What is WSH Guidelines
WSH Guidelines showcased workplace safety and health best practices and WSH program for controlling workplace hazards and improving occupational health for various industry and program
Check out the free WSH Guidelines -Landscape and Horticulture Management to improve your organization WSH practices. For the latest WSH Guidelines update, refer to Singapore Workplace Safety and Health Council Website.
The Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Act came into effect in March 2006. Under the Act, stakeholders are responsible for managing the risks they create at the workplaces, and taking reasonable practical steps to ensure workers’ safety and health. From September 2011, the WSH Act was extended to cover all workplaces including maintenance works under the landscaping sector for their works involving general cleansing of parks, horticultural work, turf work and tree work.
Workers in the landscaping sector are exposed to hazards such as working alongside moving traffic, working at heights, excessive noise, use of machinery and equipment, contact with insects, use of chemicals and heat stress. The risk of accidents and ill health due to these hazards can result in suffering, sickness, absenteeism, productivity loss, disability or even death. All these can be prevented.
The purpose of this guide is to provide information and guidance on common workplace hazards which workers involved in landscaping maintenance activities may face, and their preventive measures. For ease of reading, the set of guidelines is divided into two parts:
Part A – Work Activities
Part B – Legislative Requirements
All landscape contractors and their supervisors should familiarise themselves with this set of guidelines. It is the responsibility of everyone to ensure that workers are healthy and are working in a safe environment. Through better safety and health management, companies can strive towards a goal of zero harm.
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