.". Workplace Safety And Health ,WSH Safety Resources Blog: Environmental Protection and Management Act

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Safe Working on Fragile Surface

  Beware of fragile surfaces when working at height What is fragile surface Fragile surfaces may look like any stable, solid floor. However,...

Showing posts with label Environmental Protection and Management Act. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Environmental Protection and Management Act. Show all posts

Friday, March 3, 2023

Laws Administered by the NEA

Legislation on this website is reproduced in accordance with permission granted by the Government of Singapore. Acts of Parliament are available without charge, and updated monthly, at the Singapore Statutes Online Website.

The Government of Singapore and NEA hereby disclaim responsibility for the accuracy or currency of the materials contained in these documents. No claim for damages, actual anticipated or consequential, economic or otherwise, will be entertained.

The legally qualified user should not rely on this legislation to render legal advice. The non-legally qualified user should seek qualified legal advice if he has a specific matter which requires interpretation of this legislation.

Prescribed Notice To Attend Court Forms

Control of Vectors And Pesticides (Prescribed Form) Regulations

Environmental Public Health (Notice To Attend Court) Regulations

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