What Is Acceptable Workplace Safety & Health Conditions
Acceptable Workplace Safety & Health Conditions can be refer to the physical condition of the machinery and /or equipment that is safe for use by the worker.
The reasons why the machinery/equipment is viewed as acceptable under the WSH Regulations are:
a)Machinery/Equipment have been calibrated as per WSH regulations recommendations
b)Machinery/Equipment have been inspected ,checked and tested by a competent person
c)Machinery/Equipment have been periodically preventive maintained as per WSH regulations recommended frequency
Similarly acceptable WSH work condition can also refer to the improved work condition such as the provisioning of local mechanical ventilation on the abrasive blasting machinery/equipment and the abrasive blasting room in view of the occupational disease generated by the ambient air borne particulates resulting from grit abrasive blasting
To identify acceptable WSH conditions in accordance with legal requirements and organisational
procedures, you will need to spend some time reviewing the WSH Regulations, it's Primary legislation and Subsidiary Legislation and table out the list