Hazards is a condition ( unsafe act/unsafe condition) with the potential to cause harm or injury and it can happen anytime and anywhere. Examples of common WSH hazards includes
1.Falling from height hazards, 2.Struck by objects,3.Electrical Hazards
4.Machine Hazards, 5.Mechanical Hazards of tools and equipments
6.Fore & Explosion Hazards,7)Noise Hazards,8)Confined Space Hazards
9)Ergonomic Hazards,10)Chemical Hazards,11)Thermal Hazards
12)Radiation Hazards
12)Radiation Hazards
In the photographs, it was observed that one worker is working in a trench with no protective system. That is the workers is not protected from cave-ins by an adequately designed protective system e.g. shoring, shielding, sloping, etc
The unsafe practices identified are as follows:
1)Working in an unsafe condition –that is working in a trench without shoring. Workers must be protected from cave-ins by an adequately designed protective system e.g. shoring, shielding, sloping, etc .
2)Failure of employer to provide safe means of access and egress. Trench shall have stairways or ladders located no more than 25 feet apart. Appropriate testing should be conducted if there is a possibility of an oxygen deficient atmosphere or hazardous atmosphere inside the excavation. Work area should be marked off with appropriate warning signs.