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Showing posts with label MOM steps up inspection and audits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MOM steps up inspection and audits. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

MOM Inspection And Audit

MOM steps up inspections and audits of higher-risk worksites for two months

SINGAPORE: The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) will be increasing inspection and audit activities by 50 per cent over the next two months, and companies with serious breaches will have their management system audited.

The move comes after a nine-month heightened safety period ended on May 31, though some measures were retained and new ones were announced.

Investigations into workplace incidents uncovered a “general lack of ownership and emphasis on workplace safety”. Inspections by the ministry and requests for external audits will be stepped up to sustain the gains made during the heightened safety period and those responsible for breaches will be penalised accordingly, he said.

Beyond the usual enforcement actions such as fines and stop-work orders, companies with serious lapses will be required to conduct an audit of their management system,


The heightened safety period was implemented in September 2022 when workplace fatalities increased. It helped to bring Singapore’s fatality rate below 1 per 100,000 workers, though the major injuries rate worsened.

In May this year, Mr Zaqy Mohamad, Senior Minister of State for Manpower, said the heightened safety period was not a sustainable approach because it relied on tougher enforcement and penalties.

Instead, the ministry made tweaks such as expanding a demerit points system for workplace health and safety breaches to the manufacturing sector from Oct 1 this year. The system is already in place for the construction sector.

Construction sites where the project value is more than S$5 million (US$3.7 million) will also need to have a video surveillance system from June next year to identify risks, facilitate investigations and deter unsafe behaviour.

Mr Sng said workers and members of the public can report unsafe practices to MOM through SnapSAFE

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