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Showing posts with label Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council. Show all posts

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Behavioral Observation Intervention

Introduction to Behavioural Observation and Intervention

Developed by the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council, Behavioural Observation and Intervention (BO&I) is a simplified behavioural safety initiative a company may adopt to demonstrate care for its workers, instil in them safe work practices, and reduce the incidence of at-risk work behaviours. The BO&I initiative supports WSH culture building efforts and can be used to enhance the “Ownership and Teamwork” attribute of the WSH CultureSAFE Model.

What is Behavioural Observation and Intervention?

BO&I is a safety initiative developed by the WSH Council. It aims to promote safe work practices and instil a sense of safety ownership in all workers in a company.

What can Behavioural Observation and Intervention do?

BO&I aims to reduce the incidence of at-risk work behaviours, resulting in fewer WSH incidents and injuries, lower operating costs, greater productivity and improved WSH performance.

Who is Behavioural Observation and Intervention for?

BO&I is for all companies, including Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs),which are keen to explore a behavioural approach to improving WSH performance.

Why implement Behavioural Observation and Intervention?

Beyond increased productivity and improved WSH performance, BO&I is a significant step to establish a positive WSH culture where employers and employees care for one another, exercise teamwork, and take greater ownership of their actions and those of their colleagues.

Other benefits of implementing BO&I include:

  • allowing management to demonstrate commitment to WSH;
  • enabling two-way WSH ommunication between the workforce and management and between employees;
  • engaging employees in matters pertaining to WSH;
  • empowering employees to act promptly in response to at-risk behaviours;
  • creating greater awareness of the impact of human factors on WSH.

Where can Behavioural Observation and Intervention work?

BO&I can be implemented in any industry (from construction, marine and manufacturing to healthcare, retail and almost any office-based work environment) where WSH is of paramount importance and the goal is for every worker to go home to their families safe and injury-free at the end of each day.

When is the right time for Behavioural Observation and Intervention?

Companies with safe work procedures (SWPs) and a WSH management system in place will be in a better position to reap the benefits of BO&I.

To download a copy of the WSH guide on Behavioral Observation Intervention

And here is the video on Behavioral Observation Intervention

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