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Showing posts with label hazards of overfilling open top containers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hazards of overfilling open top containers. Show all posts

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Hazards of Overfilling Skid Bin

 Advisory to Waste Generators and General Waste Collectors (GWCs)

SINGAPORE : Joint circular from WSH Council , LTA and NEA seek the cooperation of waste generators and other users of OTCs such as companies and Town Councils to help ensure that the OTCs are not overfilled at their premises.

Exceeding the Maximum Laden Weight of vehicles attracts a fine

Overfilled OTCs that exceed the maximum laden weight (MLW)1 is a hazard to both drivers and other road users. It is an offence under the Road Traffic Act for vehicles that exceed the MLW to be used on the road; and vehicles found in violation of load limits may face fines of up to $1,000 and/or imprisonment for up to 3 months for first-time offenders, and doubled for repeat offenders.

Overfilled OTCs Should Not Be Hauled for Safety Reasons

Under the licensing conditions, the GWCs are required to ensure that the OTCs are not overly filled with waste and that waste must be securely covered during transportation. Failure to do so could pose safety hazards to other road users, e.g. waste could drop off on the road. Similarly, this would compromise the safety of the drivers and staff of the disposal facilities. 

Hence, OTCs should only be filled up to their brim, which also makes it easier for the OTCs to be securely covered for transportation.

GWCs have the rights to reject collection of overfilled OTCs if waste generators do not cooperate and ensure no overfilling of OTCs. Errant GWCs found hauling overfilled OTCs may

be subject to enforcement action.

Negative examples of overfilling the open top containers

Positive examples of filling up an open top container

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