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Showing posts with label roles and responsibilities of fire warden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label roles and responsibilities of fire warden. Show all posts

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Fire Warden Roles & Responsibilities

Fire Warden Roles & Responsibilities
During A Fire Situation

  i  respective building fire wardens shall checked the sub fire alarm panel to establish the exact location of
     the fire alarm activation in his/her location immediately after being notified by the Fire Command Center
     that fire alarm has been activated at his/her floor.

 ii  Upon establish the exact location, the fire warden shall proceed to that location and immediately conduct
     physical check on his/her floor & surrounding to establish whether fire situation is confirm and report
     to the FCC via the building intercom system or via walkie talkie

iii  Instruct FW asst to switch off machinery or equipments in their purview

v prepare his building occupants for evacuation if fire not on his/her building/floor and notified the fire
    command center through floor intercom system.

v  report to fire command center if fire is on his/her building/floor through  floor intercom system and effect
   orderly evacuation immediately.
vi  Alert all occupants on his/her floor to evacuate by the nearest staircase.

vii Retrieve the building emergency headcount list from the reception & identify from the register any
    physically impaired or pregnant employees on his/her building/floor who require assistance during

viii Combed & checked all toilets, offices and pantry for occupants as some fearful occupants may hide in
     those areas.

 viiii Close all exit fire doors of all staircase landings
 w   Report “ALL CLEAR” to the FCC before he/she evacuate the building by the nearest exit to the
         Assembly Area                   

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