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Showing posts with label methodology in analysing training needs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label methodology in analysing training needs. Show all posts

Monday, November 28, 2011

Training Needs Analysis Methodology

Methods of evaluating training 

Effective WSH competency training equips employees with the skills, knowledge and attitudes to make them competent in dealing with the safety and health aspects of their work.
With the acquired WSH competencies, employees will be in a better position  to recognize potential hazardous situations, know their responsibilities under the WSH Act and know their roles in creating safe work conditions 

Effective training is an administrative form of risk control and can help to reduce incidents occurring at the workplace. The effectiveness of training and the resulting level of competency should be evaluated to ensure that training programs are effective and meeting the skills and knowledge requirements of the workplace.

Training needs and WSH Competency

Every person must be aware of the HSE risks associated with their work being carried out at the workplace. Persons at work must be given reasonable practicable training, instruction and information on the measures to be taken to minimise such risks and be competent in performing their task that can impact their safety and health and the environment

An organization shall establish procedures to identify training needs and provide adequate safety training for all levels of employees including contractors. The safety training should provide management staff with the knowledge and skills necessary for organising and managing occupational safety and health programmes;  line management ( supervisors & managers) with the leadership skills and knowledge to lead, implement and apply occupational safety and health activities; and workers with the knowledge ,skills and right attitudes to enable them to work safely. The training should also include personal communication techniques of shaping human behaviour and promoting safe and responsible behaviour.

Training should be based on the logical sequence of:

a)Training needs analysis- a comparison of a person’s skills level with the demands of his or her job and hence the identification of skills shortfalls.  Organization shall establish procedures to identify the training needs of managers ,supervisory staff and workers to provide them with comprehensive training on in-house safety rules and regulations, statutory requirements, safe work practices, and other relevant occupational safety and health related training;
b)Training resource identification-internal and external courses;
c)Planning-the timing of courses to ensure that people are trained before they have to apply the skills
d)Administration-allocating people to initial and refresher courses and maintaining records of training completed;
e)Implementation, including releasing personnel for training;
f)Evaluation of training programmes; and
g)Monitoring to ensure that the training is achieving the planned results;
h)Review of need for refresher training to ensure competency;

Mandatory WSH Training

Stakeholders training needs analysis should take into consideration the mandatory requirements for workers, workplace safety and health officer (WSHO), Safety supervisor, safety assessors, safety auditor, scaffolding supervisor, scaffolding erector, which also formed the job related training.
The occupational safety and health personnel shall be task to compile a list of mandatory WSH training courses for the identified stakeholders based on the statutory training requirements stipulated under the factories Act and it’s subsidiary legislation.
The list shall be forwarded to the Human Resource department for their follow up on arranging the stakeholders for the required training courses with the relevant line management. 

Types of Training
Course(s) Description
Internal Training
Safety Induction Training
Internal Training
Emergency Response Training
Job Related Training
Wearing of PPE
Job Related Training
Occupational First Aid
Mandatory Training
Construction Safety Orientation Course for Workers
Mandatory Training
Explosive Powered Tools Operator’s Course
Mandatory Training
Metal Scaffold Erection Course
Mandatory Training
MEWP-Boom Lift Operator Course
Mandatory Training
MEWP-Scissor Lift Operator Course
Mandatory Training
Rigger Course
Mandatory Training
Safety Orientation Course ( Manhole ) for workers
Mandatory Training
Safety Orientation Course (Tunnelling) for workers
Mandatory Training
Safety Orientation Course for Workers (Metalworking)
Mandatory Training
Signalmen Course
Mandatory Training
Suspended Scaffold Rigger’s Course
Mandatory Training
Vertical Personnel Platform Operator Course
Mandatory Training
Workshop To Enhance the Safety of Crane Operation
Mandatory Training
Construction Safety Orientation Course for Workers
Internal Training
Safety Induction Training
Internal Training
Emergency Response Training
Job Related Training
Wearing of PPE
Job Related Training
Occupational First Aid
Mandatory Training
Lifting Supervisors Safety Course
Mandatory Training
Basic Industrial Safety and Health Course for Supervisors
Mandatory Training
Building Construction Supervisors Safety Course
Mandatory Training
Building Construction Safety  Supervisors (Tunnelling) Course
Mandatory Training
Formwork Safety Course for Supervisors
Mandatory Training
Metal Scaffold Erection Course for Supervisors

Mandatory Training
Oil/Petrochemical Industry Safety Course for Supervisors
Mandatory Training
Safety Instruction Course (Manhole) for Supervisors
Mandatory Training
Suspended Scaffold Supervisor Course
Mandatory Training
Work At Height Course for Supervisor
Project Manager
Internal Training
Safety Induction Training
Project Manager
Internal Training
Emergency Response Training
Project Manager
Job Related Training
Wearing Of PPE
Project Manager
Job Related Training
Occupational First Aid
Project Manager
Mandatory Training
Construction Safety Course for Project Managers
Project Manager
Mandatory Training
Design for Safety Coordinator (formerly Project Safety & Health Coordinator Course)
Occupational Safety & Health Personnel
Mandatory Training
Advanced Certificate In Workplace Safety & Health
Occupational Safety & Health Personnel
Mandatory Training
Confined Space Safety Assessor Course
Occupational Safety & Health Personnel
Mandatory Training
Graduate Certificate In Workplace Safety and Health
Occupational Safety & Health Personnel
Mandatory Training
Industrial Audiometry Course
Occupational Safety & Health Personnel
Mandatory Training
Industrial Noise Control Course
Occupational Safety & Health Personnel
Mandatory Training
Manhole Safety Assessors Course
Occupational Safety & Health Personnel
Mandatory Training
Noise Monitoring Course
Occupational Safety & Health Personnel
Mandatory Training
Occupational First Aid Course
Occupational Safety & Health Personnel
Mandatory Training
Specialist Diploma In Workplace Safety & Health
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