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Showing posts with label Revised SDU framework. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Revised SDU framework. Show all posts

Monday, July 24, 2023

WSHO Revised SDU Framework

The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and the Singapore Institution of Safety Officers (SISO), the appointed Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Board for Workplace Safety and Health Officers (WSHO), have undergone a comprehensive review of the current Safety Development Unit (SDU) framework, and taken into account WSHO survey feedback at the 19th WSHO Conference.

The revised SDU framework, which is based on three categories, namely (i) WSH in-employment practice (ii) Attending course/training/conference accredited by CPD Board and (iii) Other WSH contributions/Attending unaccredited WSH training, will replace the current framework with effect from 1 January 2023.

The existing renewal requirement of 40 SDUs will remain. WSHOs can still renew their registration with SDUs obtained from accredited courses attended before 1 January 2023. However, excess SDUs will not be allowed to be carried forward for the next WSHO renewal.

In reference to the new SDUs framework for renewal applications submitted on or after 01 January 2023, please note the following: 

Category 1: WSH Practice (Maximum 20 SDUs per renewal cycle) 

a) If you are employed as a Full-time/Part-time WSH Officer or WSH Personnel within the last 2 years, you can claim maximum 20 SDUs under this category. 

b) If you are employed as a Full-time/Part-time TRAINER for accredited WSH courses WITH on-site WSH role/job, you can claim SDUs under this category. 

c) If you are employed as a Full-time/Part-time TRAINER for accredited WSH courses WITHOUT on-site WSH role/job, you cannot claim SDUs under this category.

You will need to submit under Category 3c (Conduct Accredited WSH Courses & Trainings) 

Do refer to the FAQs on the required supporting documents for the different SDU categories. SMSes, Emails. Screenshots, Receipts and other materials will NOT be accepted.

Renewal application:

You can only submit your renewal application AFTER receiving the renewal notice via SMS and Email.

Typically, the renewal notice will be sent 60 days prior to the current WSHO registration expiry date. 

Do email Mr A Selvam if you need any clarifications on SDUs and supporting documents  A_SELVAM@mom.gov.sg

Revised SDUs framework effective 01 January 2023

Monday, January 9, 2023

Revised SDU Framework



As part of the WSH Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirement for renewal of WSHO registration, WSHOs can accumulate SDUs by attending relevant WSH training and contribute to WSH activities outside of their core work. To renew their registration every two years, WSHOs are required to obtain at least 40 SDUs over the period. The current framework requires WSHOs to obtain at least 20 SDUs from structured activities e, g. employment in WSH related roles (10 SDUs) and attending accredited WSH training (no cap). Up to 20 SDUs can be obtained from unstructured activities e.g., participating in informal in-house training and discussions relating to safety and health.


MOM had received feedback that using informal in-house training, discussions and non-accredited safety activities to obtain SDUs did not effectively contribute to raising the professionalism of WSHOs as these are already part of their routine activities. In addition, existing accredited training was too limited and did not sufficiently cater to the evolving skillsets required in the industries or prepare WSHOs for the future of work brought about by technology and workplace changes.

MOM together with SISO, the appointed CPD Board for WSHOs, have undergone a comprehensive review of the current SDU framework and taken into account WSHOs’ survey feedback at the 19th SISO WSHO Conference.

The new SDU framework seeks to enable WSHOs to stay abreast of changing industry needs and remain competent in the evolving environment in which they operate. Catered for both new and experienced WSHOs, it aims to develop both in-depth skills/knowledge as well as managerial-level WSH skills.


The proposed revised SDU framework will be based on the three categories listed below. In addition, the current practice of allowing up to 10 structured SDUs to be carried over to the next renewal period will cease. This is to simplify the process of renewal and to encourage learning as an on-going process

For Category 2 - attending accredited training, SDUs will be awarded to training courses or events approved by CPD Board based on two tiers. Training courses awarded SDUs will also be expanded to include selected soft skills, WSH technology, non-WSH related courses assessed by CPD Board to contribute to WSHOs’ professionalism.

The revised SDU framework will be rolled out with effect from 1 Jan 2023. Courses which do not fulfil CPD objectives under the revised SDU framework will no longer be awarded SDUs.

Q1. Why is there a need to revise the current SDU framework for WSHO renewal of registration?
A1. The current framework was introduced and instituted by MOM since year 2006. With technological improvements, industry shifts and workplace changes, the current framework will not sufficiently cater to the evolving skillsets required in the industries or prepare WSHOs for the future of work. The revised framework aims to motivate and enable registered WSHO to:
a) Continually enrich and enhance one’s professional development
b) Keep up with changing technological advancement and regulatory updates
c) Undertake larger role in their job or when opportunity arises
d) Come forward to serve the WSH community voluntarily
e) Connect and stay connected as part of the WSH Community

Q2. What are the differences between the revised SDU framework from the current?
A3. Unlike the current SDU framework, there will be three categories, namely 
(i) WSH in-employment practice
(ii) attending course/training/conference accredited by CPD
Board and
(iii) Other WSH contributions/Attending unaccredited WSH training
For SDUs submission, applicant can submit SDUs under any of the category subjected to the maximum SDUs for each category.
However, SDUs will not be allowed to be carried forward for next WSHO renewal. This is to encourage WSHOs to upgrade themselves continually and to stay relevant.

FAQs Q3 to Q13 are applicable with effect from 1 Jan 2023

Q3. What is the minimum number of SDUs required for an applicant to qualify for WSHO renewal?
A3. The renewal requirement of obtaining at least 40 SDUs over a two-year period remains unchanged. Applicant must submit 40 SDUs in each renewal cycle.

Q4. How can an applicant qualify for Category 1?
A4. Applicant must submit evidence of WSH-related employment in the two years leading up to the application for renewal. Nature of employment can be full time, part time, project based, long-term or short-term employment. Document evidence can be in
the form of WSH-related appointment letter or testimonial letter.

Q5. What is the maximum number of SDUs an applicant can submit for Category 1?
A5. Successful applicant will be accorded a maximum of 20 SDUs.

Q6. How can an applicant qualify for Category 2?
A6. Applicant must submit evidence of attendance of any courses, seminars, webinars, events or conferences accredited under this category. Applicants should check with their training providers on whether the training has been awarded SDUs before

Q7. What is the maximum number of SDUs an applicant can submit for Category 2?
A7. There is no cap for SDUs submitted under this category. The number of SDUs for each accredited course or seminar or webinars or events or conferences will be decided by the CPD Board.

Under Tier 1 of Category 2
• Applicant will be accorded 1 SDU for every contact hour up to a maximum of 20 SDUs for each accredited course, seminar, webinar, event or conference.
• Applicants who undertake accredited in-depth and formal academic study will be accorded up to a maximum of 40 SDUs for each accredited programme.

Under Tier 2 of Category 2
• Applicant will be accorded 1 SDU for every two contact hours up to maximum of 10 SDUs for selected supervisory and technical training.

Q8. How can an applicant qualify for Category 3?
A8. Applicant has to submit evidence of involvement in any of the following areas, subject to MOM approval:
• Participation in professional boards, committees & societies
• Professional membership
• Trainer conducted accredited WSH courses and training
• Writing and/or editing technical papers
• Awarded patents
• Attended non accredited WSH training including internationally recognised courses/conferences
• Contributed to WSH at national/industry level such as volunteer in Crane or Work at Heights (WAH) clinic.

Q9. When will the current SDU framework for WSHO renewal be officially replaced by the revised frameworks?
A9. The effective date of the revised SDU framework will start 1 Jan 2023.

All points accrued before the effective date will be valid for one renewal cycle. 

Q10. Why are some courses excluded from Category 2?
A10. Courses previously accepted under the current framework, including refresher occupational first-aid course will be excluded as the CPD board has assessed these courses do not fulfil CPD objectives under the revised SDU framework.

Q11. From 1 Jan 2023, will an applicant be able to renew his WSHO registration with SDUs submitted under previous framework?
A11. Applicant can still renew WSHO registration with SDUs obtained under previous framework (Structured / unstructured categories) within past 2 years.

Q12. Can an applicant carry forward excess SDUs submitted for the last renewal?
A12. With effect from 1 Jan 2023, excess SDUs (above 40 SDUs) will not be carried over to next renewal. Excess SDUs will still be carried forward if the applicant submit renewal on or before 30
Dec 2022. Only excess SDUs approved to be carried forward from last renewal will be reflected on the eService.

Q13. When does an applicant submit SDUs under the revised SDU framework?
A13. Applicant needs to submit SDUs under the new SDU framework with effect from 1 Jan 2023
a) On or before 30 Dec 2022
Applicant can submit the SDUs based on the current Structured and Unstructured SDU categories.
b) From 1 Jan 2023
Applicant must submit the SDUs under the new framework

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