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Showing posts with label waste removal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label waste removal. Show all posts

Friday, December 23, 2011

Waste Removal and recycling services-Waste materials disposal contractor

Legal And Other Requirements For The Control Of Hazards/Risks Associated With Waste Removal And Recycling Services

Waste Removal and recycling services-Waste materials disposal contractor
1)Control Of Vectors & Pesticides Act ,Cap 59
-Control of Vectors and pesticides registration ,licensing and certification Regulations,Reg3
2))WSH Act Para 15- Duties of person shall wear PPE
3)WSH(Construction) Reg 2007 Para 33(2)-Duties of employers to provide PPE
4) Environmental Public Health Act( Chapter 95)7) Application for approvals and permits under Regulations
5)Environment Protection & Management Act
(Chapter 94A Section
6)WSH (Risk mgmt)
7) Environmental Public Health Act( Chapter 95)113) –Environment Public Health(Toxic Indust Waste)Reg THE SCHEDULE
Regulations 3, 4 (b), 20, 21 (2), 23 and 27
1)Risk assessment associated with all waste removal, recycling & disposal shall be conducted
2)Workers shall don PPE as recommended in the SDS for handling toxic industrial wastes
3)Waste Generated shall be log onto the NEA electronic consignment notes system
4)Waste Generator shall maintain toxic industrial waste inventory and to upkeep them regularly
5)Annual toxic wastes that exceed the NEA the Schedule-waste generator have to write in to NEA Director General
6)Only licensed waste contractor can be engage to dispose toxic industrial wastes
1)Waste Generators & Waste Disposal company shall conduct risk assessment on all activities associated with waste generation and disposal
2)Waste Generators shall ensure only licensed waste contractors is engaged for disposal of hazardous waste
3)Waste generators shall ensure all toxic industrial wastes shall be segregated in designated waste bins and identified with labels
4)Workers shall don relevant PPE as recommended in the SDS when handling toxic industrial wastes
5)Waste Generator shall maintain and upkeep register on the toxic waste inventory generated at it’s site
6)Inventory of toxic waste generated shall be logged onto the NEA electronic consignment notes Systems and copy to file and copy to waste contractor.
7)Annual toxic wastes generated that exceeds NEA stipulated qty shall write in to Director General NEA
8)Licensed pest control shall be engage to ensure the domestic waste storage area is free of rodents

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