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Showing posts with label noise induced deafness prevention programme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label noise induced deafness prevention programme. Show all posts

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Regulatory Programme

Asbestos Control Programme

The Asbestos Control Programme aims to eliminate asbestos-related diseases over the long term through progressive elimination of asbestos use, and the minimisation of exposure during the use and removal, and management of asbestos in buildings. Target processes include work involving removal and abatement of asbestos in buildings, vessels and other premises.
The programme involves
  • strengthening the legislative requirements for asbestos removal work
  • introducing a licensing scheme for asbestos removal contractors
  • raising awareness and capability building; engagement and enforcement
MOM works with the Building Control Authority, National Environment Agency and other relevant stakeholders in implementing the programme.

Business Under Surveillance (BUS)

The Business Under Surveillance (BUS) Programme is a systemic intervention tool to regulate poor performing companies to focus on developing and implementing a robust safety and health management system to improve their WSH performance.
This programme is divided into two phases – the Assessment and the Surveillance phase. In the Assessment phase, companies who have had fatal accidents, demonstrated poor WSH management (such as poor site conditions that result in Stop Work Orders) or have had accumulate a number of demerit points would typically be considered for entry into the BUS programme. A thorough review of the implementation of the risk assessment and the strength of the management system would be conducted. If the company fails the assessment, they will be subjected to close surveillance.
In the Surveillance phase, OSHD requires the company's management to develop and commit to a comprehensive and sustainable Action Plan. The company is held accountable to their proposed Action Plan and reports the implementation progress on a regular basis to OSHD. In addition, inspections are carried out frequently by the OSHD Surveillance Branch to verify the progress made. The company will exit from the programme upon demonstrating significant improvement in its WSH performance and management.

Cluster operations

Cluster Operations (COPS) is a workplace inspection programme where selected cluster of workplaces are pre-announced on this website before the inspections take place. This is to encourage affected companies to take the initiative to improve safety and health standards within their workplace prior to MOM's inspections. Links to online guidelines, technical advisories and compliance assistance tools will be provided to assist companies in their preparation for the workplace inspections.

In certain clusters of workplaces, upstream stakeholders of these workplaces (e.g. client of affected companies) will also be engaged to solicit improvements in workplace safety standards within the cluster.

Outcomes of the workplace inspections conducted and common contraventions detected will be shared after each operations, to facilitate companies in the detection and rectification of weak areas within their workplaces.
Upcoming Cluster Operations are published as highlights in the Workplace Safety and Health section.

Confined Space Management Programme

The Confined Space Management Programme aims to enhance confined space hazard management and prevent deaths from chemical poisoning and asphyxiation during confined space work and rescue operations. Iso-tank operations in logistics, shipbuilding and ship-repairing industries, manhole works and other workplaces with confined space hazards are required to implement a confined space management programme consisting of the following elements: hazard identification, evaluation and control, entry-permit system, atmospheric testing and monitoring, ventilation and emergency response.
Initiatives include:
  • identification of workplaces with confined space hazards
  • raising awareness and capability building for confined space management
  • implementing effective in-plant confined space programmes

Hazardous Chemical Management Programme

The Hazardous Chemical Management Programme covers chemical manufacturers and workplaces using hazardous chemicals. The objectives of the programme are to prevent and control chemical hazards and protect persons at work against such hazards.
Companies under the programme are required to implement an in-plant chemical management programme consisting of the following key elements: hazard communication (labelling and safety data sheet), training and education, hazard assessment and control (with respect to storage, handling and disposal of chemicals), personal protection equipment, workplace monitoring, medical surveillance, and emergency response.
The programme entails
  • identification, evaluation and control of chemical hazards
  • review of exposure limits
  • regular monitoring or assessment of chemical exposure
Results of regular exposure monitoring are submitted to MOM and captured in our chemical exposure database. Where exposure levels are excessive, intervention actions will be taken.

Noise Induced Deafness Prevention Programme

The NID Prevention Programme (NIDPP) aims to reduce the incidence of Noise-induced Deafness (NID). The target of this programme includes workplaces with noise hazards in the manufacturing, shipbuilding/ship-repairing and construction sector, through a series of outreach and enforcement activities. Key elements of the in-plant HCP include noise monitoring, noise control, hearing protection, audiometric examinations and health education.
Initiatives under this programme include:
  • strengthening legislative requirements
  • identifying noisy workplaces for surveillance and control
  • managing noise hazards at workplaces through the implementation of in-plant Hearing Conservation Programme (HCP)
  • raising awareness and building capability in noise hazard management
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