Introduction Background
Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWPs) are mobile machines with an extendable work platform intended to raise personnel to perform works t height. Boom lifts and scissor lifts are common types of MEWPs.
This guide aims to share good MEWP-related practices in the following categories:
When planning work involving an MEWP, it is important to follow the stages:
i) Before using the MEWP
ii) When using the MEWP
iii) After using the MEWP
MEWPs are a safer option to reach working positions at height. Safe use of MEWPs is important to protect the operator’s safety and other workers around him.
However, accidents can happen. Several MEWP common hazards that have led to serious injuries or deaths include (but are not limited to):
• Entrapment—when the operator was trapped between part of the
basket and fixed structures (e.g. overhead steel beams)
• Overturning—when the MEWP toppled and the operator was thrown out of the basket
• Falling from height—when the operator fell from the work platform while climbing on the toe boards, midrails or guardrails of the MEWP
• Collision with pedestrians, overhead cables, or nearby vehicles
• “Catapult-effect” when using boom-type MEWP
Do not make any modifications or additions to the MEWP that may affect its operation, stability, safety factors, rated load, or structural integrity of the MEWP without the manufacturer and/or supplier prior approval.
• Identify the task to be undertaken;
• Identify the location and timing of MEWP usage;
• Select an appropriate MEWP;
• Identify hazards and risks associated with the use of a specific MEWP;
• Identify the hazards associated with the task;
• Identify control measures;
• Develop the safe work procedures (SWPs) and fall prevention plan (FPP);
• Develop the emergency plan for rescue from height;
• Communicate the plans (e.g. SWP, FPP, emergency plan) to all persons involved;
• Review the plans prior to and during the operation; and
• Incorporate any changes.
Before using an MEWP
A site survey should be conducted by a competent person to assess the site conditions and select an appropriate MEWP for the intended task, taking into consideration other factors such as ground and weather conditions
Ensure MEWP has a clear path of travel.
Perform pre-use inspection in accordance with Manufacturer’s guidelines before operation.
Do not use the MEWP if any defects are found. ISOLATE, TAG and REPORT the machine as defective.
Do not operate MEWPs if operator is on medication or feeling unwell.
Operators must be trained, familiarised and authorised before operating any MEWP
Cordon off work area to ensure persons and equipment are clear of the area in the proximity of the MEWP. Ensure warning signs are clearly displayed
When using an MEWP
Anchor harness to the designated anchor point using a short lanyard.
Maintain firm footing when working on MEWPs.
Ensure that ground conditions are suitable as required by the specific MEWPs. Do not operate MEWPs on slopes beyond manufacturer’s specifications
Maintain a safe distance from overhead obstacles. Anti-entrapment devices can help raise awareness of overhead obstacles.
MEWPs are not meant for access. Do not exit an MEWP at height
Do not exceed the Safe Working Load and maximum Number of Occupants of the platform specified by the manufacture
After using an MEWP
Park and store MEWP at the designated area
Remove the ignition key to prevent unauthorised access