Medical Monitoring Requirement
Under the Workplace Safety and Health (Medical Examinations) Regulations 2011 requirements, as an employer, you must send your employees who are exposed to certain occupational hazards for pre-placement and regular medical examinations.
Medical examinations
These medical examinations refer to the specific tests for the types of hazard which the employee is involved and not a general check up.
Medical examination allow early detection of occupational disease and ensure that employees remain fit for such work. They also help you gauge whether existing control measures are effective.
For details on the frequency and types of tests, refer to the Schedule of the Workplace Safety and Health (Medical Examinations) Regulations.
What reports to submit
You must submit the following reports based on the reports provided by DWD:
- Summary report of examinations – an overview of the medical findings and abnormal results, if applicable.
- Register of employees exposed to a hazard – employees whose work puts them in contact with the specified hazards, and their ongoing test results.