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Showing posts with label Safe Charging of PABs & PMDs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Safe Charging of PABs & PMDs. Show all posts

Friday, February 10, 2023

Fire Safety - Safe Charging of PABs & PMDs

It has been noted that the majority of PMD and PAB fires reported in Singapore that SCDF had responded to were found to have resulted from the use of non-compliant devices such as non-UL2272-certified PMDs, modified devices or incompatible power adaptors,

Modifications included the replacement of batteries with those not from original equipment manufacturers, the addition of extra batteries, and changes to the electrical circuitry.

SCDF has urged the public not to modify their PMD devices and, if required, to replace components with only the ones from original equipment manufacturers.

And here are few fire safety tips for safe charging of PABs and PMDs

1) Check Charger / Batteries 

Do regularly examine batteries for any damage or deformities such as bloating, corrosion or powdery residue. 

Do use a power adaptor that carries the Safety Mark and is recommended by the manufacturer. 

Do not use charger if: 

- The charger lamp does not light up . 

- The charger was dropped or there was strong external impact to the charger. 

- Cable casing is broken or wiring is exposed. 

- Charger is/was wet . 

2) Check Environment 

-Do charge PAB/PMD on a hard, flat surface to allow optimal dissipation of heat. 

-Do not charge a PAB/PMD or its batteries: 

- In places with high humidity or high heat. 

- Near combustible/flammable materials. 

- In confined or poorly ventilated spaces . 

- Along an escape path. 

3) Check PAB / PMD 

- Do purchase PMDs with UL2272 Certification Mark. 

- Do purchase EN15194 certified PABs that are type approved, affixed with LTA's orange seal and registered. 

- Do not tamper with, modify, or attempt to repair a device on your own. 

4) When Charging 

- Unplug the charger when you are away for long periods of time. 

- Do not leave batteries or devices to charge unattended for an extended period of time or overnight . 

- Do not charge the PAB/PMD immediately after use. 

5) Keep out of Reach 

Keep children and pets away from the charger. 

To learn more about safe riding tips on PABs, PMDs and PMAs click Riding Mobility Device Safety

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