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Showing posts with label communicate WSH policy to stakeholder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label communicate WSH policy to stakeholder. Show all posts

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Communication of WSH policy to stakeholders

Communication of WSH policy to stakeholders

An effective WSH policy management includes but not limited to:

·  Clearly defined and communicated to relevant stakeholders,
·  Backed up by sound arrangement and put into practice,
·  Reflected in day-to-day attitudes and actions of people, and
·  Monitored

Thee identified stakeholders to whom the WSH policy have to be communicated to are employees, unions, contractors, suppliers, customers and regulatory agencies

Communication of WSH policy                          
There are many ways in which WSH policy can be communicated to stakeholders and one of the way is to make the WSH policy available to the stakeholders                          

Ways in which WSH policy can be communicated includes but not limited to:

§  Company policy and procedure manuals;
§  Employee rule books;
§  Employee handouts /pay check enclosures;
§  WSH policy and procedures manual;
§  Standard job procedures manual;
§  WSH Committee or representative;
§  Reference in job descriptions;
§  Notice board announcements and reminders;
§  Workplace safety and health talks and meetings;
§  Workplace safety and health meetings at which managers stress commitment to the policy;
§  Regular discussion of safety and health at production, quality, planning and other meetings;
§  Effective review of and response to your WSH committee or representative’s recommendations;
§  Effective review of and response to inspection reports, accident investigations, and WSH program evaluations.
§  Launching in company’s website and intranet;
§  Incorporating in contracts and agreements.
§New employee induction & orientation and other training programs
The success of any organization WSH policy depends on the performance of it’s workforce that is,
to achieve desired results, every person at work must know their responsibilities.In general the generic
roles and responsibilities of  stake holders are along the lines of:            
Individual obligations:
Individuals have a responsibilities and obligations to carry out their assigned duties                          
Senior management                                    

This level is concerned with strategy across the organization as a whole, including setting policies and broad objectives, allocating resources (finance and personnel) and approving plans

· Provide policy direction and planning
· Review control information
· Delegate responsibility /authority
· Allocate budget
· Provide active support
· Hold middle management responsible

Middle or department section management:

This level is concerned with the detailed plan to achieve the broad
objectives and the organization direction of the resources to achieve
operational effectiveness

· Setting up programs and procedure for each part of the department/section.

· Communicating and consulting with supervisors and employees to provide clear information about
   what is required of them.
· Maintaining records.
· Provide active support
· Hold the managers accountable for safe operation
· Make sure line managers have adequate resources and support
· Assist the WSH committee or representative

First-line management or supervisors:

This level is concerned with the technical operation of work activities
and, in terms of health and safety, will work closely with operators to
ensure that programs and procedures are carried out properly. This will

· Instruction, monitoring, inspection
· Providing information and equipment as necessary to ensure compliance.
· Train operators and others.
. Supervise employees to ensure that correct work procedures are followed.
· Communicate hazard information and control procedures
· consult with employees
· Provide feedback to senior executive.
· Cooperate with the safety and health committee or representative
· Hold accountable those managers, supervisors, and workers reporting to them

Every person at work:

·         Responsibility for acting safely at all times in the course of their duties at work
·         Report all unsafe conditions, injuries and incidents to supervisors immediately
·         Comply with company rules and procedures
·         Report all injuries for First Aid ,no matter how minor
·         Use machinery, equipment, and materials, only as authorized
·         Follow job procedures
·         Cooperate with the WSH Committee or representative
·         Wear personal protective equipment as required

WSH officers/coordinators:

·   Discharge his duties as relevant in the WSH Act-2006
·   Implement and maintain proper procedures of WSH Management and recording system
·   Responsible for providing specialist knowledge and skills to support management and employees
    in understanding
    and implementing appropriate safety measures
·   To measure, monitor and review the organization WSH performance


·         Familiarize themselves with the organizations WSH management system
·         Take prompt corrective action to remove any unsafe or unhealthy work condition
·         To maintain effectively such corrections
·         Develop special Training program for workers engaged in hazardous and accident prone
·         Ensure good house keeping is practiced in the work place

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