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Showing posts with label Resource Sustainability Act (RSA). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Resource Sustainability Act (RSA). Show all posts

Friday, March 3, 2023

Mandatory Packaging Reporting


Packaging waste, including plastics, makes up about one-third of domestic waste disposed of in Singapore. It is therefore one of the key priority waste streams identified in the Zero Waste Masterplan that we will need to focus our efforts on to close the resource loop and to help Singapore achieves its goal of towards becoming a Zero Waste Nation.

Under the Mandatory Packaging Reporting (MPR) scheme, producers of packaged products, such as brand owners, manufacturers and importers, as well as retailers such as supermarkets, will be required to submit packaging data and 3R plans to the NEA. Companies will have to provide information on the packaging that they introduce into Singapore annually, broken down according to type of packaging material (e.g. plastic, paper, metal, glass), packaging form (e.g. carrier bags, bottles) and the corresponding weights.

The 3R plans that companies are required to submit will have to include details of key initiatives, key performance indicators (KPIs) and targets. Companies will be required to report on the progress of these plans in subsequent years of reporting. The types of 3R plans for packaging that companies could consider include: (i) packaging reduction; (ii) packaging collection for reuse or recycling; (iii) consumer or industry outreach related to packaging 3Rs; (iv) use of recycled content in packaging material; and (v) improvements in recyclability of packaging.


Mandatory packaging reporting aims to raise companies’ awareness of the benefits of packaging reduction and to spur companies to reduce the amount of packaging used. It will lay the foundation for an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme for packaging waste management.


Registration Process 

Companies that meet all the following criteria are required to comply with the MPR requirements under the Resource Sustainability Act (RSA):

  • Carries on a business of supplying regulated goods* in Singapore
  • Meet the prescribed threshold criteria which is an annual turnover of more than S$10 million
  • Imports or uses specified packaging** 
*Regulated goods means any goods other than goods prescribed as excluded from this definition (please refer to Subsidiary Legislation)
**Specified packaging means any packaging other than any type of packaging prescribed as excluded from this definition (please refer to Subsidiary Legislation)

The MPR requirements include:

  1. Submit annual reports on specified packaging that is imported or used in Singapore including supporting documents to NEA using the attached template (Download here)
  2. Submit 3R plans for packaging annually
  3. Keep records related to reports and plans for a period of 5 years

Companies are required to access the Waste & Resource Management System (WRMS) Mandatory Packaging Reporting portal at https://wrms2.nea.gov.sg to submit their packaging reports, 3R plans and supporting documents.

Timeline for 2023 reporting:

For the report to be submitted in 2023, producers (with an annual turnover of more than S$10 million in 2021) will need to report data on the amount of packaging imported/used in 2022 and develop 3R plans to be submitted by 31 March 2023.

Mandatory Packaging Reporting pre-recorded briefing

Part 1: Guide on Mandatory Packaging Reporting

Part 2: Mandatory Packaging Reporting Requirements under the Resource Sustainability Act


Resource Sustainability Act


The Subsidiary Legislation (Resource Sustainability (Packaging Reporting) Regulations)https://sso.agc.gov.sg/SL-Supp/S508-2020

Resource Sustainability Act 2019 (Commencement) Notification 2019


Packaging Partnership Programme (PPP) 3R guidebook for packaginghttp://www.packaging-partnership.org.sg/resources/3r-guidebook-packaging

Potential 3R plan examples (with reference to 3R Packaging / SPA Awards case studies)



Mandatory Packaging Reporting Guidebook

Download Here



How will the mandatory packaging reporting requirements improve Singapore’s waste management system?

What are the differences between this mandatory packaging reporting and the mandatory waste reporting which will extend to large industrial developments? Will there be double reporting?

How will NEA inform companies on their compliance obligations?

Will there be double-reporting of packaging across the supply chain?

 Prescribed threshold criteria

Is the annual turnover threshold based on local sales or overall sales turnover (including import)? Does a company only consider sales turnover of products sold in Singapore?

Is the annual turnover based on calendar year? What happens if my company’s annual turnover is based on financial year, which is different from calendar year?

Will a company need to comply if its annual turnover is less than $10 million?

What happens if the annual turnover of my company falls below the threshold (i.e., is equal or below $10 million) after registration?

 Mandatory Packaging Reporting

How does a company register for mandatory packaging reporting?

Do companies only start collecting packaging data after registration with NEA?

What are the types of data that a company needs to include in their annual reports?

What is the 3R plan? Is the 3R Plan a “future” plan, or the past year’s plan?

With reference to the template, does a company report the actual annual weight or round the weight to the nearest whole number?

What companies are required to comply with the mandatory packaging reporting requirements?

My company imports/purchases packaging. However, we engage a subcontractor to dispose of and/or recycle these packaging. Am I still required to report these packaging?

Are retailers required to report packaging used such as carrier bags?

Is there any difference in reporting for packaging incurred from regulated goods that are imported, and regulated goods that are purchased locally?

Does reusable packaging (e.g. glass bottles) need to be reported?

How do we report packaging that are reused?


For queries relating to the mandatory packaging reporting, you may email packaging@nea.gov.sg.

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