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Showing posts with label construction site heat stress framework. Show all posts

Sunday, September 8, 2024

MOM Revised Heat Stress Framework


With global warming, rising temperatures in Singapore will place workers, especially outdoor workers, at an increased risk of heat stress. Unlike the general population, outdoor workers have less discretion over their work activities, and may be more vulnerable to heat stress. The Ministry of Manpower (MOM), in consultation with the industry and tripartite partners, has reviewed our heat stress management measures to ensure outdoor workers are adequately protected at varying temperatures, while allowing flexibility for employers to adjust and implement measures based on their localised conditions. 

The framework for outdoor workers has been aligned with the three-tier Heat Stress Advisory for the general population, which is based on the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT)[1]. The framework includes required measures that are critical in mitigating the risk of heat stress, such as heat acclimatisation, regular hydration, monitoring of WBGT and provision of adequate rest breaks under shade, that must be implemented. There are also recommended practices, such as close monitoring of worker’s health condition and provision of ventilation, for employers to consider at the different WBGT bands. The framework is appended in the Annex.

MOM will conduct inspections at workplaces to ensure that required measures under the framework are implemented. More information on the framework can be found at go.gov.sg/heatstress-outdoorwork


Note: Bold items are required measures that must be implemented at the respective WBGT bands.

* Workers vulnerable to heat stress include:  

· Older workers above 65 years old of age  

· Pregnant workers  

· Overweight or obese workers  

· Newly assigned to outdoor work 

· Unacclimatised to working in hot environments such as new or returning from countries with cold climate 

· Returning from long leave of more than 1 week 

· Currently unwell or recovering from illness 

· With personal risk factors such as chronic diseases, medication use, or history of heat injury


This list is not exhaustive and neither covers all individual variabilities nor all conditions. 

Workers should consult a medical doctor if they have any of the above health related conditions and wish to be certified fit to work outdoors. 

Workers with other medical conditions or who are uncertain should consult a medical doctor.

Employers who wish to deploy vulnerable workers have a duty to ensure they are fit for outdoor work. They should seek the worker’s consent and make provisions for the worker to consult a medical doctor. 

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