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Showing posts with label SS 506 part 3 audit report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SS 506 part 3 audit report. Show all posts

Friday, December 30, 2022

Audit Report Sample



As part of the requirements of the Workplace Safety and Health Act (Chapter 354A),Work place Safety and Health (Safety and Health Management System and Auditing) Regulations 2009, HSE Consultancy and Training Services Pte Ltd had received a formal request from Company XXXX to undertake an Safety and Health Management System Audit on their SHMS manual following two fatal
accidents and numerous safety lapses reported in it’s manufacturing site located at XXXXX.

The scope of the audit focused on 7 Elements of the Safety and Health Management System, as a minimum standard, in fulfilling the requirements of Singapore Standard SS 506 Part 3 : 2006 Occupational safety and health (OSH) management system – Requirements for the chemical industry. The audit was undertaken on 20 August 2013 @ 1000 hours at XXXXXX 




Audit Element



Safety Policy ,Element 1


No commitment from the top management towards safety and health improvement due to no established WSH goals, objectives and target, no prescription of WSH roles and responsibilities for all level of employees from the top management

Safety Work Procedure, Element 2

Sampling  on high risk activities in Company XXXX manufacturing operations revealed high risk activities which include:

- hot work,

-steam boiler preventive maintenance and;

- two roll mill operations were each established with safe work procedures and risk assessment study undertaken

Risk Assessment in Company XXXX  t is undertaken by the individual department without cross functional collaboration. Hence there is a high probability that hazards/risks still exist in Company XXXX  manufacturing activities due to limited knowledge ,experience and expertise of the single department that undertake the risk assessment study

Safety Training, Element 3

Company XXXX fulfilled the minimum requirement of the Factories ( Safety Training Order) Regulations.


Sampling on facility training records revealed two technicians were qualified as First Class Steam Boiler Attendant, 


Sampling on the WSHO revealed Company XXXX WSHO had successfully completed his specialist diploma in WSH and has a valid RSO license and is accredited by the Singapore Ministry of Manpower


Company XXXX  no budget set aside for safety training to improve its workforce WSH competency and this is also in line with  the frequency of workplace accident reported in Company XXXX  which is equivalent to one workplace accident per month

Group Meetings Element 4

Company XXXX  WSH Safety Committee team is made up of good mixes of cross functional employees which include maintenance, facility, production, WSHO, director ,manager and engineer

Company XXXX  has no budget set aside for safety training and this lead to poor WSH performance of the WSH Safety Committee team members who are not trained and incompetent to assume their roles as WSH Safety Committee team members

Incident Investigation & Analysis ,Element 5

Company XXXX  have established procedures which defined the roles and responsibilities of its employees in handling and reporting of workplace incident


Sampling from the WSHO r incident investigation and analysis record revealed  all workplace incidents reported in Company XXXX  were promptly investigated and put on record and closed out in a timely manner

Company XXXX  Incident investigation team have poor WSH performance not least because the team were not trained on the basic investigation skills and the use of investigation tools ,making them helpless during an incident investigation 


Company XXXX  cannot depends on the solo work of the WSHO to bring out change or to improve its workforce WSH performance as individual efforts is limited


Company XXXX  need to groom and improve its incident investigation team WSH competency by sending the team for external investigation course to equip them with the knowledge, skills and attitudes




Safety Inspections Element 9

Company XXXX  WSH Safety Committee team has a whole year of inspection schedule  established  for its site monthly inspection .


Following each monthly site inspection, the WSH Safety Committee team  never fail to put up the inspection report and issued CAPA to the responsible persons as well as tracking the CAPA implementation and closure by the responsible person

Company XXXX  WSH Safety Committee team have  poor WSH performance not least because the team were not trained on the basic inspection and audit skills ,making them helpless during the monthly WSH safety committee team inspection


Company XXXX  cannot depends on the solo work of the WSHO to bring out change or to improve its workforce WSH performance as individual efforts is limited


Company XXXX  need to groom and improve its WSH Safety committee team WSH competency by sending the team for external courses to equip them with the knowledge, skills and attitudes


Hazard Analysis Element 11

Sampling on Company XXXX  high risk activities which include steam boiler preventive maintenance, hot work and two roll mill operations, revealed each has  a risk assessment established and hazards/risks identified in the risk assessment have also been communicated to its employees

Risk Assessment is undertaken by individual department using a 3x3 risk assessment matrix with no cross functional collaboration.


This question on  the integrity of the risk assessment study undertaken due to subjective interpretation of risks/hazards by individuals as well as the lack of knowledge, expertise and experience in identifying the foreseeable hazards


Due to these flaws in the risk assessment study, there is a high possibility that medium to high risk hazards still exist in Company XXXX  manufacturing activities


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