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Thursday, April 5, 2012

List of Petroleum Flammable Materials

List of Petroleum Flammable Materials Licensable by SCDF

Petroleum storage and transportation or other related activities are considered dangerous as they pose a threat to life and property in the event of fire. Hence application for their issuance is mandatory to achieve a safer working environment. The licensing authority is the Licensing Branch of the Central Enforcement Department of SCDF

And if you import, use and store flammable materials in your organization, you may require to apply for the Petroleum Flammable Materials Storage license if the quantity exceed the stipulated quantity specified in the

Flammable Materials listed in the Second Schedule of the Fire Safety (Petroleum & Flammable Materials) Regulations 2005.

Application for licenses

a) Manual Submission (for foreign registered vehicle ONLY)

The application form should be sent to:
Licensing Branch
Central Enforcement Department
HQ Singapore Civil Defence Force
91 Ubi Avenue 4
Singapore 408827
** Click on the hyperlink to find out more on submission requirements.
1) Petroleum & Flammable Materials Import Licensing
2) Petroleum & Flammable Materials Storage Licensing
3) Petroleum & Flammable Materials Transport Licensing

b) Electronic Submission

1) Submission Requirements for Petroleum & Flammable Materials Import Licensing

  • Any person who wishes to import petroleum or flammable materials is required to obtain an import license from SCDF.
  • Applicant must possess a valid storage license. Note that the import license is essential for the online declaration via Tradenet to be successful.
  • Applicant may choose to apply for a licence validity period of 1 to 3 years.

2) Submission Requirements for Petroleum & Flammable Materials Storage Licensing

Any person who wishes to store petroleum or flammable materials in quantities exceeding that specified in the Fire Safety (Petroleum & Flammable Materials – Exemption) Order 2005 is required to obtain a storage licence from SCDF.

• Licensing For LPG Piped System / Installation

As from December 1997, all HDB coffee shops which are using LPG have to house their LPG cylinders in steel enclosures, located outside the coffee shops and piped into the individual stalls.
The LPG manifold piping systems for this purpose shall comply with relevant clauses of NFPA 54 & 58, the Fire Safety Act, relevant provisions of code of practice for Fire Precautions in building or other accepted code of practice.
The Professional engineer is required to conduct a leak free proof test and certify that the system is safe for operation before commissioning.

• Licensing For Petroleum Dispensing

As dispensing of petroleum products such as LPG requires proper provisions, installation, techniques and special equipment, approval from SCDF must be obtained.

• License Validity Period

Applicant may choose to apply for a licence validity period of 1 to 3 years.

Documents To Be Submitted

  • One copy of approved plan or certified true copy of the approved plan showing the proposed storage area;
  • One copy of site plan showing the location of the premises;
  • A copy of Registration of Business Particulars (Form B or D) or Certificate of Incorporation of Company;
  • A copy of Temporary Fire Permit or Fire Safety Certificate of the premises;
  • For bulk tanks and major piped installation, additional documents such as Manufacturer's reports and all the relevant test reports duly endorsed by a Professional Engineer are to be submitted;
  • For HDB coffee shops, additional documents such as no objection letters from Town Council, Professional Engineer's Certification of piped system including equipment and pressure test report for the piping and fittings and the supplier's letter of undertaking are to be submitted.
  • A copy of the Emergency Response Plan (ERP) for
  1. All premises, including eating establishment build in or under an industrial premise and with  a total LPG storage quantity not exceeding 5 metric tonnes
    Guidelines for company Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
  2. Stand-alone eating establishment (like for example HDB coffeeshop) build outside of an industrial premise with total LPG storage quantity not exceeding 5 metric tonnes
    Guidelines for Emergency Response Plan (ERP) - Eating Establishments

Refer to SCDF website for the latest update on the Petroleum and Flammable materials storage, import and transport licensing requirement.

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