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Showing posts with label MOM WSH circular. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MOM WSH circular. Show all posts

Saturday, August 3, 2024

WSH Circular WSH Coordinator Training

WSH Circular WSH Coordinator Refresher Training

To: Construction Companies that employ WSH Coordinators

WSH Coordinator Refresher Training

With reference to the circular MOM/OSHD/2023-02 issued on 16 Feb 2023 (refer to https://www.mom.gov.sg/workplace-safety-and-health/wsh-circulars), the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) reminds Construction Companies to send WSH Coordinators who are appointed to work in their worksites to attend the WSH Coordinator Refresher Training every two years.

2 The WSH Act requires the Employer and the Principal to take reasonably practicable measures to ensure the safety and health of the workers. This includes providing these workers with adequate training for them to perform their work. The WSH Coordinator Refresher Training provides continuous training to build up

a WSH Coordinator’s competencies in assisting the occupier to manage workplace injury risks. This allows the WSH Coordinator to bridge WSH directives from the management to workers, and see to the implementation and compliance with WSH practices.

4. The refresher training will be conducted in two parts:

i) e-learning (to be completed within a week), which can be carried out anywhere, anytime, and completed by different sections, at the participant’s convenience using his/her mobile phones or any other internet-connected devices; AND

ii) a one day in-person training session, AFTER the participant has completed his/her e-learning.

5. The refresher training provides new information not covered in the WSH Coordinators’ Advanced Certificate in WSH course. Learners will be updated on the latest WSH developments, and key areas such as good WSH practices and effective management of contractors. There will be activities where they can apply their knowledge and skills to practical work scenarios with case studies relevant to construction as well as other different industries.

6. The refresher training fees is estimated to be about $100, at the company’s cost, and should not be deducted from the WSH Coordinator’s salary. You may contact either training provider, as listed below, to sign up your WSH Coordinator/s for the refresher training and register via the registration QR code. The training provider will assist with the setting up of email address account, if required, for any WSH Coordinator who does not have an email address account. The email address is necessary and required for the WSH Coordinator to access the e-learning.

7. To access the FAQs on the programme, you may scan the QR code below:

8. All WSH Coordinators who attend the refresher training will have their training records updated in MOM WSH Training Record System (TRS). MOM may conduct checks to ensure compliance of the training requirement for all your WSH Coordinators.

9. For any query pertaining to the WSH Coordinator Refresher Training, please email to wsh_training@wshc.sg.

WSH Circular Safe Use Storage Racks

 WSH Circular Safe Use of Storage Racks


Occupiers and employers engaged in warehouse and storage operations are reminded to take all reasonably practicable measures to ensure that the storage racks at your workplace are safe for use. You may refer to Annex A for guidance on some of the relevant WSH requirements. 

Step 1. Check your existing storage racks to ensure that they are designed for the intended storage load and have been properly installed.

Step 2. Perform a risk assessment on the use of storage racks.

Step 3. Establish a maintenance regime for the storage racks.

Annex A - Relevant WSH Requirements for Safe Use of Storage Racks

The following is a non-comprehensive list of relevant WSH requirements.

1) Design Consideration

The design of storage racks must allow for safe use and maintenance. The following should be considered in the design of storage racks:

a) Storage racks must be structurally stable and designed with the intended use in mind (e.g. weight, volume, shape, dimensions, environment to be used in etc.).

b) The safe working load of the storage racks should be prominently displayed. In particular, if the storage racks are stacked, the lower racks must be designed to take into account of the weight of the upper racks and their corresponding goods.

c) There should be safe means of access to the goods being stored, including proper work-at-heights measures.

d) The physical environment where the storage racks are to be used should be considered. For example, racks that are placed in areas where there is vehicular moment (e.g. forklifts, reach trucks etc) should be designed to withstand impact from possible collisions. In a cold room environment, temperature swings may require special considerations for corrosion protection due to moisture and other effects on the structural integrity of storage racks.

e) A re-assessment of the storage rack’s design should be carried before any change of use, including a change in the nature of goods to be stored.

2) Use of Storage Racks

The following measures are to be taken when using storage racks:

a) Use of storage racks should be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

b) Conduct a risk assessment for the use of the storage racks.

c) Establish safe work procedures for work activities involving storage racks. The procedures should include confirming that the combined weight of the intended goods to be stored does not exceed the safe working load of the racks. In particular, if the racks are stacked, the bottom racks must have sufficient loading capacity to hold the racks and goods stored above.

d) Ensure that warehouse personnel made aware of the safe working loads and are trained on the safe work procedures for stacking and/or storage of goods.

3) Maintenance of Storage Racks

The following measures are to be taken when maintaining storage racks:

a) Maintenance of the storage racks should be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction.

b) Storage racks and accompanying accessories (including pallets) should be regularly inspected to ensure their structural integrity (for example, no signs of damage or corrosion). Any defective part must be repaired or replaced before use.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

WSH Circulars -Forklifts & Excavators


18 JUL 2022

To: All Interested Parties


Between Feb and Apr 2022, three workers were killed in separate workplace accidents that were contributed by the unsafe use of forklifts. Two of the accidents involved forklifts lifting and transporting loads slung from the forks.

2 Forklifts are designed with the intent to load and unload goods on their forks. Similarly, excavators are designed as earth-moving construction machinery and have been observed to be used for lifting operations. Both forklifts and excavators are, in general, not intended for use as lifting machines to carry out lifting operations.

This circular serves as a reminder on the safe use of forklifts and excavators as lifting machines.

3 Forklifts and excavators may be used as lifting machines if they fulfil the following criteria:

i) The machine has been originally designed and manufactured, or supplied, to also function as a lifting machine (which shall include considerations whether the load lifted will be slung from the machine and whether the machine will be travelling with the load);

ii) The machine is equipped with manufacturer- or supplier-approved attachment(s) or hook(s) with safety catch for lifting purposes;

iii) The machine has a load capacity chart furnished by the manufacturer or supplier;

iv) The machine has a safe working load (SWL) not exceeding 5 tonnes when used as a lifting machine;

v) Information by the manufacturer or supplier on the safe use of the machine and its attachment/hook(s) for lifting is available;

vi) Risk assessment shall be conducted to assess the additional risks arising from the use of the machine and its attachment/hook(s) for lifting; and

vii) Any other applicable requirements as stipulated in the Workplace Safety and Health Act and its subsidiary legislation.

4 In addition to the above, excavators to be used as lifting machines must also be:

i) Equipped with an accurate indicator which shows clearly to the operator, the working radius and the corresponding SWL at all times and gives a warning signal whenever the radius is in the unsafe zone; and

ii) Examined and registered by an Authorised Examiner as lifting machines (lifting equipment classification code 699 – Other Mobile Cranes, n.e.c.). 


5 All forklift operators must attend the WSQ Operate Forklift Course.

6 With effect from 28 September 2022, newly appointed excavator operators must attend the

  • Hydraulic Excavator Operation (As Lifting Machine) Course

All existing excavator operators are strongly encouraged to make arrangements to attend the Hydraulic Excavator Operation (As Lifting Machine) Course.

7 In addition, operators of forklifts and excavators must be familiar with the specific machinery or equipment that they use and are competent in their safe operation. 

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