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Showing posts with label free WSH guidelines. Show all posts

Saturday, February 11, 2023

WSH Guidelines -Working At Heights PPE

What is WSH Guidelines 

WSH Guidelines showcased workplace safety and health best practices and WSH program for controlling workplace hazards and improving occupational health for various industry and program.

Check out the free WSH Guidelines --PPE for Work At Heights to improve your organization WSH practices. For the latest WSH Guidelines update, refer to Singapore Workplace Safety and Health Council Website.

WSH Guidelines -PPE for Work At Heights

Fall from heights (FFH) is one of the leading causes of death and injury in the workplace. It is therefore essential that measures are taken to protect workers against the risks of falling from heights.

This guide is developed to help contractors and workers who are involved in working at heights to better understand the application of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as full body harnesses, energy absorbers, connectors and lanyards.

It is important to note that risk assessment needs to be carried out prior to any work at heights (WAH) activities. Whenever possible, WAH activities should be eliminated or substituted. Using temporary edge protection systems (such as guardrails) shall be the first option in designing any fall prevention systems. The use of anchorages and lifelines, with PPE shall be considered if the option of having temporary edge protection is not feasible

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