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Showing posts with label fire protection safety checklist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fire protection safety checklist. Show all posts

Friday, April 6, 2012

Fire Protection Safety Checklist

Safety Checklist For Fire Protection


Safety Questionnaire


Is there a fire emergency plan


Is the fire emergency plan available and accessible by all building occupants


Are all building occupants familiar with the fire emergency evacuation procedures


Have the plant conducted 2 fire drill and 2 table top exercise


Is there ongoing review of the current fire emergency plan to ensure relevancy


Is there a team of trained company emergency response team


Does each fire fighting team member know his responsibilities during a fire emergency situation
To single out one fire fighter from the Fire fighting team organization chart and interview him/her
Does each first aid team member know his responsibilities during a fire emergency situation
To single out one first aider from the first aider team organization chart and interview him/her
Does each spill response team member know his responsibilities during a fire emergency situation
To single out one spill responder from the spill response & containment team organization chart and interview him/her
Does departmental manager knows how to declare on the employee emergency headcount status record form
To single out one department manager and provide him a scenario:
During fire situation, one employee on external course, 2 on medical leave. Total staff present at that time is 34 and 34 were present at the assembly area. What should be reported under the missing column? Is it 3 missing?
Building fire warden knows about his roles and responsibilities during a fire emergency
To single out one building fire warden to check his roles and responsibilities
Reasonable number of fire extinguisher were strategically located and installed at site
Fire extinguisher were mounted at 1.5 meter and were not obstructed
Fire extinguisher were regularly serviced and the service dates were within all valid
Fire hose reel were strategically located and installed
Fire hose reel were regularly serviced and the service date were all valid
Fire Sprinkler were tested once every month and maintenance records are available
Fire hose reel and extinguisher maintenance records were available
Welding is conducted at designated welding booth and fire extinguisher
The first employee who spotted the fire know what he should do
-activate the fire call point
To single out one employee and test his/her knowledge
Are all fire extinguisher locations updated on the plant site plan
Are all fire hose reel locations updated on the plant site plan
Is there an inventory of flammable materials on the plant flammables
Are Safety datasheet on all flammable materials available and accessible
Is there a list of plant key personnel for emergency situation
Doing fire emergency will the fire alarm management company be notified

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Safety Checklist For Fire Protection

Safety Checklist For Fire Protection



Safety Questionnaire

Is there a fire emergency plan

Is the fire emergency plan available and accessible by all building occupants

Are all building occupants familiar with the fire emergency evacuation procedures

Have the plant conducted 2 fire drill and 2 table top exercise

Is there ongoing review of the current fire emergency plan to ensure relevancy

Is there a team of trained company emergency response team

Does each fire fighting team member know his responsibilities during a fire emergency situation

To single out one fire fighter from the Fire fighting team organization chart and interview him/her

Does each first aid team member know his responsibilities during a fire emergency situation

To single out one first aider from the first aider team organization chart and interview him/her

Does each spill response team member know his responsibilities during a fire emergency situation

To single out one spill responder  from the spill response & containment team organization chart and interview him/her

Does departmental manager knows how to declare on the employee emergency headcount status record form

To single out one department manager and provide him a scenario:

During fire situation, one employee on external course, 2 on medical leave. Total staff present at that time is 34 and 34 were present at the assembly area. What should be reported under the missing column? Is it 3 missing?

Building fire warden knows about his roles and responsibilities during a fire emergency

To single out one building fire warden to check his roles and responsibilities

Reasonable number of fire extinguisher were strategically located and installed at site

Fire extinguisher were mounted at 1.5 meter and were not obstructed

Fire extinguisher were regularly serviced and the service dates were within all valid

Fire hose reel  were strategically located and installed

Fire hose reel were regularly serviced and the service date were all valid

Fire Sprinkler were tested once every month and maintenance records are available

Fire hose reel and extinguisher maintenance records were available

Welding is conducted at designated welding booth and fire extinguisher

The first employee who spotted the fire know what he should do
-activate the fire call point

To single out one employee and test his/her  knowledge

Are all fire extinguisher locations updated on the plant site plan

Are all fire hose reel locations updated on the plant site plan

Is there an inventory of flammable materials on the plant flammables

Are Safety datasheet on all flammable materials available and accessible

Is there a list of plant  key personnel for emergency situation

Doing fire emergency will the fire alarm management company be notified

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