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Showing posts with label Workplace housekeeping WSH standards. Show all posts

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Workplace Housekeeping

What is Workplace Housekeeping 

Workplace housekeeping is defined as activities undertaken to create or maintain an orderly, tiday, clean and safe working environment. Effective housekeeping not only can eliminate many workplace hazards but can also help get work done safely and properly.

Good housekeeping can result in:

  • More effective use of space;
  • Better inventory control of tools and equipment;
  • More efficient clean up and maintenance;
  • More hygienic workplace conditions; and
  • Improved look and feel of the work environment. 

5S Concept

5S is a workplace organisation method based on a Japanese quality management concept that companies may use to achieve a clean and organised workplace. It provides a systematic approach to achieving good housekeeping and offers opportunities for continual improvement and enhanced productivity.

Laws and Industry Standards

If you are an employer, you are expected to comply with Singapore's Workplace Safety and Health legislation You should pay particular attention to:

WSH (Risk Management) Regulations

WSH (General Provisions) Regulations

WSH (Construction) Regulations

You should also observe relevant industry standards, such as:

SS 567: Code of Practice for factory layout – Safety, health and welfare considerations

SS 531 series: Code of Practice for lighting of work places

SS 532: Code of Practice for the storage of flammable liquids

Please refer to the WSH (Approved Codes of Practice) Notification (PDF) for the full list of approved Codes of Practice.

To learn more about good housekeeping practices and 5S check out WSH Guidelines on Workplace Housekeeping 

Overview of the key steps to 5S implementation:

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