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Showing posts with label workplace safety health management system improvements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workplace safety health management system improvements. Show all posts

Monday, November 28, 2011

Continual WSH Management System Improvement

Continual improvements to organization’s WSH management system                        

An organization can  improve it’s WSH management  system by identifying  management opportunities to continually improve organization’s WSH management system based on both internal and external factors where continual improvement is defined as a process or productivity improvement tool intended to have a stable and consistent growth and result in a direct performance enhancement
There are many ways an organization can adopt to improve it’s WSH management system and this may include but not restricted to
a)Accuracy of risk assessment
b)Effectiveness of control measures

c)Improvement in legal compliance
d)Setting of more challenging WSH objectives
e)Clear definition of employee’s roles and responsibilities
f)Enhancement of communication and consultation process with stakeholder
g)Enhancement in WSH organizational structure
h)Effectiveness in communication on WSH matters
i)Improvement of documentation control procedures
j)Enhancement of emergency response preparedness and response
k)Improvement in performance monitoring process
Internal factors & external which an organization should take into consideration for improvement of its management system are
For internal factors
a)WSH Risk Assessment
The results of the risk assessment can help the organization to determine what more the organization has done to prevent them and in this work assignment, the foundry 6 identified medium risk activities have prompted the top management to relook into developing safe work procedures to lower the risk level to low level
b)WSH Performance results
By setting , collating and monitoring on WSH performance indicators and HSE objectives, the organization can better manage and controlled the safety and health risk of it’s workforce. And in this work assignment,( refer to results of HSE performance indicators monitoring) several HSE performance indicators are set by the management with the objective to ensure they addressed the health and safety issues faced by the organization and those identified by both internal or external audits or even to adapt to changes to the changes in the local WSH regulations

c)WSH audit results

The objectives of both internal and external audits are to identify potential gaps between the organization management system and procedures against the auditing standards for improvement purposes. Results of an audit shall be taken seriously and action items identified by the auditors shall be followed through and implemented within the given timeframe

For external factors

a)Changes in the legal and other requirements
Organization shall maintain a legal register that monitor changes made in the legal requirements to ensure it’s continual compliance to the relevant local legislation and such register shall be maintain and updated at all times and be accessible to all stakeholder
b)External stakeholder’s feedback
An organization should also gather feedback from it’s external stakeholder which may include but not restricted to customers; union, even insurance companies feed backs as an influencing factor for raising standards by developing survey on it’s  WSH policy and objectives to determine the relevancy based on the identified five areas of the set WSH policy and objectives
Tabulated below is an example of HSE performance indicators based on the relevant information collected from the organization which includes
a)Organization risk assessment results
b)HSE statistics
c)HSE performance results
d)External /internal audit results and
e)Internal and external factors that organization should consider for WSH Management System improvement

HSE Performance Indicators
HSE Objective
Actual performance after implementation of WSH policy & objective
Action Item/Action Officer
Zero incident of H5N1 infectious disease
Zero incident of H5N1 infectious disease
To develop H5N1 medical emergency response procedures by end Oct 2011
Day & time loss due to plant medical emergency situation shut down (days)
Zero Day Loss
0 days Loss
0 production time loss
To develop business continuity plan & crisis management plan

Musculoskeletal Disorder
Less than 5% of work force
Injury Prevention Program Training –to achieve 100% employee participation rate
Fatality Accident Rate (Automotive deaths)
Fatalities Accident Rate have gone down when compared to last year but still there are 5 cases of fatalities involving automotives
a)Driver training& qualification
b)Journey Management Standard
c)Implement wearing of seat belt as condition of employment for both driver and passenger
d)Substance Abuse Policy
e)Driver Improvement Monitors
f)Use of Cellular Phone
# of Risk Assessment With Medium Risk Level
Less than 5 RA
Safe Job Procedures mandatory whenever the risk level identified for activity is at medium risk level
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate
Employee -0
Employee Hazard Identification Program, & Risk Control Program -100% Participation Rate

Maintenance of Legal Register for local Regulatory Agency & Organizational Procedure, Code Of Practice, Singapore Standard
Implement .maintain & update legal register
Online Legal Register for local Regulatory Agency & Organizational Procedure, Code Of Practice, Singapore Standard set up & responsible by HSE department
HSE department responsible for maintaining and updating the legal register online and provide stakeholders updates each time there are changes made

Maintenance of Toxic Industrial Waste Register
Implement .maintain & update legal register & toxic waste inventory register

Toxic Industrial Waste Management

NEA, Electronic Consignment Note System Training
Online Legal Register for local Regulatory Agency & Organizational Procedure, Code Of Practice, Singapore Standard set up & responsible by HSE department

Online Toxic Waste Inventory Register set up for waste generators

Toxic Industrial Waste Management Training Conducted to all waste generators

Logging Of Toxic Industrial waste qty into NEA electronic consignment notes system training conducted to all waste generators
HSE department responsible for maintaining and updating the legal register online and provide stakeholders updates each time there are changes made

Provision of information to employees on dealing with medical emergency situation in the workplace
Medical Emergency Response Plans
Develop and implement medical emergency response plan
Online medical emergency response plan incorporated into the organization intranet and communicated to all employees

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