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Showing posts with label newly-published Singapore Standards:. Show all posts
Showing posts with label newly-published Singapore Standards:. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Singapore Standards - Newly Published

The following are some newly-published Singapore Standards:

1. SS 551:2022 – Code of practice for earthing

2. SS 586-2:2022 – Specification for hazard communication for hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods – Part 2: Globally harmonised system of classification and labelling of chemicals – Singapore’s adaptations.

3. SS 586-3:2022 – Specification for hazard communication for hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods – Part 3: Preparation of safety data sheets (SDSs)

4. SS 570-1:2022 – Personal protective equipment for protection against falls from a height – Part 1: Single-point anchor devices

5. SS 570-2:2022 – Personal protective equipment for protection against falls from a height – Part 2: Flexible horizontal lifeline systems

6. SS 692:2022 – Guidelines for nutrition and food services for infants and children

7. SS IEC 61215-1:2023 – Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules – Design qualification and type approval – Part 1: Test requirements

8. SS IEC 61215-1-1:2023 – Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules – Design qualification and type approval – Part 1-1: Special requirements for testing of crystalline silicon photovoltaic (PV) modules

9. SS IEC 61215-2:2023 – Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules – Design qualification and type approval – Part 2: Test procedures

Flexi Subscription Plan

The Singapore Standards Subscription Service allows you instant and unlimited access to your preferred Singapore Standards anytime and anywhere. The Subscription Service is an effective, cost-saving and multi-user solution for accessing Singapore Standards.

We are pleased to announce our new subscription solution, Flexi Subscription Plan, which allows you to subscribe to Singapore Standards for a short-term period, starting with a minimum of one-month subscription. You could select the Singapore Standards that you require, the number of users and the subscription period between 1 month to 11 months, depending on your business requirements and budget.

For more information on the Flexi Subscription Plan or to receive a quotation, call us at Tel: 6826 9685, 6826 9629, 6826 9680 or email to singaporestandardseshop@toppanleefung.com.

(Please note that the Flexi Subscription Plan is for new subscriptions only and existing subscribers cannot convert to this plan until after the expiry of their present subscription.) 

Upcoming Event: Launch of SS 333 Specification for Fire Dampers

Enterprise Singapore, together with IES-SDO, is organising a seminar launch of the revised Singapore Standard on specification for fire dampers (SS 333:2022) on 21 March 2023, Tuesday at Concorde Hotel Singapore.

Air-conditioning and ventilation ducts have to traverse through fire rated walls, floor and ceiling in order to provide an economical and effective system for any building. This system, however, provides an effective means whereby fire and smoke (fire-smoke damper) can infiltrate throughout the whole building. Hence, there is a necessity to have fire dampers in order to preserve the integrity of each compartmented area in the event of an outbreak of fire.

This seminar will highlight the key changes of SS 333:2022, which includes Fire Code provisions, and the usage of fire damper and fire-smoke damper. Participants will also learn how to differentiate between fire damper and fire-smoke damper, and its installation methods. Product testing procedures and how to get fire-smoke damper tested and listed under SCDF Product Listing Scheme (PLS) will also be covered.

For more information: https://bit.ly/3RlYQ10

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