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Showing posts with label Risk Assessment Conducted For Waterproofing At Height Activity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Risk Assessment Conducted For Waterproofing At Height Activity. Show all posts

Friday, December 23, 2011

Waterproofing At Height Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment Conducted For Waterproofing At Height Activity


Plant Expansion Phase I
Date of last review
26 Oct 2011
Assessment Team:
Adam Lee ( contractor lorry crane operator), Sean Koh ( Signal man),Ricky Tan ( Rigger man) , Alvin Jazz Tan ( Safety Coordinator) and Roy Lai ( contractor lifting supervisor)
Date of next review
26 Oct 2014
Waterproofing at height–application of membrane for barrier of water on building tops/roof
Approved by:
Wilson Philip
GLM Manufacturing Manager
Activity Steps
Hazard Description
and Worst Case Consequences  with no Prevention or Mitigation Measures in Place
Loss Category/
Population Affected
Risk Level
List all Current and Planned Control Measures, taking into Account all Contributing and Escalating Factors
Risk Level
Person In Charge

Climbing up the monkey ladder located in the plant AHU room to access the building roof top
1)Back Injuries due to incorrect body posture and technique in climbing monkey ladder

Low Risk
1)Contractors undergone site safety induction and aware of the hazards and risks in the hosting plant
2)Risk assessment conducted on all activities associated with climbing monkey ladder and membrane application work on building roof top and control measures implemented to mitigate the severity and occurrence of the hazards
3)The hazards, risks and control measures identified for the climbing of monkey ladder and membrane application work on building roof top have been communicated to all involved workers
4)Workers involved in membrane application on building roof tops shall undertake pre job warm up exercise before work commencement
6)Full body safety harness are provided to workers working on building roof top membrane application work
7)Workers are trained on the correct technique to don the full body safety harness and on checking it’s condition for wear and tear
8)PTW shall be apply for all membrane application work on building roof top
9)Contractors workers are trained on membrane application work based on their Safe Job Procedures
10)PTW shall be apply for any membrane application activity on building roof top
1)Daily toolbox meeting to communicate the hazards/risks  associated with membrane application on building roof top to all involved workers
2)Safe Job procedures on membrane application on building roof top developed by contractors
3)Pre check of safety harness by workers prior to start of work
4)PPE requirements of gloves, hard hat, safety shoes, safety goggle, safety harness
Low Risk
Peter Tan

Manually transferring membrane application chemicals and painting accessories via the monkey ladder to building roof top
1)Back Injuries due to incorrect body posture and technique in climbing monkey ladder
2)Falling objects due to transferring excessive items at one go
3)Head injuries due to hit by building roof top entry/exit point cover

Medium Risk
1)Contractors undergone site safety induction and aware of the hazards and risks in the hosting plant
2)Risk assessment conducted on all activities associated with transferring items via the AHU monkey ladder to building roof top and control measures implemented to mitigate the severity and occurrence of the hazards
3)The hazards, risks and control measures identified for transferring items via AHU monkey ladder to building roof top have been communicated to all involved workers
4)Workers involved in membrane application on building roof tops shall undertake pre job warm up exercise before work commencement
5)Full body safety harness are provided to workers working on building roof top membrane application work
6)Workers are trained on the correct technique to don the full body safety harness and on checking it’s condition for wear and tear
7)PTW shall be apply for all membrane application work on building roof top
8)Contractors shall ensure the entry/exit door to the building roof top is closed at all times
9)Contractors shall anchored their safety harness whilst undertaking the membrane application on building roof top
10)Contractor shall stop  all membrane application work when there is sign of lightning
11)Contractor shall ensure that the building roof top is house keep after membrane application work
1)Daily toolbox meeting to communicate the hazards/risks  associated with membrane application on building roof top to all involved workers
2)Safe Job procedures on membrane application on building roof top developed by contractors
3)Pre check of safety harness by workers prior to start of work
4)PPE requirements of gloves, hard hat, safety shoes, safety goggle, safety harness
Low Risk
Peter Tan
Apply membrane application on building roof top
1)Falling into  building roof top entry /exit point due to entry exit point door not closed
2)Slipping hazards
3)Strike by lightning due to perform membrane application on a stormy weather condition
Medium Risk
1)Workers undergone the site safety induction course
2)Risk assessment conducted on all activities associated with membrane application work on building roof top and control measures implemented to mitigate the severity and occurrence of the hazards
3)The hazards, risks and control measures identified for the membrane application work on building roof top have been communicated to all involved workers
4)Workers involved in membrane application on building roof tops shall undertake pre job warm up exercise before work commencement
5)Full body safety harness are provided to workers working on building roof top membrane application work
6)Workers are trained on the correct technique to don the full body safety harness and on checking it’s condition for wear and tear
7)PTW shall be apply for all membrane application work on building roof top
8)Contractors  are advised to close the entry/exit door to the building roof top when not in use
9)Contractor  shall stop all work  and exit the building roof top safely when there is sign of lightning and thundering.

1)Daily toolbox meeting to communicate the hazards/risks  associated with membrane application on building roof top to all involved workers
2)Safe Job procedures on membrane application on building roof top developed by contractors
3)Pre check of safety harness by workers prior to start of work
4)PPE requirements of gloves, hard hat, safety shoes, safety goggle, safety harness
Medium Risk
Peter Tan

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