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Showing posts with label track wsh objectives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label track wsh objectives. Show all posts

Monday, November 28, 2011

Effective Tracking of WSH policy & Objectives

To track the relevancy and effectiveness of the WSH policy and objectives, the organization shall develop and implement efficient method of tracking and  monitoring their HSE performance by developing suitable HSE performance indicators . 
 In this post, we assume HSE performance indicators have been set so as  to  place sufficient demands and challenges upon people in order to  motivate them to achieve th e targets of the HSE objectives.

And the results of the monitoring of the set HSE  performance indicators are presented below:

Results of HSE performance indicator monitoring

WSH Policy
HSE Performance Indicators
HSE Objective
Actual performance after implementation of WSH policy & objective
Action Item/Action Officer
Be operationally attuned and emergency prepared to respond to any health or medical emergency
           To ensure our business are not affected by any emergency situations or crisis through developing and implementing business continuity plan and crisis management plan
Zero incident of H5N1 infectious disease
Zero incident of H5N1 infectious disease
To develop H5N1 medical emergency response procedures by end Oct 2011
To ensure our business are not affected by any emergency situations or crisis through developing and implementing business continuity plan and crisis management plan

Loss due to plant medical emergency situation shut down (days)
Zero Day Loss
0 days Loss
0 production time loss
To develop business continuity plan & crisis management plan

Protect the health and safety of our people at all times and in all circumstances by ensuring our people are not constantly exposed to occupational diseases & workplace hazards through sound risk management & health management programmes

Musculoskeletal Disorder
Less than 5% of work force
Injury Prevention Program Training –to achieve 100% employee participation rate
Driving is the greatest accident risk faced by our employees. To minimise this risk and to ensure worldwide standard for driving qualification and practices are followed, all employees at all locations shall adhere to the driving policy
Fatality Accident Rate (Automotive deaths)
a)Driver training& qualification
b)Journey Management Standard
c)Implement wearing of seat belt as condition of employment for both driver and passenger
d)Substance Abuse Policy
e)Driver Improvement Monitors
f)Use of Cellular Phone
Provide the best Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Risk Control Programmes & regularly review these programmes to achieve zero occupational disease & workplace accidents
# of Risk Assessment With Medium Risk Level
Less than 5 RA
Safe Job Procedures mandatory whenever the risk level identified for activity is at medium risk level
Provide the best Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Risk Control Programmes & regularly review these programmes to achieve zero occupational disease & workplace accidents
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate
Employee -0
Employee Hazard Identification Program, & Risk Control Program -100% Participation Rate

Develop and implement Develop and implement document control systems for the collection and maintenance of master organizational procedures, local regulatory requirements, WSH Acts, local standards and Code Of Practice
Maintenance of Legal Register for local Regulatory Agency & Organizational Procedure, Code Of Practice, Singapore Standard
Implement .maintain & update legal register
Online Legal Register for local Regulatory Agency & Organizational Procedure, Code Of Practice, Singapore Standard set up & responsible by HSE department
HSE department responsible for maintaining and updating the legal register online and provide stakeholders updates each time there are changes made

Develop and implement document control systems for the collection and maintenance of master organizational procedures, local regulatory requirements, WSH Acts, local standards and Code Of Practice
Maintenance of Toxic Industrial Waste Register
Implement .maintain & update legal register & toxic waste inventory register

Toxic Industrial Waste Management

NEA, Electronic Consignment Note System Training
Online Legal Register for local Regulatory Agency & Organizational Procedure, Code Of Practice, Singapore Standard set up & responsible by HSE department

Online Toxic Waste Inventory Register set up for waste generators

Toxic Industrial Waste Management Training Conducted to all waste generators

Logging Of Toxic Industrial waste qty into NEA electronic consignment notes system training conducted to all waste generators
HSE department responsible for maintaining and updating the legal register online and provide stakeholders updates each time there are changes made

Provision of information to employees on dealing with medical emergency situation in the workplace
Medical Emergency Response Plan
Develop and implement medical emergency response plan
Online medical emergency response plan incorporated into the organization intranet and communicated to all employees
To identify other types of emergencies situation relevant to the organization

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