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Showing posts with label Workplace cover under WSH Act. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Workplace cover under WSH Act. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Workplaces Covered by the WSH Act

Workplaces covered by the Act

The Workplace Safety & Health Act covers all factories and workplaces of various risk levels and industries.
A factory is any premise which any of the following is carried out:
  • the making of any article or part of any article;
  • the altering, repairing, ornamenting, finishing, cleaning or washing of any article;
  • the breaking up or demolition of any article;
  • the adapting for sale of any article.
Specifically, the following premise types are considered factories:

Heavy Industries

  1. Any yard, including any dock, wharf, jetty, quay and the area within its boundaries, where the construction,reconstruction, repair, refitting, finishing or breaking up of ships is carried out. This includes the waters next to any such yard where similar shipbuilding activities are carried out by the occupier of that yard or by others on his behalf.
  2. Any premises where the construction, reconstruction or repair of locomotives, aircraft, vehicles or other plant used for transport is carried on as a part of a transport undertaking or other industrial or commercial undertaking. These premises are not used for the purpose of housing locomotives, aircraft or vehicles where only cleaning, washing, running repairs or minor adjustments are carried out.
  3. Any premises where building operations or any work of engineering construction are carried on.

Light Industries

  1. Any premises in which the business of hooking, plaiting, lapping, making up or packing of yarn or cloth is carried out.
  2. Any premises where the making, adaptation or repair of dresses, scenery or props is carried on as part of the production of films, tapes or discs for public broadcaster screening or to the presentation of theatrical performances for trade or gain. These premises are not a stage or dressing-room of a theater in which only occasional adaptations or repairs are made.
  3. Any premises where the business of making or mending nets is carried on as part of the fishing industry.
  4. Any premises where the production of cinematographic films is carried on for trade or gain. These premises are not a stage or a dressing-room of any actor connected with the production of any cinematographic film.
  5. Any premises where the printing by letter press, offset, lithography, photogravure, rotogravure, or other similar process, or the binding of such printed materials is carried on for trade or gain or as part of another business.
  6. Any premises where mechanical power is used in connection with the making or repair of any article incidentally to any business carried on by way of trade or for purpose of gain. 

Ancillary Industries

  1. Any premises where the sorting of articles is carried on before the actual work is carried out in any other factory whether that other factory is situated within or outside Singapore
  2. Any premises where the washing or filling of bottles or containers or packing of articles is carried on in connection with the work of any other factory, whether that other factory is situated within or outside Singapore
  3. Any laundry as a part of another business or in connection with any public institution
  4. Any premises where articles are made or prepared as part of any building operations or any works of engineering construction
  5. Any premises where mechanical power is used in connection with the sorting, packing, handling or storing of articles carried on for trade or gain or as part of another business.

Storage facilities

  1. Any premises which are used for the storage of gas, including liquefied gas, in a container having a storage capacity of not less than 140 cubic metres.
  2. Any premises which are used for the bulk storage of toxic or flammable liquid in a container (excluding liquefied gas), that is not an underground container and that has a storage capacity of not less than 5,000 cubic metres.


  1. Any premises where work is carried out for or in connection with generating electrical energy for supply for trade or gain
  2. Any premises where mechanical power is used for supplying water or in connection with a water supply
  3. Any sewage works where mechanical power is used and any pumping station used in connection with these works
Other workplaces subject to Workplace Safety & Health Act include:
  1. Any premises within an airport where any checking, inspecting, cleaning, loading, unloading or refueling of an aircraft is carried out by persons other than the crew of aircraft.
  2. Any ship in a harbour where any of the following is carried out:

    • scaling, scurfing, or cleaning of boilers, including combustion chambers or smoke boxes, in the ship;
    • cleaning of any tanks, bilges or holds in the ship;
    • construction, reconstruction, repair, fitting, furnishing or breaking up.
  3. Any dock, wharf or quay where loading, unloading or bunkering of a ship is carried out by persons other than the crew of the ship.
  4. Any premises delineated as a railway area under the Rapid Transit Systems Act (Cap. 263A) and where any inspection, testing or maintenance of any railway is carried out.
  5. Any premises, other than domestic premises, in which a steam boiler, steam receiver or air receiver is used.
  6. Any laboratory or other premises where the testing, examination or analysis of any article is carried out.
  7. Any ship where any survey or inspection of the ship or its contents is carried out by any person other than by the crew of the ship.
  8. Any tunnel, bridge or viaduct where any survey or inspection of the tunnel, bridge or viaduct is carried out.
  9. Any hotel, lodging house, dormitory, service apartment, chalet, camping site or other premises where the provision of short-stay accommodation is carried out by way of trade or for purposes of gain.
  10. Any restaurant, bar, canteen or other premises where food or drinks are sold or catered for consumption within those premises or elsewhere.
  11. Any hospital, hospice, nursing home or medical or dental clinic or other premises providing nursing and rehabilitation services.
  12. Any veterinary centre providing any of the following services:

     (a) diagnosis of disease in, and injuries to, animals or birds, including
          tests performed for diagnostic purposes;

     (b) the treatment, vaccination or innoculation of animals or birds.
  13. Any premises where landscaping or garden maintenance is carried out.
  14. Any premises where the collection, purification or distribution of water is carried out.
  15. Any premises where the disposal or treatment of sewage or refuse is carried out.
  16. Any premises where the recycling of metal or non-metal waste or scrap is carried out.
  17. Any premises where:

     (a) freight forwarding, packing or crating services;

     (b) cargo surveying services;

     (c) container services; or

     (d) crane services

    are carried out by way of trade or for purposes of gain or incidentally to another business so carried out.
Refer to Singapore Statues Online for the latest update

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