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Showing posts with label fire-certificate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fire-certificate. Show all posts

Monday, August 21, 2023

Fire -Certificate SCDF


Under the Fire Safety Act Section 35, the owner or occupier of any public buildings such as offices, hospitals, shopping complexes, industrial buildings and private residential buildings that fall within the following criteria is required to apply and obtain a Fire Certificate-


The FC Scheme ensures the proper maintenance and good working condition of fire safety systems. These systems should be tested in accordance with the relevant codes of practice.

The Section 35 of the Fire Safety Act 1993 contains the following definitions:

Public Building1 (except for a residential building) that has an occupant load of more than 200 persons, other than a serviced apartment with external corridors that comply with the requirements specified in Chapter 2 of the Fire Code;

  • a standalone carpark that complies with the requirements specified in Chapter 2 of the Fire Code; and
  • a hawker centre or wet market that is not fully enclosed on all sides. 

An industrial building that

  • Has an occupant load of 1,000 persons or more;
  • Has a floor area of site area2 of 5,000 square metres or more; or
  • Has a habitable height of more than 24 metres.

A foreign dormitory that

  • Has an occupant load of 1,000 persons or more;
  • Has a floor area of site area2 of 5,000 square metres or more; or
  • Has a habitable height of more than 24 metres.

A hospital

A residential building that

  • Has a habitable height of more than 24 metres;

Is installed with

  • An automatic fire alarm system;
  • A sprinkler system; or
  • A wet riser system; and

Is not used or intended to be used as an HDB flat

An engineered timber building (except a building that is used or intended to be used as an HDB flat) that is installed with any of the following:

  • An automatic fire alarm system;
  • An automatic sprinkler system;
  • An automatic smoke control system;

Any other automatic fire detection or suppression system intended to detect or control a fire automatically.

A fully automated mechanized car park that is installed with a fire protection system and meets any of the following conditions:

The total floor area of the car parking decks in the fully automated mechanized car park is more than 200 square metres;

The cubical extent of the fully automated mechanized car park (calculated in the manner prescribed in Chapter 9 of the Fire Code) is more than 1,400 cubic metres;

The parking height of the fully automated mechanized car park above ground (measured in the manner prescribed in Chapter 9 of the Fire Code) is more than 10 metres;

Where any part of the parking levels is below ground, the total parking height of the fully automated mechanized car park (measured in the manner prescribed in Chapter 9 of the Fire Code) is more than 14 metres;

There are more than 2 parking levels below ground.

1 "Public Building" means a building to which the public or a section of the public has access as of right, or by virtue of express or implied permission with or without payment of a fee.

2 Refers to the statistical gross floor area within the same development/premises.


Application for the issue of FC must be made within twelve (12) months after the date on which the certificate of statutory completion or temporary occupation permit is issued, whichever is earlier. 

For new FC applications, owners or occupiers are required to first complete and email the “Information on Fire Certificate” form to SCDF. 

For premises which are renewing their FC, applications shall be made at least two months before the expiry of the existing FC.

Fire Certificate (FC) applications shall be made via GoBusiness Portal from 14 Auguest 2023.

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