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Showing posts with label RA limitation risk assessment limitation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RA limitation risk assessment limitation. Show all posts

Monday, January 2, 2023

RA Limitation

Limitation in Risk Assessment

When using the QRA results for decision making purposes or when chartering a QRA Study, we must recognise and respect the limitation in risk assessment due to the fact that quantitative risk analysis is subject to several theoretical limitation lists.


There can never be a guarantee that all accident situations, causes, and effects have been considered

Model Validity

Probabilistic failure models cannot be verified. Physical phenomena are observed in experiments and used in model correlations, but models are, at best, approximations of specific accident conditions


The lack of specific data on component failure characteristics, chemical and physical properties and phenomena severely limit accuracy and can produce large uncertainties


Various aspects of QRA are highly subjective-the results are very sensitive to the analysts assumptions. The same problem, using identical data and models, may generate widely varying answers when analyzed by different experts

Skill Unavailable

The accuracy and corresponding uncertainty of a risk estimate depend heavily upon the expertise and judgement of the analyst


The inherent nature of QRA makes the results difficult to understand and use

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