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Showing posts with label responsibilities of fire fighting team during fire situation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label responsibilities of fire fighting team during fire situation. Show all posts

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Roles & Responsibilities Of Fire Fighters During A Fire Situation

Roles & Responsibilities Of Fire Fighters During A Fire Situation                

             i     Upon hearing the plant building fire alarm activation, the Fire fighting team
                   FFT) shall immediately proceed to the Fire Command Center without being
                   instructed by the Fire Command Center

            ii     At the Fire Command Center, the fire fighting team shall update their
                   attendance on the emergency head count check list for Company
                   Emergency Response Team and shall immediately don the fire retardant
                   coverall, full face respirator and simultaneously check prepare the fire
                   extinguisher & gas detector

            iii    Upon fully gowned, the fire fighting team shall assemble at the fire
                   command center awaiting for SIC further instruction

                   When fire situation is reported during office hours,
                   Fire case is confirmed - reported fire is incipient

           iv     When fire situation is confirmed, all fire fighters ( Fire Fighters Organization chart)
                   shall proceed to  the control point  together with the Site Incident Controller ( SIC)
                   carrying  with them portable fire extinguisher, gas detector and one walkie talkie

           v      Meanwhile the standby fire fighting team shall prepare themselves for
                   possible reinforcement or backup duties by preparing new set of fire
                   extinguisher and standby at the fire command center awaiting for SIC

           Vi    Upon activated by the SIC to proceed to the fire scene, the fire fighting
                   team stationed at the control point shall proceed to the fire scene
                   carrying with them the fire extinguishers.

           vii    Meanwhile the standby fire fighting team shall leave the command center
                   carrying a new set of fire extinguishers to the control point. These new
                   fire extinguishers shall be replaced with those used by the fire fighting

            w    The process of moving to and fro from the fire command center to the
                    control point with new set of fire extinguisher and vice versa only stop
                    when the fire have been put out or when SCDF took over the incident
                    management and fire fighting

                   When fire situation is reported after office hours,
                   Fire case is confirmed - reported fire is incipient

                   Duty Fire fighting team  based on the weekly supervisor and company 
                   emergency response team duty roster  will fight the fire without risk to
                   their life and shall report to the Fire Command Center via Walkie Talkie
                   the following  information

                  a) what is on fire?
                  b) what material is being burnt
                  c) the extent of the fire
                  d) whether the fire location is near to any flammable chemicals
                      or risky installations

                  When fire situation is confirmed - reported fire is uncontrolled

                   If the reported fire is uncontrolled, the fire fighting team shall radioed back
                   to the Fire Command Center via their walkie talkie and report to the FCC
                   the following information before they evacuate the fire scene using the 
                   nearest fire emergency exit staircase to the Assembly Area.
                  a)  what is on fire?
                  b) what material is being burnt?
                  c) the extent of the fire
                  d)whether the fire location is near to any flammable chemicals or risky

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