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Showing posts with label Lorry Crane Stability Control System. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lorry Crane Stability Control System. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

New Lorry Crane Stability System

 New Lorry Crane Stability Control System Requirement Effective 2025

SINGAPORE: Newly registered lorry cranes shall be installed with a stability control system effective from 2025 onward, to eliminate the risk of the heavy vehicles toppling over.

According to the Ministry of Manpower, over the past decade, 63 per cent of all dangerous occurrences involving lorry cranes could have been prevented with a stability control system,

There were a total of 14 dangerous occurrences involving lorry cranes between 2020 and 2024, resulting in two deaths.

Lorry cranes are used to load and unload material and equipment, and are frequently used near public areas, said MOM.

"If the crane topples, it can have a severe impact on workers and it can potentially even impact and affect members of the public," 

Lorry cranes have stabilisers in the form of outriggers that extend from the vehicle chassis

But in some environments where space is constrained, the stabilisers cannot extend fully. This can compromise the safety of lifting operations, said MOM.

A stability control system detects the deployment and extension of each stabiliser, and also takes into account the load being carried by the lorry crane.

The system then calculates and restricts crane manoeuvres within a safe lifting zone.

To learn more click Lorry Crane Stability Control System

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