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Showing posts with label free WSH guidelines for construction procurement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free WSH guidelines for construction procurement. Show all posts

Thursday, July 11, 2024

WSH Guidelines Construction Procurement

 Workplace Safety and Health Guidelines on Procurement in the Construction Industry

What is WSH Guidelines 

WSH Guidelines showcased workplace safety and health best practices and WSH program for controlling workplace hazards and improving occupational health for various industry and program 

Check out the free WSH Guidelines on Procurement in the Construction industry to improve your organization WSH practices. For the latest WSH Guidelines update, refer to Singapore Workplace Safety and Health Council Website.

Developers can demonstrate strong WSH ownership by incorporating WSH principles into their procurement process. Eliminating tenderers who may struggle to cope with WSH risks improves WSH performance across the construction industry.
1.1 Role of Procurement in Strengthening WSH Outcomes
Developers, as the apex pay masters in the construction industry value chain, exert strong influence over strengthening WSH practices and culture across main and sub-contractors
through their procurement contracts.

Principle 2 of the Code of Practice on Chief Executives’ and Board of Directors’ WSH Duties (ACOP) states that company directors can demonstrate leadership in improving WSH performance and management by continuously building a strong WSH culture, setting the tone, and demonstrating visible leadership in embodying and communicating highly effective WSH standards.

One of the ways CEOs and Board directors can adopt this principle is by setting and demanding effective WSH standards and performance from their vendors and partners. 

These guidelines give details and examples on how construction companies, particularly developers, should design their procurement practices in support of Principle 2 of the ACOP

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