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Showing posts with label factory notification and registration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label factory notification and registration. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Certification & Registration

Certification & Registration

Before any organization undertake high risk activities in the workplace, they may be required to obtain a licence or certificate of competency, or register with the Ministry of Manpower.

Organization need to appoint authorised officers to perform electronic transactions on its behalf before they can use the e-services here.

MOM provides the following licensing and renewal services:
  • Factory Notification & Registration
  • Licensing for Equipment
  • Licensing for Equipment Operators
  • Licensing for Safety Professionals
  • Licensing for Service Providers
  • Nomination of eService Account Administrator and eService User

Factory Notification & Registration

Factory Notification

Factory owners are required to either notify or register their premises with MOM before operations begin. Factories with lower risk activities requires only a one-time notification to MOM before commencing operations. This notification is inclusive of a Risk Management (RM) Declaration with the Commissioner for WSH. 

Factory Registration (Group A, Group B)

Factory owners are required to either notify or register their premises with MOM before operations begin. Factories with higher-risk activities are required to register with MOM before beginning operations, subject to renewals if they fall under certain categories. 

Licensing for Equipment

Lifting Equipment

Lifting equipment such as cranes, lifts, hoists, and any cage or work platform used for carrying persons must be registered with the Occupational Safety and Health Division. Registration can only be conducted by an MOM Authorised Examiner  

Pressure Vessels

Pressure vessels must be registered with the Occupational Safety and Health Division. They must be examined on a periodic basis by an Authorised Examiner.  

Licensing of Equipment Operators

Crane Contractors

Under the Factories (Operation of Cranes) Regulations, no person shall install, repair, alter or dismantle a mobile crane or tower crane unless he is an approved crane contractor in writing by the Commissioner. 

Crane Operators

Crane operators must pass relevant courses conducted by the Accredited Training Provider (ATP) before they can be licensed to operate a crane. The licence is renewable every two years. 

Crane Erectors

Approved crane erectors are required in the installation, alteration and dismantling of cranes. Contractors must deploy teams comprising approved crane erectors and sufficient crane assistants to set up and dismantle cranes safely. 

Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Driver (1st Class, 2nd Class)

Individuals must be certified by MOM before they can operate an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Driver. To qualify as a 2nd Class ICE Driver, applicant must have at least 2 years relevant working experience as ICE Driver in charge of an internal combustion engine, as well as pass an oral examination conducted by MOM. To be a 1st Class ICE Driver, applicants must have at least 18 months relevant working experience after obtaining the 2nd Class certificate.

Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Engineer (1st Grade, 2nd Grade)

To be certified as a 2nd Grade ICE Engineer, applicants must have at least 12 months relevant experience in operational charge or as an assistant in operational charge of Internal Combustion Engines. They have to attend and pass the interview by the Board of Examiners. After 12 months of obtaining his 2nd Grade ICE Engineer certificate, an individual may apply to become a 1st Grade ICE Engineer.

Steam Boiler Attendant (1st Class, 2nd Class)

Applicant must have at least 2 years relevant working experience assisting in operational charge of a steam engine/steam boiler or hold a valid equivalent Certificate of Competency (COC) issued by a recognised authority. Holders of the 2nd Class certificate may apply to become a 1st Class boiler attendant after 18 months' relevant working experience.

Steam Engineer (1st Grade, 2nd Grade)

Applicants to become a 2nd Grade Steam Engineer must have at least 12 months relevant working experience assisting in operational charge of a steam engine or steam boiler. Applicants without the Engineering Knowledge II (2nd Grade) certificate awarded by Singapore Polytechnic has to attend and pass the interview by the Board of Examiners. Steam Engineers who have 12 months' relevant working experience after obtaining their 2nd Grade certificate can apply for a 1st Grade certificate.

Licensing for Safety Professionals

Authorised Examiner (Lifting equipment)

Authorised Examiners must be Registered Professional Engineers in the relevant field with a valid Practising Certificate. They must have at least 5 years of relevant experience in the design, commissioning, operation, maintenance and inspection or any related experience in the lifting equipment applied for. They must be also familiar with the relevant codes and standards on the inspection criteria related to the lifting equipment applied for. 

Authorised Examiner (Pressure vessel)

To be an Authorised Examiner of Pressure Vessels, applicants must be a registered Professional Engineer in the relevant field with a valid Practising Certificate issued by Professional Engineers Board, Singapore. They should have at least 5 years relevant experience in design, commissioning, operation, maintenance and inspection or any related experience of the pressure vessels applied for. Applicant must be familiar with the relevant codes and standards on the inspection criteria of the pressure vessels applied for. 

Designated Factory Doctor

Designated factory doctors must be registered medical practitioners with the Singapore Medical Council.They must also hold relevant approved Postgraduate Occupational Health Qualifications. 

Workplace Safety & Health Professional

Workplace Safety & Health (WSH) Professionals must hold one of the prescribed WSH-related qualifications, and have at least 2 years' relevant working experience (documentary proof from employer is required). 

Licensing for Service Providers

Crane Contractors

Under the Factories (Operation of Cranes) Regulations, no person shall install, repair, alter or dismantle a mobile crane or tower crane unless he is an approved crane contractor in writing by the Commissioner. 

Risk Consultant

Risk Consultants assist the company to train staff on risk assessment and guides them through risk assessment of work processes and the implementation of risk control measures. They play a critical role in ensuring that capability in risk assessment is heightened, and a risk management system is established within the company.

Scaffold Contractor

Only approved scaffold contractors are allowed to erect, install, re-position, altered or dismantle scaffolds (other than tower and trestle scaffolds or any scaffold with a height less than 4m). 

Accredited Training Provider (ATP)

Training providers are required to submit course/teaching materials and examination questions/answers for accreditation by MOM. Individuals are not eligible to apply for approval to be accredited as an Accredited Training Provider (ATP). 

Inspection Agency (Pressure vessels & Lifting equipment)

Third Party Inspection Agencies for Lifting Equipment and Pressure Vessels must be approved by MOM. 

Workplace Safety & Health auditing organisation

Audits of safety and health management systems must be carried out in accordance to the relevant legislation and guidelines set out for each industry. To ensure that workplace safety and health audits are carried out in an acceptable manner, all approved workplace safety and health auditing organisations and auditors are required to adhere to MOM's guidelines. 

Authorisation of eService Account Administrator and Nomination of eService user

Before using Workplace Safety & Health online eServices, an organisation needs to authorise officers to perform electronic transactions on its behalf.

eService Account Administrator

Every Workplace or Competent Organisation registered with MOM needs to authorise (only) one staff member to be an eService Account Adminstrator. The roles of an eService Account Administrator are as follows:
  1. Nominate eService User(s) for each Workplace or Competent Organisation record;
  2. Maintain eService User account(s) i.e. Update or Remove the eService User record(s). 
Staff authorised to be eService Account Administrator needs to 
  1. Use his/her SingPass to log in to either of the eServices listed below;
  2. Complete the online form;
  3. Upload the authorisation letter printed on company letterhead , indicating clearly the Personal Identification Number (ie. NRIC No. or FIN No.), full name and contact details of the nominee.

eService User

An eService User is nominated by an organisation’s eService Account Administrator or an Authorised Examiner (who has subscribed to Workplace Safety and Health online eServices) to perform electronic transactions on its behalf. The eService Account Adminstrator or the Authorised Examiner need s to log in to the eService listed below using his SingPass, fill in the Workplace Number/Competent Organisation Reference number (if applicable) as well as contact details of the nominee.

The eService can also be used to enquire on the eService Account User(s) that have been registered to act on behalf of the organisation or the Authorised Examiner.

Refer to Singapore Ministry of Manpower website for latest update and requirement of certification and registration

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