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Free Safety Toolbox : Fire Safety Guidelines for HDB Estates Common Areas

Guidelines On The Use of Common Areas in HDB Estates

There are hundreds of fires in HDB common areas every year. Obstruction to common corridors and fire fighting equipment (e.g. dry risers & hose reels) can seriously hamper fire fighting efforts and smooth evacuation in a fire emergency, endangering your lives. Following the guidelines will help create a safer living environment for your loved ones. 

Guidelines on Usage of Common Corridor

While SCDF does not permit the storage of combustible materials along common corridors, we can allow for the placement of shoe racks, provided;-

  1. It is for the sole purpose of keeping shoes, whereby, it would not constitute a substantial fire load,
  2. A minimum clear escape passage of 1.2* m clearance is to be maintained from the parapet wall where the shoe rack is to be allowed.
  3. No objects are to be placed along common corridors less than 1.2 m* wide. 
  4. No placement of items such as clothing racks unless they can be easily folded or removed in times of emergency so that they do not obstruct the escape route.

*The minimum unobstructed width of the corrider was increased from 1m to 1.2m after the revision of the Fire Code in 2013.

Guidelines on Staircases and Its Landing

Strictly no placement/storage of objects at staircases and its immediate landing is allowed.

Guidelines on Maintenance of Fire Safety/Fighting Provisions

Fire safety / fighting provisions are to be regularly serviced and ensure its operational readiness at all times. Access to the fire safety/fighting provisions should not be impeded at all times.

  1. No placement/storage of items within dry/wet riser compartment.
  2. No placement/storage of items within hosereel compartment.
  3. Access to dry/wet landing valves and dry/wet riser breeching inlet at common areas should not be obstructed. 
  4. Lugs to the landing valves are to be checked regularly to ensure that it is present. If found to be missing, to replace the missing pieces as soon as possible.
  5. Fire Alarm System is to be "ON" and operationally ready at all times.
  6. Smoke or heat detectors must be properly and regularly maintained.

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