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Showing posts with label development of workplace safety and health management system. Show all posts
Showing posts with label development of workplace safety and health management system. Show all posts

Friday, October 21, 2011

Workplace Safety & Health :Safety & Health Training

Workplace Safety & Health :Safety & Health Training

A. Employees Learn
Hazards (How to Protect Themselves and Others)

Facility is committed to high-quality employee hazard
training, ensures all participate, and provides regular updates;
in addition, employees can demonstrate proficiency in, and support
of, all areas covered by training.

Facility is committed to high-quality employee hazard
training, ensures all participate, and provides regular updates.

Facility provides legally required training and
makes effort to include all employees.

Training is provided when the need is apparent;
experienced employees are assumed to know the material.

Facility depends on experience and informal peer
training to meet needs.

B-1. Supervisors
Learn Responsibilities

and Underlying Reasons

All supervisors assist in worksite hazard analysis,
ensure physical protections, reinforce training, enforce discipline,
and can explain work procedures based on the training provided
to them.

Most supervisors assist in worksite hazard analysis,
ensure physical protections, reinforce training, enforce discipline,
and can explain work procedures based on the training provided
to them.

Supervisors have received basic training, appear
to understand and demonstrate importance of worksite hazard
analysis, physical protections, training reinforcement, discipline,
and knowledge of work procedures.

Supervisors make responsible efforts to meet safety
and health responsibilities, but have limited training.

There is no formal effort to train supervisors in
safety and health responsibilities.

B-2. Managers
Learn Safety and Health Program Management

All managers have received formal training in safety
and health management responsibilities.

All managers follow, and can explain, their roles
in safety and health program management.

Managers generally show a good understanding of
their safety and health role and usually model it.

Managers are generally able to describe their safety
and health role, but often have trouble modeling it.

Managers generally show little understanding of
their safety and health management responsibilities.

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Successful Workplace Safety & Health Management System

The Safety and Health Management System model below are one of the simple example of Safety and Health management model adopted by successful organisation. This organisation emphasize on the continual improvement of safety and health program in the workplace to ensure that the safety and health of the workers will be the priority in their business operations.

The main component that will moves this Safety and Health Management System to be functional and effective is the Commitment from the Top Management. The overall responsibility to this systems lies on the shoulder of management team (both top and middle Management team). They have to ensure that all other components of the systems established in a systematic manner with a proper planning and implementation.

They have to set the policy and objectives, employ resources, budget allocations, get the correct team and monitor the programs.  The implementation of any program related to safety and health should be based on this management system so that it can be monitor and improved accordingly to ensure the safety and health of the workers is maintained. Audit and inspection is the  tool that can be used by the management team to ensure the effectiveness  and the quality of the program introduced .

The professional groups in Safety and Health such as Safety and Health Officer, Occupational Health Doctor and Nurses, Industrial Hygienist, Toxicologist, etc. should be engaged by the management to assist them in establishing Safety and Health programs. The implemented programs should then be evaluated and improved.

Development Of Workplace Safety And Health Management System

The Workplace Safety and Health Management System Regulations 2009 took into effect from 1 March 2010. Under the law, it is mandatory for the following workplaces to implement Safety and Health Management Systems

-Construction worksites
-Factories engaged in the manufacture of semiconductor wafers
-Factories engaged in the manufacture of fabricated metal products, machinery or equipment (with more than 100 employees)
-Factories engaged in the manufacturing of pharmaceutical products or their intermediates
-Factories engaged in the processing or manufacturing of petroleum, petroleum products,
-petrochemicals or petrochemical products;
-Any factory engaged in the manufacturing of fluorine, chlorine, hydrogen fluoride or carbon
monoxide; and synthetic polymers
-Any premises where the bulk storage of toxic or flammable liquid is carried on by way of trade
or for the purpose of gain and which has a storage capacity of 5,000 or more cubic metres

Any occupier of a workplace who contravenes the regulation shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000, and if the contravention in respect of  which he was so convicted continues after the conviction, he shall be guilty of a further offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $1,000 for every day or part thereof during which the offence continues after conviction.

Workplace Safety and Health Management System ( WSHMS)  is widely used in the shipyards, construction worksites, semiconductor wafers factories, manufacturing of petroleum ,petroleum products, petrochemical products, fabricated metal products and machinery or equipment. 

The WSHMS consists of 14 elements  as follows:-

1)Safety Policy
2)Safe work practices
3)Safety training
4)Group meetings
5)Incident investigation and analysis
6n-house safety rules & regulations
7)Safety Promotion
8)Evaluation, selection & control of contractors
9)Safety inspections
10)Maintenance Regime
11)Risk assessment
12)Control of movement & use of hazardous chemicals
13)Occupational Health Programmes
14)Emergency preparedness

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