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Showing posts with label factory converted dormitories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label factory converted dormitories. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Workers’ Dormitory Application Approval

Safety Considerations for Workers’ Dormitories

For companies planning to handle/store hazardous substances and flammable materials, agencies (SCDF, NEA) may require a Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) study to be carried out. Based on the QRA study, Health & Safety (H&S) buffer may be generated based on the projected consequence of potential fire, explosion and/or release of toxic gases from the said company.


Due to safety reasons, agencies (SCDF, NEA, MOM, JTC, URA) do not allow workers’ dormitories to be sited within existing H&S buffer because workers may not be in a state of alertness at night (e.g. sleeping) to carry out the necessary protective actions such as evacuation or In-Place-Protection (IPP), when a major incident occurs.


For applications that are not supported due to H&S buffer, applicant is advised to look for alternative accommodation for your workers at other locations. You may refer to MOM’s website on Housing for Foreign Workers for more information on the various types of housing available such as secondary Factory Converted Dormitories (FCDs) and Purpose Built Dormitories (PBDs).


SCDF’s Application Flow Chart for Workers’ Dormitory

 Workers Dormitory


To seek SCDF’s approval on the Health & Safety (H&S) buffer, please email to SCDF_Landuse@scdf.gov.sg


Click on the links to find out more on SCDF’s Plan Approval and Fire Safety Certificate.

Various types of housing and their specific requirements

There are various types of housing that your foreign employees can live in, each with its own set of requirements. Employers must carry out due diligence to ensure these requirements are met. Employers who fail to do so may be prosecuted, and disallowed to hire foreign employees.

Announcement of New Dormitory Standards

The new dormitory standards aim to strengthen resilience against future pandemics and improve living conditions of migrant workers.

  • It applies to all new dormitories, including:
  • Purpose-Built Dormitories (PBDs)
  • Factory-Converted Dormitories (FCDs)
  • Construction Temporary Quarters (CTQs)
  • Temporary Occupation Licence Quarters (TOLQs)

Which dormitories must comply with the new dormitory standards?

ForThe dormitory
Existing or upcoming dormitories approved before 18 September 2021
  • Can continue to operate based on past approved standards until further plans are announced by MOM.
  • We are also working with various stakeholders to review the improvements that are feasible within current built infrastructure constraints.
  • To convert to the new dormitory standards, you can apply to relevant agencies to seek approval. Dormitories must meet all requirements under the new dormitory standards to be granted approval for the conversion.
New dormitories that have applied to relevant agencies for approval on or after 18 Sep 2021Must comply with the new dormitory standards.
What are PBDs

PBDs are specially designed and built with features to meet the needs of foreign employees:

  • Amenities, e.g. minimarts, dedicated cooking areas, etc.
  • Services, e.g. laundry, remittance, etc.
  • Recreational facilities, e.g. gym, outdoor games courts, etc.
Allowed to houseAll foreign employees.

We highly recommend you to:

  • Sign a written tenancy agreement with the dormitory operator.
  • Provide ways for employees to highlight problems with the housing to the dormitory operator, and work with the dormitory operator to rectify them.
What are FCDsIndustrial or warehouse developments which have been partially converted to dormitories.
Types of FCDs allowed
  • Ancillary FCDs: Houses workers employed by the owner or lessee of the factory or sub-contractors’ workers (whether workers are working on site at the factory or off-site) or workers who work on site at the factory.
  • Single employer-operated secondary FCDs (i.e. new secondary FCDs set up on 22 Jun 2020 or later): Houses employer’s own workers or sub-contractors’ workers (whether workers are working on site at the factory or off-site). The employer should not be the owner or lessee of the factory.
Maximum permissible occupancy


Appeals for higher permissible occupancy will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. To appeal, provide these information:

  • Need for higher permissible occupancy.
  • Alternative housing types have been considered.
  • Mitigating measures that will be implemented to ensure workers’ security and provision of adequate on-site amenities.
Construction Temporary Quarters (CTQ). Standalone Temporary Quarter

What are Standalone Temporary QuartersAny structure used for housing employees within a construction site that will eventually be demolished or removed.
Allowed to houseConstruction sector foreign employees working at that particular construction project
Maximum permissible occupancy


Appeals for higher permissible occupancy will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. To appeal, provide these information:

  • Need for higher permissible occupancy.
  • Alternative housing types have been considered.
  • Mitigating measures that will be implemented to ensure workers’ security and provision of adequate on-site amenities.
CTQs already in operation before 22 June 2020 can retain your existing occupancy load (including those exceeding 300 workers) until further notice

Construction Temporary Quarters (CTQ). Quarters in Uncompleted Permanent Building

What are quarters in uncompleted permanent buildingThey are parts of buildings still under construction that are used for employees’ quarters.
Allowed to houseConstruction sector foreign employees working at that particular construction project.
Maximum permissible occupancy


Up to 6 persons in residential units under construction.

Appeals for higher permissible occupancy will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. To appeal, provide these information:

  • Need for higher permissible occupancy.
  • Alternative housing types have been considered.
  • Mitigating measures that will be implemented to ensure workers’ security and provision of adequate on-site amenities.
CTQs already in operation before 22 June 2020 can retain your existing occupancy load (including those exceeding 300 workers) until further notice

To learn more on MOM various types of housing and their specific requirements , click here

To download URA Revised Guidelines for temporary worker's dormitories within industrial or warehouse developments, click here

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