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Showing posts with label Amendment to Fire Code. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amendment to Fire Code. Show all posts

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Amendment to Fire Code


The SS 578:2019 – Code of Practice for the Use and Maintenance of Portable Fire Extinguishers, formerly known as SS 578:2012, was published online by Enterprise Singapore on 16 July 2019. This standard covers the requirements and procedures on the selection, installation, inspection, servicing, maintenance and recharging of portable fire extinguishers used in buildings. It is intended to complement the SS EN 3 series of standards of portable fire extinguishers and provide guidance to persons who need to use and/or maintain portable fire extinguishers.

2. The main changes made in this revision are as follows:

(a) The definitions have been updated.

(b) Selection of fire extinguishers for Class A hazards has been simplified to be in line with British and European standards.

(c) More detailed requirements/recommendations are given for selecting extinguishers for Class B, C, D and F fire hazards.

(d) Prohibition in appointing third party organisation or persons to act on behalf of the certified organisation in the inspection, maintenance, recharging and issuance of maintenance service labels for the fire extinguishers.

(e) Issuance of control tags by the certification body for the yearly maintenance service labels.

(f) All labels and tags for the fire extinguishers shall have adequate security features to protect against theft and counterfeiting.

3. The implementation of this revised standard takes effect on 1 Jan 2020. The grace period is to give the building industry sufficient lead time to plan ahead for any new building projects.

Any proposed plans of fire safety works for new buildings / premises or alteration / alteration works to existing buildings / premises that are submitted to SCDF for approval on or after the effective date will be subjected to the new standard. Notwithstanding the above, SCDF has no objection to the immediate adoption of the revised standard.

4. SCDF would like to draw reference to SCDF’s Circular dated 24 Jan 2013:

IMPLEMENTATION OF SS EN 3-7 TO SS EN 3-10:2012 – TESTING STANDARDS FOR PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS and 25 Jan 2013: IMPLEMENTATION OF SS 578:2012 – CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USE AND MAINTENANCE OF PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS and remind industry professionals that portable fire extinguishers (FEs) should only display markings for the categories of fires they have been certified for. FEs which are not certified to fight Class C fires (which refer to fires involving flammable gases, according to SS 578:2012 and SS 578:2019) should not be labelled with the Class C markings when used in projects, buildings and premises in Singapore. This requirement is applicable to FEs certified or renewed from 1 May 2013 onwards.

5. Please convey the contents of this circular to members of your Board/ Institution/ Association. 

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