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Showing posts with label Marine industry WSHMS Guidelines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marine industry WSHMS Guidelines. Show all posts

Friday, January 20, 2023

WSH Guidelines - WSHMS for the Marine Industries

​What is WSH Guidelines

WSH Guidelines showcased workplace safety and health best practices and WSH program for controlling workplace hazards and improving occupational health for various industry and program.

Check out the free WSH Guidelines Implementation of WSH Management System for the Marine Industries to improve your organization WSH practices. For the latest WSH Guidelines update, refer to Singapore Workplace Safety and Health Council Website.

WSH Guidelines Implementation of WSH Management System for the Marine Industries Scope

Under the Workplace Safety and Health (Safety and Health Management System and Auditing) Regulations, shipyards are required to establish a Workplace Safety and Health Management System, which includes conducting audits and reviews. 

A Workplace Safety and Health Management System (WSHMS) is a systematic process for management of safety and health at workplaces. It is important to establish a WSHMS for continual improvement of workplace environments. 

For companies to have a better understanding of the WSHMS requirements, the Association of Singapore Marine Industries (ASMI), Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council jointly published the Workplace Safety and Health Manual for Marine Industries in 2009 termed as 'Guideline (2009)'. The document was based on the 14 elements for Process Safety Management System. 

With the release of the Internationd Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) 45001:2018 (Occupational health and safety management systems- Requirements with guidance for use),the WSH Council together with ASMI and MOM have reviewed to integrate all 14 elements and content of the Guideline (2009) using a systematic approach with alignment to the ISO 45001:2018. 

This Guidelines provide guidance to companies in developing an effective and comprehensive WSHMS. It also highlights the importance of WSH and good industry practices. 

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