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Showing posts with label safety at bus stop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label safety at bus stop. Show all posts

Monday, February 20, 2023

Travelling Safety -SMRT Transport Network

Daily over two million of commuters took the SMRT Corporation buses and trains network for their daily mundane activities. 

Travelling Safely is possible if commuters observe some basic safety requirement to make each trip smoother, safer and more enjoyable.

Safety at the Bus Stop

  • For your safety, please stand on the pavement behind the yellow lines.
  • Flag the bus in advance to give the driver ample time to see you and stop.
  • Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before approaching it. It is dangerous to rush towards a moving bus.
  • Please board the bus in an orderly manner and do not push other passengers.
  • Do assist or allow the elderly, disabled, pregnant women and young children to board the bus first.
  • Do not board the bus when the doors are closing.
  • Do not board the bus from the rear doors.
  • For the comfort of other passengers, smoking is not allowed at bus stops.
  • Do not run or play at the bus stop, children should be supervised at all times.
  • For commuters in wheelchairs, please allow the Bus Captain some time to deploy the boarding ramp for you.
  • Be considerate to other's commuters.

Safety at Bus Interchanges and Terminals

  • Do not walk in the bus park. It is meant for Bus Captains’ use only.
  • Be considerate and queue when waiting for the bus.
  • For your safety, stand clear of the curb while waiting for your bus.
  • Assist or give way to the elderly, disabled, pregnant women and young children when boarding the bus.
  • For commuters in wheelchairs, please allow the Bus Captain some time to deploy the boarding ramp for you.

Safety on the bus

  • After boarding the bus, pay for the bus fare with your fare card or cash and move to the rear. Do not block the entrance.
  • When possible, please move to the rear to allow other passengers to board the bus.
  • Do not stand on the steps of the bus and be mindful when the doors are opening and closing.
  • For your safety hold on to the seat handle bar at the front or side when seated.
  • When standing in the bus, please hold on to the hand grips or stanchion pole for your safety.
  • For commuters in wheelchairs, please position your wheel chair at the wheel chair zone with your back against the cushion. If you have a care giver, do brief them these safety pointers.
  • To minimise obstruction to other commuters, please ensure that your bags, luggage, prams/strollers do not block the walkways and doorways.
  • Please offer your seat to those who need it more than you, especially the elderly, handicapped, pregnant women or children.
  • Please supervise children at all times in the bus.
  • Do not eat, drink, litter or smoke while on the bus.
  • Do not block the exit of the bus.
  • To alight, press the bell once in advance. Give the driver ample notice and time to pull into the bus stop.
  • Let the bus come to a complete stop before alighting. For your safety, never force the doors open.
  • Do not alight if the doors are closing. Press the bell to alert the Bus Captain.
  • Please report any unusual incidents or sightings on board the bus to our Bus Captains.
  • If you have left your belongings on the bus, please lodge a Lost & Found report here or at our Passenger Service Offices.

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