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Showing posts with label HSE performance indicators. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HSE performance indicators. Show all posts

Thursday, December 22, 2011

WSH Performance Indicators Sample

WSH Performance Indicators Sample


HSE Performance Indicator
Workplace Injuries
A workplace injury is any personal injury, disease (acute) or death resulting from a workplace accident.
Workplace Injuries cover those sustained by employees and:
i.  Resulting in more than 3 consecutive days of medical leave; o
ii. Resulting in at least 24 hours of hospitalization

No. of Fatal and non-Fatal Workplace Injuries x 100,000
 No. of employed Persons 


Occupational Disease (OD) Case
An Occupational Disease (OD) is a chronic disease contracted as a result of an exposure over a period of
time to risk factors arising from work activity. A confirmed case of occupational disease is one where there is
definite evidence that the worker has suffered from a disease which is related to his occupation. List of ODs
can be found in the Third Schedule of the Workplace Safety and Health Act

No. of Occupational Diseases (i.e. chronic confirmed cases) x 100,000
            No. of Employed Persons

Frequency of Workplace Accidents
 Or better known as Accident Frequency Rate
A workplace accident is an unexpected and unplanned occurrence, arising out of or in connection with work
which results in one or more workers incurring a personal injury, disease (acute) or death. They  cover those
resulting in the
i. Death of Employees, self-employed persons and persons not at work 
ii. Injury of self-employed persons and persons not at work who have to be taken to the hospital for

No. of Workplace Accidents Reported x 1,000,000 
   No. of Man-hours Worked 


Number of Man-days lost due to Workplace Accidents also better known as
Accident Severity Rate (ASR)

A measure of how often workplace accidents take place

No. of Man-days Lost to Workplace Accidents x 1,000,000
       No. of Man-Hours Worked

Number of workplace Fatalities in the Reporting Period
 Refers to the number of workplace fatalities per 100,000 persons
                 employed. Figures used are victim based = Number of workplace
                 fatalities x 105 Number of persons employed
Number of workplace
                 fatalities x 105 Number of persons employed
WSH Commitment
WSH commitment measures an organization commitment’s to Workplace Safety & Health  by looking specifically at the top & middle level management as well as  supervisors’ job descriptions  to identify whether they contain specific health and safety responsibilities

No of employees (top+middle mgmt+supervisor) who has WHS in their job descriptions
 No. of employed Persons (Topmgmt+middle mgmt+supervisors) 


WSH Management
WSH Management measure the commitment of the organization to comply with local legislation and in this case is the update of the risk assessment as part of changes in the Singapore WSH legal framework

No. of risk assessment reviewed and updated                       Total risk assessment generated that have to be reviewed & updated as part of changes in SGP WSH legal framework


Managing WSH
Managing WSH measure the commitment of the organization to comply with local legislation and in this case is the update of the organization procedure as part of changes in the Singapore WSH legal framework

# of organization procedure reviewed and updated   
# of organization procedure that need to be updated as part of Singapore new WSH Legal Framework

# 0f Site Audit & Inspection conducted against regulatory requirements
Number of site safety audit & inspection conducted measures an organization commitment to continual HSE management system improvements

Actual number of site safety audit & inspection conducted
Total required site safety audit & inspection mandated by local WSH Regulations

# of WSH safety  committee meeting conducted
Number of WSH safety Committee meeting conducted measures an organization commitment to & support to WSH & its compliance to local regulations

Actual number of WSH Safety committee conducted
Total required WSH Safety committee meeting mandated by local WSH Regulations


% of staff participating in organization WSH Suggestion Scheme
Percentage of an organization staff participating in WSH improvement or  Suggestion schemes measures the organization overall commitment, attitude & responsibilities in ensuring worker’s health & safety at the workplace

Actual number of staffs contributed to at least 1 WSH improvement  Suggestion
Total number of suggestions required to be put up by an organization, based on 1 employee= 1 WSH suggestion contribution

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