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  Beware of fragile surfaces when working at height What is fragile surface Fragile surfaces may look like any stable, solid floor. However,...

Friday, December 29, 2023

Carbon Pricing Act Declaration Forms


1       To ensure that companies perform a complete and accurate assessment, NEA has updated the following declaration forms to require the endorsement of the Chief Executive and GHG Manager(s): 

Registration: Statement of accuracy and completeness to be signed by Chief Executive 

Submission: Endorsement form for Monitoring Plan (MP) and Emissions Report (ER) submission to be signed by GHG Manager(s) and Chief Executive 

2       The updates will take effect from 1 Jan 2024. Please refer to updated declaration forms in the EDMA system. 

3       Companies from the regulated sectors CPA regulates industrial facilities in any of the following sectors: -

Manufacturing and manufacturing-related services;

Supply of electricity, gas, steam, compressed air and chilled water for air-conditioning;

Water supply, and sewage and waste management

are also reminded of the following: 

Register all their business facilities/sites under their operational control A company has operational control over a business facility if the company has the authority to introduce or implement one or more of the following for the business facility: -

Operating policies;

Health and safety policies;

Environmental policies

with NEA by 30 June of year immediately following the year that the facilities/sites have attained the prescribed emissions threshold(s) The prescribed emission thresholds are as follows: -

=2,000 tCO2e per calendar year. Any facility that attains this emissions threshold is required to be registered as a reportable facility under the CPA and submit an emissions report annually.

= 25,000 tCO2e per calendar year. Any facility that attains this emissions threshold is required to be registered as a taxable facility under the CPA and submit a Monitoring Plan, a verified emissions report annually and pay carbon tax for the verified emissions.. 

Each facility/site covers business activities carried out at i) one parcel of land or ii) more than one parcel of lands if the parcels of lands are in proximity The parcels of land are contiguous, adjacent or adjoining, or separated only by any road or pathway (whether or not providing access to the business facility) or drain or waterway., or the business activities have dependency.

Include all direct emissions from fuel combustion and industrial processes and product use (IPPU) within their facility/site when assessing their greenhouse (GHG) emissions.

4       Should you require further clarifications, please contact your account officers in NEA or the following officers. Thank you.

Wong Xiao Ching (WONG_Xiao_Ching@nea.gov.sg)

Lu Honghong (LU_Honghong@nea.gov.sg)


Friday, December 15, 2023

Personal Mobility Aid 5 Recommendations

SINGAPORE- To curb the misuse of PMAs by able-bodied users, it is recommended by the advisory panel for active mobility that the use of Personal Mobility Aid (PMAs), which include mobility scooters, be restricted to individuals with certified walking disabilities if the set of recommendations is accepted by the Government. 

Other recommendations include reducing the speed limit and restricting the size of such devices

The recommendations have been submitted to the Government for its consideration and possible implementation in the future

In a report published on Thursday (Dec 14), the Active Mobility Advisory Panel, that oversees the safe use of active mobility devices, set out five key recommendations to ensure the safe and responsible use of PMAs

PMAs refer to manual wheelchairs, motorised wheelchairs and mobility scooters, designed and intended to carry an individual with difficulty in walking.

The recommendations were submitted by the panel to the government on Thursday following a series of focused-group discussions with various stakeholders in June and July.

The stakeholders consulted include PMA users, caregivers, representatives from a disability-focused organisation and the National Delivery Champions Association, among others.

The Government will review the recommendations and consider implementation at a later date.


The use of PMAs is currently subjected to relatively laxed regulation. Users are not allowed to go on the roads and are subject to a maximum speed limit of 10km/h.

Unlike personal mobility devices like electric scooters, PMAs are allowed on footpaths and at void decks.

The panel said it decided to review on such devices as there have been increasing concerns about the misuse of PMAs, especially mobility scooters, by able-bodied persons.

These include the use of overly large devices and using them in an unsafe manner such as by speeding, said the panel. 

“AMAP (Active Mobility Advisory Panel) decided to review the current guidelines in order to preempt a situation where there are a lot of disamenities or accidents happening and that would affect genuine users from continuing the use of PMAs,” 

Persons with genuine need for such mobility aid have also found that these issues have “tarnished the reputation of PMA users”, said the panel, which comprises 16 members  representatives from LTA, National Parks Board, the Traffic Police and a non-profit organisation focused on people with disabilities.

The panel reviewed practices done in other jurisdictions like in the United Kingdom, Spain and Australia before coming up with the recommendations.

Here are the panel’s five main recommendations 


The panel recommended allowing only users who are certified to have medical needs or walking difficulties to use mobility scooters

This can be in the form of a memo from a registered medical professional

However, users who already have existing certification or disability identification will not have to go for additional assessments 

The recommendation only applies for mobility scooters, as the feedback of abuse among able-bodied users are typically linked to such devices only

This targeted approach aims to minimise the impact on users with genuine need who are using manual and motorised wheelchairs

The panel said that it did not recommend having a blanket allowance by age, as it may lead to a proliferation of PMA usage


The panel recommended lowering the maximum device speed for all motorised PMAs to 6km/h from the current 10km/h as this better reflects the intended use of PMAs, to replace walking for users with mobility challenges

Transitionary measures should be put in place to allow genuine users to use their existing PMAs but at a lowered speed

Retailers will be required to sell PMAs with a maximum speed of not more than 6km/h, with reasonable transition time given to them to make necessary changes to their business


Existing dimension restrictions on PMAs for public transport should apply to devices used on public paths, said the panel

LTA currently imposes a dimension restriction of 70cm by 120 cm by 150 cm with a 300kg laden weight for PMAs on public transport

A small proportion of users who may need to use bigger PMAs for medical reasons will be exempted from this requirement 


The panel recommended that public education efforts be ramped up on who can PMAs, along with the rules and regulations

Users should also be educated on the code of conduct for PMA and other path users

Safe usage of PMAs, fire safety tips and safe charging practices should also be taught

Enforcement should also be stepped up with appropriate penalties to deter sale of non-compliant devices, said the panel


The active mobility panel recommends not introducing a licensing regime for users, registration of PMA devices or mandatory training at this point in time.

“While some have called for registration and licensing to increase accountability and enforcement against errant PMA users, its effectiveness must be carefully weighed, including the impact on genuine users,” said the panel.

The panel believes that the current set of recommendations will achieve a balance between inclusivity and ensuring safety for all path users, the report added.

Check out Youtube video :Personal mobility aids: 5 recommendations to limit misuse

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Window Safety, Installation & Maintenance

- The Building and Construction Authority said that there were 35 cases of fallen windows from buildings in the first 11 months of 2023.

It found that corroded aluminium rivets was a main cause of falling casement windows and there was a lack of safety stoppers for sliding windows.

Windows are constantly subjected to various weather elements, such as wind and rain, and may deteriorate over time due to wear and tear. Hence, it is important to check and maintain windows regularly to ensure safety. Homeowners and occupants should make window safety a priority by following these three steps: check, clean, change.

If a window falls due to lack of maintenance, owners can face a fine of up to $10,000 and/or jail term of up to one year or both.

Installation and Retrofitting of Windows

The installation or retrofitting of windows must be carried out by an approved window contractor and a trained window installer. An approved window contractor is a company or firm registered with the BCA Contractors Registry under the regulatory workhead RW01.

The installation of windows can also be carried out by a builder. A builder is a company or firm registered with the BCA Contractors Registry under the general builder workhead GB1 or GB2.

Replacement and Reinstatement of Safety Barriers Integrated with a Window

A safety barrier integrated with a window means a barrier:

  • that is put in place to prevent a person from falling from height where there is a vertical drop of 1,000 milimetres or more; and
  • that is integrated with a window

Homeowners are required to engage the services of a Professional Engineer to design and submit structural plans to BCA for the replacement and reinstatement of safety barriers integrated with a window works.

To reduce the cost and time for building owners and homeowners, BCA has developed a set of Standardised Designs that building owners or homeowners may adopt for replacement and reinstatement of safety barriers integrated with a window. The replacement and reinstatement of safety barriers integrated with a window in accordance with the Standardised Designs will be considered as ”insignificant building works” and building owners or homeowners do not need to engage a Professional Engineer to design the replacement or reinstatement works or obtain the plan approval and permit from the Commissioner of Building Control.

However, the building owners or homeowners are required to engage an approved window contractor or a builder with a trained window installer who has completed the Module on Replacement and Reinstatement of Safety Barriers Integrated with Windows, to carry out the works.

Click here for more information. 

Find an Approved Window Contractor

Refer to the list of Approved Window Contractors registered with BCA.

If you are staying in a HDB flat, you should refer to the HDB’s List of BCA Approved Window Contractors. 

Windows Maintenance

It is important to check and repair windows regularly to ensure they remain safe and secure. If a window falls due to lack of maintenance, owners can face a fine of up to $10,000 and/or jail term of up to one year or both.

Tip: Simply remember these two dates, 6 June (6/6) and 12 December (12/12) to check your windows’ conditions regularly.

Watch the video to learn three easy steps to check and ensure the safety of your windows.

Maintenance advice

For Casement windows

Using a mirror, check that fasteners are not rusty or loose. Screws and rivets are located at the top and underside of the window panel.

Clean and oil joints or moving parts.

Change all rivets from aluminium to stainless steel by engaging an approved window contractor.

Check PVC corner brackets (if used) of window frame for signs of deterioration (ie. discolouration, crack, chip off). Engage approved window contractor to replace with zinc-casted corner brackets or replace window.

For Sliding windows

Check that safety stoppers and angle strips are in their proper places.

Clean the tracks and ensure window panels can slide smoothly.

Change worn-out safety stoppers and angle strips by engaging an approved window contractor.

For Louvered windows

Check that glass panes are secure and they are not cracked or broken. Ensure that the level lock works properly.

Clean and oil joints or moving parts.

Change damaged parts or replace windows by engaging an approved window contractor.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

BCA Singapore Escalator Accident

, 27 November 2023 – The Building and Construction Authority (BCA) received reports on 632 escalator incidents from January to October 2023, with a significant 97% (616 cases) attributed to user behaviour. Less than 3% (16 cases) were due to mechanical faults, such as the handrail stopping while the escalator was still in operation.

2.            The top 5 causes, which accounted for 65% of all escalator incidents, from January 2023 to October 2023 are:

a)    Users carrying bulky items: 17% of incidents occurred due to individuals struggling with large or heavy items including prams, luggage and shopping trolleys on escalators.

b)    Moving on escalator or not holding the handrail: 16% of incidents were caused by users either moving on the escalator or not holding onto the handrail.

c)    Users’ physical conditions: 12% of incidents were attributed to the user’s physical health conditions, e.g., riding the escalator when feeling unwell or dizzy.

d)    Lack of attention: 11% of incidents were a result of users being distracted, including the use of mobile phones while using escalators.

e)    Entrapment of shoes or body parts: 9% of the incidents were due to shoes or body parts getting trapped in the escalator steps, particularly among young children.

3.            Relating to the top cause of escalator incidents arising from carrying of bulky items, more than half of these incidents involved users aged 55 and above. This data underscores the need for more targeted initiatives to discourage individuals with bulky items from using escalators for their personal safety,

4.            "Making escalators safe for all users is a shared responsibility," said Mr. Teo Orh Hai, BCA’s Group Director for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Group. "Given the high rate of incidents linked to user behaviour, we urge everyone to be more aware and careful while using escalators. We will continue to work closely with the community and our industry partners to raise safety awareness, in particular among the elderly and parents of young children, as every user's conscious effort is key to ensuring their own safety and that of others around them."

5.            To enhance user safety, BCA has been working with the industry to implement safety solutions and raise public awareness on safe use of escalators. These efforts include:

·         Piloting the use of magnetic bollards with Frasers Property Singapore, to discourage users from riding the escalator with bulky items, especially prams and strollers. These magnetic bollards can be placed closer to escalator landings and are easy to install, adding to their flexibility in real-life applications. They can also be removed in case of emergencies.

·         Jointly supporting an escalator safety workshop with Frasers Property Singapore, organised by escalator manufacturer Schindler. This workshop, scheduled for 2 December 2023 at Century Square, is specifically designed to educate young children about safe practices on escalators. For more information, please refer here.

6.         With over 7,000 escalators across Singapore, it is crucial for individuals to use them responsibly, especially during high-traffic times like the upcoming festive season. Following simple escalator safety tips can prevent most escalator incidents:

Tips for Safe Use of Escalators

·         Hold on to the handrail and stand within the yellow lines on the escalator steps.

·         Be mindful when using escalators and avoid being distracted by mobile devices. 

·         Young children should always be accompanied and closely supervised by adults when on the escalator; make sure that they do not play or run on the escalator, or lean over the handrail.

·         Do not linger at the landing areas and obstruct other users.

·         Avoid leaning or standing too near to the sides of the escalators as clothing or soft footwear may get trapped between the gaps of the escalators.

·         Users with trolleys, prams, luggage, carrying heavy items, who have limited mobility, are intoxicated or feeling unwell, should use the lifts instead.

·         In the event of an escalator incident, the public is advised to press the emergency stop button and call for assistance immediately.

More information can be found on BCA’s website: https://www1.bca.gov.sg/public/safety-resources/lift-and-escalator-safety

7.            If members of the public come across problems with an escalator, they can contact the building owner or building managing agent. As an escalator owner, the building owner or managing agent must ensure that:

a)      The escalator is always maintained in proper working condition.

b)      Regular maintenance, examinations, inspections, and tests are conducted on the escalator, as required by the Regulations.

c)      The escalator is immediately shut down if there is any risk of it being dangerous or causing injury to users.

d)      Any incidents involving injuries or critical failures in the escalator's safety equipment are promptly reported to BCA. 

Friday, November 24, 2023

WSH Approved Code Of Practice

Workplace Safety and Health Approved Codes of Practice Notification 2023

The Workplace Safety and Health (Approved Codes of Practice) Notification 2023 was published on the Government Electronic Gazette on 17 November 2023. This new Notification will be effective from 27 November 2023 and the Workplace Safety and Health (Approved Codes of Practice) Notification 2022 will be revoked accordingly.

The number of Approved Codes of Practice (ACOPs) will stand at 100.

The new additions are:

• SS 683: 2022 Specification for ammonia refrigeration system in cold chain for food businesses

Part 1: Design, installation and commissioning

• SS 683: 2022 Specification for ammonia refrigeration system in cold chain for food businesses

Part 2: Operation, inspection, servicing and maintenance

• SS 683: 2022 Specification for ammonia refrigeration system in cold chain for food businesses

Part 3: Emergency response plan and the recovery process

• SS 684: 2022 Code of practice for container depot operations

• SS 691: 2022 Code of practice for shore-based mooring and unmooring activities 

The following ACOPs are updated to the latest revision:

• SS 548: 2022 Code of practice for the selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective devices

• SS 551: 2022 Code of practice for earthing

• SS 570: 2022 Personal protective equipment for protection against falls from a height

Part 1: Single-point anchor devices

• SS 570: 2022 Personal protective equipment for protection against falls from a height

Part 2: Flexible horizontal lifeline systems

• SS 586: 2022 Specification for hazard communication for hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods

Part 2: Globally harmonised system of classification and labelling of chemicals – Singapore’s adaptations

• SS 586: 2022 Specification for hazard communication for hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods

Part 3: Preparation of safety data sheets (SDSs)

• SS ISO 21420: 2023 Protective gloves – General requirements and test methods

(Formerly SS EN 420) 

The electronic gazette is available at www.egazette.com.sg

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

WSH Guidelines - General Waste Management

New WSH Guidelines for General Waste Management

The Guidelines, launched during the WSH Forum for Waste Management Industry, provides practical WSH guidance for waste collectors and enhances their WSH knowledge to carry out waste collection safely.

Waste Management (WM) consists of collection, transport, recovery and disposal of waste, including the supervision of such operations and after-care of disposal sites. In the course of work, Waste Management workers are exposed to various risks relating to hazardous materials, slips, trips and falls as well as injuries from machinery use and heavy lifting.

Waste management workers are exposed to a wide range of hazards during their work, such as physical and mechanical risks that come with operating vehicles and machinery, to exposure to biological and environmental risks from waste collected from post-consumer, commercial and industrial activities.  

To assist the industry, the “WSH Guidelines for General Waste Management” was launched at the event. Developed by WMRAS in partnership with the WSH Council and supported by tripartite partners, the Guidelines provides practical WSH guidance for waste collectors and enhances their WSH knowledge to carry out waste collection safely.   

Companies to implement the necessary safety precautions and measures to safeguard workers’ physical and mental well-being. Risks assessments should be done, and proper safe work procedures established. Workers should be provided with adequate WSH training and appropriate personal protective equipment. There should also be an internal system for reporting safety lapses so that rectifications can be carried out promptly. Doing so can build a culture of safety and instil a greater sense of safety ownership for workers.  

To download a copy click 

Friday, November 17, 2023

Safe Transportation of Workers

 Safety Regulations for Lorries Ferrying Workers

Lorries cannot be used to transport passengers except for ferrying workers between their lodgings and workplace, if the following requirements are met:

The lorry must not travel faster than the road speed limit, or 60 km/h, whichever is lower.

Lorries used to ferry workers must be fitted with higher side railings and canopies with rain covers installed on all non-enclosed sides.

Higher side railings must be at least 700mm measured from the carriage deck and at least 300mm measured from the top of the side boards.

For light lorries1 , the height of the canopy structure must not exceed 1.35 times the height of the lorry's cabin when measured from the road surface.

For heavy lorries2, the height of the canopy structure must not exceed 3.2m when measured from the road surface (regardless of the height of the lorry's cabin).

All non-enclosed sides of the canopy must be installed with rain covers with at least one side being transparent.

1G-Plate lorries with maximum laden weight not exceeding 3,500 kg

2X or Y Plate lorries with maximum laden weight that exceed 3,500 kg 

Note: The height limits above is to ensure the stability of the vehicle. If the height limits above is exceeded, certification from a Professional Engineer is required. 

Examples of non-enclosed sides of the canopy

Example of a lorry installed with rain covers on all non-enclosed sides of the canopy, with at least one side being transparent.

Rain covers for lorries with rear power tail gate

For lorries with a rear power tailgate covering at least half the height of the canopy, a rain cover is not required to be installed on the rear canopy when it is non-enclosed. The remaining non-enclosed sides (e.g. left and right or front) of the canopy must continue to be installed with an opaque and a transparent rain cover.

Rain cover not required to be installed.

Rain cover must be installed.

The front passenger seat(s) in the lorry's cabin must first be occupied according to the passenger capacity reflected in the vehicle registration details (i.e. log card) before workers can be ferried on the rear carriage deck based on the following requirements:

Workers ferried on the rear carriage deck of lorries must be properly seated under the canopy and in a manner that would not cause them to fall off the vehicle.

No part of the seated worker can be more than 1.1m above the carriage deck.

The lorry must not carry an excess number of workers based on the minimum deck space requirement of 0.372m2 (4 square feet) per seated worker.

If goods or equipment are also transported, the number of workers that can be ferried is reduced according to the remaining floor area available.

Any goods transported must be properly secured so that they will not endanger the workers or other road users.

Determining Maximum Passenger Capacity

When determining the maximum passenger capacity of a lorry's rear carriage deck, the usable deck area should not include the area occupied by permanent fixtures such as toolboxes.


A lorry with a permanent toolbox secured on the rear carriage deck has the following dimensions:

Lorry total deck area = 3.1m (Length) x 1.6m (Width) = 4.96m2

Area occupied by permanent toolbox = 1.6m x 0.65m = 1.04m2

Note: The maximum passenger capacity above is determined based on a lorry with an empty rear carriage deck with full canopy coverage.

Maximum Passenger Capacity (MPC) label

If you use your lorries to carry workers, you must display a Maximum Passenger Capacity (MPC) label on the right side of the lorry's rear tailboard, showing the maximum number of workers that can be transported when the lorry is not carrying any goods.

Lorries registered before 1 January 2010 should continue to display an MPC label with white characters on a black background:

Lorries registered on or after 1 January 2010 should display an MPC label with black characters on a yellow background:

LTA and the Traffic Police may impose fines as well as demerit points for breaches of safety regulations for transporting workers on lorries.

For more information on the measures initiated by the government, please click here.

MOM had also published a set of tripartite advisory to provide practical guidance for the different stakeholders on the safe transportation of workers. Please click here for more information.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Singapore Bedbugs Cases

SINGAPORE: Major pest control firms here are reporting an increase in bedbugs infestation cases and predicting that there will be more to come.

Number of bedbugs enquires have been increasing steadily this could possible due to the holiday season being around the corner. In the past two months, some pest control services have seen an increased by around 40 per cent. 

Advising travellers before you sleep on the bed in the hotel room, make sure you check and look out for evidence of potential infestation.

“Bedbugs are excellent hitchhikers,” To prevent bedbugs infestation in your home is to soak clothes and other items in water hotter than 60 degrees Celsius after you returned from oversea trip.

“Personal hygiene is a very important factor. We just have to keep a lookout to places that we travel, especially in hotel rooms and the things that we are going to bring back from overseas,


Individuals  who are not hygienic are among those most at risk of bed bug infestation

“While bed bugs do feed on all humans, regardless whether they are clean or not, personal and also surrounding cleanliness can lower the risk when it comes to whether the bed bug is establishing the harbourage area or infestation.

Others at risk include people who live in cramped spaces which are also dirty, as well as those who travel frequently.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Speed Limiter Announcement

 Expansion of Speed Limiter Regime

To improve road safety, the Traffic Police (TP) will require lorries with a Maximum Laden Weight (MLW) of between 3,501kg and 12,000kg (inclusive) to be installed with speed limiters, which will ensure that these lorries do not go beyond the speed limit of 60km/h1.

This will be implemented in phases. Lorries in this category can begin installation from 1 January 2024.

Installation of Speed Limiters on Existing Lorries in Singapore

All lorries in Singapore — with a maximum laden weight (MLW) of between 3,501kg and 12,000kg — must soon be equipped with a speed limiter to ensure that they do not exceed the 60km per hour speed limit.

To reduce fatalities & injuries

The Traffic Police (TP) said in a statement on Nov. 3, 2023, that lorry owners can start installing the devices in 2024 and will be given up to three years to do so, depending on the MLW and registration date of the vehicle.

As of now, it is compulsory for goods vehicles with an MLW exceeding 12,000kg to have a speed limiter installed.

The speed limiter complements other measures intended to reduce fatalities and injuries among all road users, the TP said.


For lorries registered before 2018, a speed limiter must be installed before 2026 if their MLW is between 5,001kg and 12,000kg. For those with an MLW of between 3,501kg and 5,000kg, it must be completed before July 2026

Newer lorries registered from 2018 will have to install the device before 2027 if the MLW of their vehicle is between 5,001kg and 12,000kg, and before July 2027 if the MLW is between 3,501kg and 5,000kg.

Speed limiters will also be required for imported lorries to be approved for use from 2026.

During the vehicle’s pre-registration, relevant documentation should be submitted to the Land Transport Authority.

The laws against tampering speed limiters, non-compliant speed limiters and unauthorised speed limiters will be reviewed, TP said.

Companies will have to apply to be an authorised agent online by Nov. 30 to supply, install, rectify, or perform inspections on speed limiters for lorries.

A list of authorised companies will be put up on the police website by Dec. 31, 2023.

Companies that are currently authorised to install speed limiters in other vehicles are also required to apply for an authorisation certificate.

Opt for electronic speed limiter

The TP is urging lorry owners to install an electronic control unit-based speed limiter, which is newer and likely to be less expensive.

But not all lorries are compatible with electronic control unit-based speed limiters.

Owners should consult the device installation companies.The alternative is the mechanical speed limiter.Agents authorised by TP will conduct a compliance check after installation to ensure the speed limiter is functioning properly.

The list of authorised agents will be made available at SPF’s website https://www.police.gov.sg/Advisories/Traffic/Traffic-Matters/Speed-Limiter-Authorised-Agents from 1 January 2024 onwards. Lorry owners should approach an Authorised Agent early to arrange for the installation of a speed limiter.

Companies that are keen to supply, install, rectify, or perform inspections on speed limiters will have to apply to be an Authorised Agent at https://go.gov.sg/tp-authorised-agent-application by 31 November 2023. Companies that are already authorised by TP to install speed limiters for other goods vehicles would also need to apply. TP will issue authorisation certificates to successful applicants by 31 December 2023

Requirement for Newly-Imported Lorries

From 1 January 2026, newly imported lorries with MLW between 3,501kg and 12,000kg (inclusive) must be equipped with speed limiters in order to be approved for use in Singapore. The relevant documentation should be submitted to the Land Transport Authority (LTA) when seeking pre-registration approval, to show that the lorry is compliant with TP’s speed limiter requirements.


Why do I need to install a Speed Limiter

The speed limiter regime aims to improve road safety and driving behaviour. It complements other measures intended to reduce fatalities and injuries among all road users.

Under Singapore’s laws, it is mandatory for speed limiters to be installed in the following categories of vehicles:

a. every goods vehicle having a MLW exceeding 12,000kg and which has, or if a speed limiter is not fitted to it would have, a maximum speed exceeding 60km/h; and

b. every public service vehicle having a MLW exceeding 10,000kg and which has, or if a speed limiter is not fitted to it would have, a maximum speed exceeding 60km/h.

Currently, lorries with a MLW between 3,501kg and 12,000kg (inclusive) are not required by law to have any speed management devices, or speed limiters. The law to have speed limiters will be expanded to all lorries in this weight category progressively over 1 January 2026 to 1 July 2027.

Who needs to install a Speed Limiter

All lorries with a Maximum Laden Weight (MLW) of between 3,501kg and 12,000kg (inclusive).

A speed limiter can only be fitted by an Authorised Agent (AA). An AA is one who undertakes any of the following services relating to speed limiters in Singapore –

(i) Supply;

(ii) Installation;

(iii) Rectification; or

(iv) Inspection of vehicles (fitted with an ECU-based speed limiter).

Only TP can issue authorisation certificates and appoint AAs.

What is a Speed Limiter

Speed limiters limit the maximum speed of a vehicle. In Singapore, it is already a requirement for goods vehicles with MLW above 12,000kg to be fitted with speed limiters and for goods vehicles with MLW not exceeding 3,500kg to be fitted with Speed Warning Devices (SWD). An SWD alerts the driver that he/she has exceeded the speed limit imposed on the vehicle that he is driving.

There are two types of speed limiters – mechanical and Electronic Control Unit (ECU)-based. The ECU-based speed limiter is a newer type of speed limiter. It is estimated to cost less than the mechanical speed limiter. Lorry owners are strongly encouraged to install an ECU-based speed limiter, and should check with AAs on whether their lorry is suitable for installing one. Should the lorry specifications not allow for the installation of such an ECU-based speed limiter, the lorry owner can opt to install a mechanical speed limiter instead.

When to install a Speed Limiter

You are encouraged to install a speed limiter at the earliest opportunity from 1 January 2024 onwards. The timeline is shown in the table below

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

MOM Mandatory Hourly Break

MOM Enhanced Measure To Reduce Heat Stress.

SINGAPORE: The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) on Tuesday (Oct 24) introduced new rules that aim to protect outdoor workers from the risks of heat stress.

As part of enhanced measures to reduce heat stress risks, workers performing "heavy physical activities" must be given these rest breaks when the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature is 32 degrees Celsius or higher.

Among these enhanced measures, which take effect immediately, is a compulsory 10-minute break every hour for workers carrying out "heavy physical activities" when the temperature crosses a certain threshold.

"Unlike the general population, outdoor workers have less discretion over their work activities, and may be more exposed to heat stress," said MOM.

It added that rising temperatures in Singapore place workers, especially outdoor workers, at an increased risk of heat stress. 

The new measures, which MOM consulted the Ministry of Health's Heat Stress Expert Panel on, focus on four aspects: Acclimatise, drink, rest and shade. 

"New workers must be given time to gradually adjust to outdoor work and all outdoor workers must hydrate at least hourly," said MOM. 

These new workers must also take regular rest breaks under shaded areas to dissipate accumulated body heat, it added. 


Employers are also required to monitor the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) for every hour of outdoor work performed, especially during the hotter periods of the day. 

The WGBT, an internationally recognised measurement of heat, reflects the main environmental factors that contribute to heat stress. Besides temperature, it accounts for the effects of humidity, solar radiation and wind, providing a more accurate measure of what conditions actually feel like and their potential health risks.

In July, Singapore introduced a new service to help people gauge the risks related to heat while carrying out outdoor activities based on the WGBT. 

There are three levels of risk of heat stress in the Heat Stress Advisory - low, moderate and high.

When WGBT is 32 degrees Celcius or higher, "a minimum rest break of 10 minutes hourly under shade has to be provided to workers carrying out heavy physical activities", said MOM. 

"For workers with pre-existing health conditions, the rest duration should be longer or as advised by their doctors.

Examples of "heavy physical activities" given by MOM include intense arm and trunk work, carrying, shovelling, manual sawing, pushing and pulling heavy loads, and walking at a fast pace. 

The rest duration should be increased with higher WGBT, heavier physical activity and if shade cannot be provided in work areas, said the ministry, adding that more rest may be required, depending on workers' personal health condition.

MOM added that shipyards, the process industry and construction sites with a contract sum of over S$5 million are required to have a WGBT meter on-site. Other workplaces can use the National Environment Agency's myENV app to monitor WGBT readings. 

The requirement of a WGBT meter on-site for localised measurement is effective from Jan 1, 2024. 

Workplaces are also encouraged to have a "buddy system" for early recognition of heat injury symptoms and implement prompt interventions when any worker shows signs of excessive heat exposure.

"Employers will be required to implement these measures to reduce heat stress for outdoor workers," said MOM. 

"MOM will conduct inspections at workplaces to ensure that these measures are adequately implemented."

Employers who do not adhere to these new heat stress measures can be penalised under the Workplace Safety and Health Act. Punishments include stop work orders and composition fines.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

MOM To Step Up Checks

- The Ministry of Manpower has said it will step up checks in the manufacturing industry, after the sector recorded the highest number of fatal and major workplace injuries in the first half of 2023.

According to the Ministry of Manpower, food manufacturing continued to stand out as a leading sub-sector of workplace injuries.

The primary causes of workplace injuries in food manufacturing were machinery incidents, slips, trips, falls, and exposure to extreme temperatures, according to MOM. (PHOTO: MOM) (MOM).

According to the Workplace Safety and Health Report for the first half of this year, the manufacturing sector accounted for 88 such incidents, out of 325.

Food manufacturing remained the second-highest sub-sector contributor in H1 of 2023 with 18 cases reported. It was the top contributor in the second half of 2022 with 26 incidents.

According to a Facebook post on Thursday (19 October) by the MOM, the primary causes of workplace injuries in food manufacturing were machinery incidents, slips, trips, falls, and exposure to extreme temperatures, the ministry said.

In response to these safety concerns, the MOM issued a total of one Stop Work Order, and 21 composition fines amounting to $31,300, among other actions.

These were taken following the discovery of 1,045 contraventions, uncovered over 450 inspections in food manufacturing companies conducted by the MOM between January and June of this year.

Addressing safety gaps in food manufacturing

According to the MOM, these inspections revealed shortcomings in basic safety measures — such as the guarded machine openings, safe routes for access and egress in work areas, and guardrails to prevent falls.

"The lack of such measures posed the risk of serious injuries to workers," said Sebastian Tan, MOM's director of the Occupational Safety and Health Inspectorate.

The MOM expanded the Demerit Point System (DPS) to the manufacturing sector in October.

Under this DPS system, companies can receive demerit points for violating the Workplace Safety and Health Act, with the severity of the breach determining the number of points issued.

The MOM's resolve in this matter was further made clear by Tan, who said that it would be stepping up checks in the sector.

"The Ministry will not hesitate to take action against errant companies and individuals who continue to flout safety regulations," Tan added.

To strengthen this initiative, the ministry urged members of the public to actively report unsafe practices.

This can be done by informing their supervisors or directly reaching out to the MOM through the SnapSAFE platform.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Forged BizSAFE Certificate

 Alleged Issuance of Forged bizSAFE Certificates

The owner of a consultancy firm, Best Management Consultancy Pte Ltd is assisting the Police with investigation for allegedly issuing forged bizSAFE certificates to 11 companies.  The WSH Council takes a serious view of any misrepresentation or fraud involving our programmes like bizSAFE, which may mislead the public, the companies involved and their clients, as well as compromise the standard of workplace safety and health.  

Companies seeking bizSAFE certification

To avoid your company from being potentially misled, you are advised to:

Apply for bizSAFE on your own and do not delegate it to your consultant to submit the application on your behalf. The application is free of charge. 

Be wary of consultants who offer one-stop services that guarantee you to get bizSAFE.     

Be cautious about any consultant’s offer to engage the auditor on your behalf. Engage the auditor yourself from MOM’s approved AOs here. Only Risk Management Audits conducted by these approved AOs are accepted for bizSAFE applications. 

Check bizSAFE Self-Help for the official application status using your company’s Unique Entity Number (UEN) or your company name (as per ACRA’s records). Do not rely on the certificate provided by your consultant. If there are discrepancies in the bizSAFE certificate received, please write to us at https://www.tal.sg/wshc/contact-us for verification. 

Companies procuring services from bizSAFE Enterprises

If you are procuring services from bizSAFE enterprises, please check bizSAFE Self-Help on our website to verify the enterprises’ bizSAFE status and expiry date.


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Haze Advisory

The health impact of haze is dependent on one’s health status, the PSI level, and the length and intensity of outdoor activity. NEA regards a PSI reading of 101-200 as "unhealthy".

雾霾对健康的影响取决于个人的健康状况、PSI 水平以及户外活动的时长和强度。 NEA 将 101-200 的 PSI 读数视为“不健康”

The 24-hour PSI forecast and corresponding health advisories can be used when planning next-day outdoor activities

计划第二天的户外活动时可以使用 24 小时 PSI 预报和相应的健康建议

For immediate outdoor activities, members of the public should check the 1-hr PM2.5 concentration readings and personal guide

雾霾对健康的影响取决于个人的健康状况、PSI 水平以及户外活动的时长和强度。 NEA 将 101-200 的 PSI 读数视为“不健康

Air quality readings and advisories can be found on www.haze.gov.sg and the myENV app.

空气质量读数和建议可在 www.haze.gov.sg 和 myENV 应用程序上找到

Friday, October 6, 2023

WSH Guidelines - Lifting Plan Development

What is WSH Guideline 

WSH Guidelines showcased workplace safety and health best practices and WSH program for controlling workplace hazards and improving occupational health for various industry and program 

Check out the free WSH Guidelines --WSH Guidelines Lifting Plan Development to improve your organization WSH practices. For the latest WSH Guidelines update, refer to Singapore Workplace Safety and Health Council Website.

WSH Guideline --WSH Guidelines Lifting Plan Development

This guidelines aims to provide guidance and practical considerations when developing a lifting plan, and explains the essential components and factors needed when preparing a lifting plan, so as to ensure a safe lifting operation.

This guidelines should be read in conjunction with the Code of Practice (CP) on Safe Lifting Operations in the Workplaces. The CP is the main guiding document on safe lifting operations and safe use of lifting equipment.

To learn more click

Thursday, October 5, 2023

WSH Alert - Crushed By Toppled Gate

 Driver crushed by toppled gate

On 9 June 2023, a prime mover driver was closing a steel sliding gate at the entrance of a warehouse when the gate travelled beyond its stopper and toppled onto him. He was sent to the hospital where he died the same day.

Preliminary investigations revealed that the stopper affixed at the top of the gate was worn, which could have resulted in the gate travelling beyond its guide bracket. 

If sliding gates are not properly designed, installed, operated, or maintained, they can topple and lead to serious and even fatal workplace injuries. The WSH Council calls on all companies with such gates at their premises to put in place the necessary safety measures to prevent gate toppling incidents.

What Company Should Do
Companies should review and make sure adequate safety measures have been made and implemented for sliding gates at their workplaces. Some of these measures include:

• Design of gate stopper: Stoppers should be designed and sized to prevent derailment during operation. Corrosion, weathering and repetitive use may make the stopper ineffective and the gate unsafe. Seek the manufacturer’s advice on replacing the stoppers in such cases.

• Report defects: Stop using the gate immediately if any defect is spotted on the gate. Report the defect to the gate’s manufacturer as soon as possible. Work with the manufacturer to develop safe work procedures for handling defective gates.

• Gate inspection and maintenance: Gates should be inspected and maintained based on the manufacturer's recommendations. If the stopper needs to be removed during maintenance, the gate must be properly propped and supported to prevent toppling. Warning signs and barricades should also be put up to warn and keep others away from the unsecured gate.

• Gate repair: Only trained and authorised personnel can carry out repair work on the gate.

• Gate modification: Do not modify any part of the gate and its components unless approved by the gate’s manufacturer. 

For more information, refer to the Circular on Safety Considerations in Gate Design and Operation.

Under the WSH Act, first-time corporate offenders may be sentenced to the maximum fine of $500,000 whilst individuals can either be sentenced to the maximum fine of $200,000 and/or an imprisonment not exceeding 2 years. Read more on the WSH Act penalties.

WSH Alert -Semi Conscious Head Injury

 Worker found semi-conscious with head injury

On 2 May 2023, a worker who had completed erecting a wall in a worksite was found beside the wall semi-conscious and with head injuries. The worker was sent to the hospital where he died the same day.

Preliminary findings indicate that the worker could have collapsed and struck his head against the ground.

Construction workers may be exposed to various workplace hazards due to the nature of their work.

The WSH Council calls on all companies taking on similar work activities to put in place the necessary measures to protect the health and safety of workers.

Companies should assess and ensure that their WSH management system includes the following measures or checks:

• Worker health: Before starting work, check that workers:

 (i) are fit to carry out the assigned task;

(ii) are feeling well; and 

(iii) have enough time for meals and medication needed to manage chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol. These conditions may cause dizziness or loss of consciousness if not well-managed with medication.

• Workplace housekeeping: Ensure that the worksite is kept as dry as possible and free of materials / debris to prevent slips and trips.

• Protect against falling objects: Loose materials and tools should be removed from height or otherwise, properly secured to reduce the risk of being struck by falling objects.

• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Instruct workers to put on their safety helmet with chin strap while at all work areas where head injuries are possible. Equip workers with anti-slip safety shoes.

For more information, refer to the WSH Council’s Code of Practice on WSH Risk Management, and WSH Guidelines on Workplace Housekeeping.

Under the WSH Act, first-time corporate offenders may be sentenced to the maximum fine of $500,000 whilst individuals can either be sentenced to the maximum fine of $200,000 and/or an imprisonment not exceeding 2 years. Read more on the WSH Act penalties.

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