.". Workplace Safety And Health ,WSH Safety Resources Blog: March 2023

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Thursday, March 30, 2023

Flammable Materials Dispensing Hazards

Hazards Associated With Dispensing Small Quantities of Flammable Materials

Many companies receive flammable liquids in metal drums or IBCs, and then fill smaller containers from them. While there are different types of small containers that can be used, the use of safety cans is recommended for safer handling of flammable liquids.

Using unsuitable containers such as open cans, buckets or pails is a dangerous practice as the escape of flammable vapours cannot be prevented. In general, the use of glass containers is not advised as these are easily breakable and will increase the chance of a serious spill.

The use of non-reusable glass or plastic containers is acceptable only in special cases where the required liquid purity (e.g., analytical reagent grade or higher) is affected by storage within a metal container, or if the liquid causes excessive corrosion of the metal container.

Metal Drum

Fully-filled metal drums can be very heavy and trying to move one by hand can be difficult, dangerous and bad for your back. Always use a mechanical aid (e.g., a specially designed drum cradle or trolley) for moving individual drums around. Note that drums used for storage of flammable liquids will require venting to relieve pressure build-up (e.g., due to exposure to heat) and prevent the creation of a vacuum (e.g., when liquid is being dispensed). As either pressure or vacuum can cause failure of the metal drum, the use of metal drums with automatic pressure- and vacuum-relief is essential.

Each drum vent should also be fitted with a flame arrester for protection against flashback from external ignition sources.

Dispensing from Metal Drum to Safety Can

A flammable liquid transfer pump with antistatic flexible hose may be used to facilitate safe transfer from a metal drum to a safety can. As static build-up can occur during the transfer of flammable materials from one metal container to another, bonding and grounding (earthing) is necessary before transferring to prevent the generation of electrostatic sparks and possible vapour ignition. The use of antistatic flexible cables/ wires and spring-loaded clamps may be used to achieve an effective onsite bonding and grounding solution.

Bonding both containers and grounding one of them basically “drains off” static charges and prevents the discharge of sparks. All grounding and bonding connections must be from bare metal to bare metal. It is therefore critical that all dirt, paint, rust or corrosion is removed from every electrical contact point.

Safety Can

Portable safety cans are recommended for carrying, storing and dispensing small quantities of flammable liquids. They are available in different shapes and in capacities ranging from 0.5 to 25 litres. Safety cans are usually made of metal or very low conductivity plastic.

The special feature of safety cans is that they have spring-loaded self-closing spout caps. These caps automatically open when the vapour pressure builds up inside, allowing vapours to escape and preventing rupture of the can (e.g., when exposed to fire).

The cap-operating mechanism of a safety can also cause the spout cap to automatically close once pouring is complete, or if the can is dropped. This instant cut-off capability allows onehanded control for safer dispensing without spills. Flexible metal safety hoses can be threaded into the spout cap of the safety can for added control.

Safety cans also typically house a wire mesh flame arrester screen inside its cap spout. These serve to prevent a flashback (from an external ignition source) from reaching the flammable liquid inside the cans.

Note that while this is a safety feature, it could create a hazard under some conditions. Do not store a safety can in a warm, enclosed space (such as in a vehicle) as vapours venting from a safety can may accumulate to within the flammable range and all it would take is a spark to cause a fire. For transporting small amounts of flammable liquid, use a pressure-resistant and non-venting container instead of a safety can.

Never use any safety can that is damaged. If repairs using approved replacement parts cannot restore the damaged can to a safe condition, it should be discarded once it has been properly cleaned.

Health Considerations

As flammable materials may also be toxic (i.e., harmful to human health), it is important to also take the necessary precautionary measures to minimise exposure and protect one’s health when working with a flammable material.

Check out Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Guidelines on flammable materials which provide practical guidance on risk control measures that can be implemented to ensure the safety and health of workers who work with flammable materials daily. This Guidelines covers all industry sectors where flammable materials are used in smaller quantities.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Storage of Flammable Materials

Proper storage is essential to protect flammable materials from ignition sources. Through proper storage, fires can be prevented and better controlled (to minimise fire spread) should it occur.

This blog post focuses on fire safety measures for minor storage (involving a small cluster) of flammable materials.

As per Singapore Standard SS 532: 2007 Code of Practice for The Storage of Flammable Liquids, “minor storage” refers to the storage of flammable liquids, in various locations, in small  quantities no larger than the set quantities specified in the standard.

In general, minor storage refers to any storage of flammable liquid (i) less than or equal to 50 litres or 2.0 litres/m2, and 

(ii) not more than 200 litres per minor storage area. The criteria forclassification as minor storage, however, varies with the location of storage (e.g., in a residential building, in a commercial building, in a storage warehouse, in a laboratory, in a factory, etc) as well as the degree of flammability of the liquid being stored (e.g., extremely flammable versus highly flammable). Details of the classification criteria can be found in Table 2 of SS 532: 2007.

Note that storage of petroleum and flammable materials (P&FM) is regulated by SCDF and a P&FM storage licence may be required (depending on storage quantity) prior to bringing such materials onto your premises. More information on fire safety and P&FM licensing may be found on SCDF website (www.scdf.gov.sg).

Specific guidance on the storage of flammable gases can be found in NFPA 55: 2013 Compressed Gases and Cryogenic Fluids Code and NFPA 58: 2014 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code. Suggested references for specific storage situations (namely, hazardous material warehouses, LPG cylinder installations and laboratories handling chemicals) are provided in the References section of this Guidelines.

Here are the recommended Practice for Minor Storage of Flammable Materials

•Keep the amount of flammable materials in storage as small as possible.

•Keep storage areas away from any heat and ignition source.

•Ensure that storage areas are well-ventilated so that flammable vapour concentrations (e.g., due to spillage or leaks) can be kept low (below the LFL).

•Store flammable materials in a cool (e.g., under a shelter or under temperature-controlled environments if necessary) and dry (to prevent metal container corrosion as well as workplace slips, trips and falls) location.

•Store flammable materials in areas accessible by emergency response teams. Ground floor storage is recommended as this will provide for easier access during an emergency.

•Store flammable materials separately, away from process and production areas and other combustible materials. This separation will reduce the spread of any fire originating from the flammables storage area. The separation will also protect the stored flammable material from exposure to fires in neighbouring areas, as well as accidental contact with incompatible materials (e.g., oxidizers).

•Store flammable liquids with flash points lower than room temperature under appropriate conditions (e.g., under refrigerated conditions). Do not store flammable liquids in a standard refrigerator meant for household use as they are not designed to be free of ignition sources. Store small quantities of flammables only in a laboratory-safe or explosion-proof refrigerator. The refrigerator’s temperature needs to be set lower than the flash point of the most readily ignitable substance stored in the refrigerator.

•Do not store flammable materials in areas that may jeopardise escape in the event of fire. In particular, make sure that storage containers do not block fire lifts, fire exits, stairwells and any aisles leading to exits.

•Store flammable materials in separate minor storage clusters separated by a suitable safety distance (see Table 16 for guidance on minimum separation distance) or fire-resistant walls.

•Store larger quantities in metal drums placed on spill control pallets or within a dike. Smaller quantities may be stored in a fire-rated (minimum 1 hour) storage cabinet designed to protect its contents from the heat and flames of an external fire.

•Do not use plastic or glass containers for storing flammable liquids unless storage in metal containers affects the purity of the liquid or if the liquid causes excessive corrosion of the metal container.

•Inspect all incoming containers to ensure that they are not damaged. Do not accept delivery of defective containers.

•Affix all flammable material storage containers with GHS labels and keep them closed when not in use.

•Practice good housekeeping and immediately clean up any spills that occur in the storage area.

•Allow only trained, authorised personnel into storage areas.

•Inspect storage areas regularly for any deficiencies such as damaged or leaking containers, poor ventilation or non-approved equipment. Correct all deficiencies as soon as possible.

•Provide storage areas with adequate firefighting and spill clean-up equipment.

Separation Distance for Minor Storage

The following guidance on minimum separation distance is based on Singapore Standard SS 532: 2007 Code of Practice for The Storage of Flammable Liquids:

Handling of Flammable Materials

Flammable materials present a fire hazard in any workplace as they are readily ignitable, easily causing a fire. Users of flammable materials are advised to consult this chapter prior to attempting any work involving a flammable material.

Recommended Practice for Safe Handling of Flammable Materials

•Consult the SDS for each material you work with, identify those that are flammable and understand their flammability characteristics. The other hazards of the material may need to be addressed such as health toxicity and reactivity, and general guidance can be found on the SDS.

•For each material identified as flammable, ensure that its container is correctly labelled (see the GHS labelling) to indicate the hazardous nature of its contents.

•Check each container to ensure that it is not damaged and that its safety features (e.g., relief vent, flame arrester, any spring-loaded mechanism) are in good condition and working properly.

•Obtain the completed risk assessment form for the work activity to be performed. Identify the existing risk controls already in place and the additional control measures that need to be taken to further bring down the risk level associated with the work activity.

•Practice good housekeeping and check that your work area is free from combustible materials.

•Familiarise with the fire emergency response plan for your specific work area.

•Inspect your work environment and confirm that there are no ignition sources (e.g., open flames, sparks, hot surfaces) in your work area.

•Put on the appropriate PPE (e.g., safety goggles, fire-retardant coveralls and gloves) prior to any work activity involving flammables. Be familiar with the correct PPE for day-to-day operations, as well as for emergencies.

•Work behind a splash guard or face shield when working with a machine or process that ejects flammable or combustible liquids.

•Use only the minimum amount of flammable material for your work. It is good practice to keep no more than a day’s supply of flammable material in your immediate work area. Return any leftover material to the proper storage area or cabinet at the end of each work day.

•Bond and ground metal containers before transferring flammable liquids (or powders). •Where practicable, carry out the transfer of flammable materials under local exhaust ventilation or via closed system transfer (e.g., through fixed piping systems) so as to avoid the creation of flammable vapour concentrations in the atmosphere. If this is not possible, ensure that the work environment is well-ventilated before dispensing or using a flammable material.

•When transferring a flammable material, work in an area where a fixed gas detector has been installed or use a portable gas detector to continuously monitor the work environment. Programme the detector to raise an alarm before dangerous concentrations are reached.

•Always keep containers of flammable material closed when not in use in order to minimise the escape of flammable vapours.

Bulk Handling of Flammable Materials

ISO tank containers (i.e., tank containers built to standards set by the International Organisation for Standardisation) are commonly used for the bulk transportation of chemicals (including flammable materials) within Singapore via the use of prime movers and trailers. ISO tank containers are made of stainless steel and come in a variety of sizes ranging from 27,000 to 40,000 litres

For transporting smaller bulk quantities of chemicals, Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs; size ranging from 1,000 to 1,250 litres per IBC) and cylindrical metal drums (200 litres per drum) are typically used.

Other types of containers used for carrying flammable materials include tube trailers (e.g., for transporting compressed hydrogen) and gas cylinders (e.g., for transporting liquefied petroleum gas).

For work involving bulk loading/ unloading of a flammable material, it is important to ensure that the following are made available on-site at the loading/ unloading facility prior to work commencement:

•automatic water sprinkler system

•fire extinguisher(s)

•emergency stop button

•eye wash and safety shower

•first aid box

•spill control kit

Loading/ Unloading of ISO Tank Containers

An ISO tank container can be loaded or unloaded from its top or bottom. On a standard tank container, there is a manhole and at least one valve at its top, and another at its bottom. Loading and unloading is achieved by connecting hoses from the loading/ unloading facility to the valves of the tank container. Loading or unloading is then carried out by gravity, pressurisation or pumping. 

For safe loading/ unloading of a flammable material to/ from a tank container, it is critical to prevent static build-up through electrical bonding and grounding. Grounding (earthing)connections are typically provided at the bottom front and rear of each ISO container to prevent differences in electrical potential arising between the tank container, the body of the vehicle, the piping used and the ground during the loading/ unloading operation.

Proper bonding and grounding (earthing) will prevent the formation of electrostatic sparks which can ignite the vapours of the material being transferred.

Further guidance on the safe handling of chemicals in logistics operations is available in SCIC’s Guidebook on Transport & Handling of Dangerous Goods.

Loading/ Unloading of Intermediate Bulk Containers and Pallets of Metal Drums

IBCs are reusable industrial containers designed for the transport and storage of bulk liquid and granulated materials. The most common IBC is the single-use plastic composite IBC – a white/ translucent cube-shaped plastic container (typically made of polyethylene) housed within a tubular galvanized iron cage. For flammable materials, the use of metal IBCs (fitted with a venting device) is recommended for enhanced fire resistance. IBCs are designed to be stackable and moved with a forklift or a pallet jack.

An alternative to the use of IBCs is the use of palletised metal drums (typically 4 to 6 drums per pallet). Each pallet of drums (also known as barrels; typically made of steel) is also stackable and can be moved with a forklift or a pallet jack.

When loading/ unloading an IBC or a pallet of drums from the back of a lorry/ truck or when moving it with a forklift within the work area, extra care must be taken not to puncture or drop the containers as this will cause a spill resulting in the formation of a flammable vapour cloud.

When filling an IBC or drum with a flammable liquid, proper bonding and grounding is again necessary to prevent the formation of electrostatic sparks during the transfer. Specially designed drum funnels, fitted with a flame arrester, may be used to affect the safe transfer of flammable liquids. A large diameter funnel will also help to minimise the risk of spills. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Safe Handling of Flammable Materials


There were two separate incidents involving flammable materials in the first two weeks of March 2023. 

On 7 March, an explosion in a room caused a section of the building wall to collapse. Preliminary investigations revealed the explosion was caused by the accumulation of flammable vapours from a waste oil tank placed in a lift motor room. 

On 13 March, a large fire occurred at an industrial chemical blending and storage warehouse. Preliminary investigations revealed the fire started from an adhesive dispensing unit containing flammable solvents. The fire eventually engulfed the warehouse and its connecting production areas. 

While no one was badly injured, both incidents highlight the need for workplaces to better manage flammable materials as workplace fires can lead to mass casualties and cause extensive damage to assets. 

As we are still in the midst of the Heightened Safety Period, the WSH Council calls on all companies storing or handling flammable materials, including flammable waste, to undertake an urgent assessment of their safety measures. Examples of flammable materials include petroleum products, volatile organic solvents, and all substances listed in the Fourth Schedule of the Fire Safety (Petroleum and Flammable Materials) Regulations. Workplaces storing or handling flammable materials should ensure the effective implementation of the following measures: 

Risk assessment 

• Use Safety Data Sheet (SDS) information as input to risk assessments.
 • Look out for advice and precautions on storage, handling, and disposal in the SDS. 

Training and awareness 

• Place the control of flammable materials under a competent person and allow only authorised workers who have been trained on the hazards and precautions to take, to handle flammable materials. 

• Provide readily accessible copies of Safety Data Sheets to persons using or handling flammable materials. 


• Ensure that storage areas are well-ventilated to prevent flammable vapour accumulation. Flammable storage must be segregated from heat and ignition sources e.g. open flames, hot work, sparks, hot surfaces). Examples include fire-rated or flammable storage cabinets, and dedicated storage areas with fire protection provisions.
• Optimise the quantity of flammable materials stored on site to as low as reasonably practicable, considering the required quantities for use during production.
• Use spill control pallets or build dikes/curbs with adequate drainage to contain potential spills.
• Affix GHS labels for flammable raw material and product storage containers.
• Provide flammable material storage areas with adequate firefighting equipment. 

• Ensure risk control measures are implemented to address hazards associated with flammable materials, including:

  •  Implementing effective control of ignition sources; 
  • Bonding and grounding of metal containers to prevent ignition by electrostatic discharge during flammable liquid transfers; 
  •  Transferring flammable materials under local exhaust ventilation to prevent accumulation of flammable vapours; 
  • Keeping containers of flammable material closed when not in use to minimise fugitive emissions of flammable vapours; and 
  • Installing gas detectors or using portable gas detectors to continuously monitor the work environment where practicable. • Ensure workers put on personal protective equipment (e.g. fire-retardant clothing, face shield, respirator, gloves and safety boots) when working with flammable materials.

• Plan and implement an effective emergency response plan. 

• Label flammable waste containers according to the SS 603: 2021 Code of Practice for Hazardous Waste Management.
• Dispose flammable materials separately from general waste.
• Check for chemical compatibility before disposing waste into collection tanks. Never mix waste with another type of waste unless the constituents in both waste sources are known. If necessary, conduct laboratory tests to ascertain hazardous substances before combining waste from different sources.
• Treat mixtures of flammable liquids with other less flammable liquids, as flammable. For example, if waste kerosene is mixed with more flammable naphtha, the mixture should be stored and disposed as a flammable liquid.
• Monitor flammable material waste for prompt collections by Toxic Industrial Waste Collectors to minimise on-site waste inventory. 

For more information, refer to the WSH (Risk Management) Regulations, Fire Safety (Petroleum and Flammable Materials) Regulations, Environmental Public Health (Toxic Industrial Waste) Regulations, SS 532: 2016 Code of Practice for the Storage of Flammable Liquids, SS 603: 2021 Code of Practice for Hazardous Waste Management, and the WSH Council's Code of Practice on WSH Risk Management, WSH Guidelines on Management of Hazardous Chemicals Programme, and WSH Guidelines on Flammable Materials.  

Below are safe practices when handling flammable liquids

Charging in flammable liquids into blending vessel.

Use only explosion-proof portable air-operated pump.

Bond the flammable storage drums of raw material before charging.

Bond one of the raw material drums to the grounded explosion-proof portable air-operated pump before charging.

Ground the explosion-proof portable air-operated pump by earth wire with clamp to the fixed-grounding point.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Thermal Fogging Fire Prevention

 Prevention of Fire during Thermal Fogging 

Flash Fires in Refuse Chutes

Thermal fogging is inherently dangerous especially when it is carried out in confined spaces. Three flash fires occurred in the past when thermal fogging was carried out in condominium refuse chutes. The fogging operators involved in the accidents suffered various degree of burns on their arms, face and neck, and in one case, the operator was given two months of medical leave. This circular serves to provide advice and guidance to fogging operators on measures to prevent the occurrence of similar accidents. 

Cause of Fire Thermal fogging machines generate mist (fine liquid droplets) and vapour from the chemical solution containing a mixture of pesticide and diesel which is used as a carrier. Diesel is a flammable liquid with a flash point* between 52 and 96°C, and an auto-ignition temperature** of about 257°C. The machine operates at about 100°C (gas stream temperature at the outlet) which is above the flash point of diesel. The flash fires were likely due to the diesel vapour accumulated in the confined refuse chutes and ignited by the hot fogger nozzle (surface temperature > 400°C) which is above the auto-ignition temperature of diesel. 

Preventive Measures 

To prevent a recurrence of the flash fire and to safeguard the health anal safety of fogging operators, follow the machine manufacturer's instructions and observe the following measures. 

  1. Do not use diesel or any flammable solvent as a carrier for fogging in refuse chutes and other confined spaces; use a non-flammable solvent or water-based fogging instead. 
  2. Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment e.g. respirator, safety goggles, gloves, safety boots, earplugs and coverall. 
  3. Fill solution (chemical or petroleum) to not more than 3/4 tank capacity to prevent over-filling or spillage; check that the caps of the solution and petroleum tanks are secured. 
  4. Turn off the fogging machine and allow it to cool before refuelling to prevent accidental ignition of any spilled petroleum fuel. 
  5. Do not allow new workers to operate the machine without close supervision and training. 
  6. Allow only trained workers to handle pesticides and chemicals. They must be warned of the hazards involved and the precautionary measures to be taken. Refer to the safety data sheets of these substances for details. 
  7. Label all chemical containers in accordance with Singapore Standard SS586 Part 2 — Globally Harmonized System (GHS) on Classification and Labelling of Chemicals. Please visit https://www.tal.sg/wshc/topics/chemicals/globally-harmonised-system-of-classification-and-labelling-of-chemicals for more information on GHS. 

Duties of Employers 

Every employer must: •

  • conduct a risk assessment in relation to the safety and health risks posed to any person who may be affected by his undertaking, and take all reasonably practicable steps to eliminate any foreseeable risk - this is required under the Workplace Safety and Health (Risk Management) Regulations.
  • take reasonably practicable measures to ensure the safety and health of his employees at work, as well as other persons (not being his employees) who may be affected by any undertaking carried on by him in the workplace - this is required under the Workplace Safety and Health Act
  • report accidents, dangerous occurrences and occupational diseases that occur in the workplace - this is mandatory under the WSH (Incident Reporting) Regulations

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Workforce Singapore’s Career Conversion Programme

What is Workforce Singapore’s Career Conversion Programme ?

If you haven’t heard of Workforce Singapore’s Career Conversion Programme (CCP), here’s a crash course on what they are and how they’ll help you in your career journey.

Let’s face it- with jobs being redesigned so frequently these days, thanks to digitalisation, learning is no longer just the time we spend in school during our youth, but a lifelong journey.

Changes in business environment, improvements and technology, and shifts in employee demographics mean that jobseekers and employees alike have to stay agile in order to remain competitive in the job market.

For example, consumers in Singapore are increasingly using smartphones for e-payments and banking transactions, which reduced the need for physical bank branches or tellers.

With technology, the nature of job roles in the financial services sector changed, and many tellers were reskilled and redeployed as digital ambassadors, video tellers, customer service officers, and even chatbot trainers.

The pandemic sped up digital transformation across all companies and sectors and pushed them to pivot to a new direction to remain relevant and competitive.

Today, as businesses restart and prepare for a rebound in a Covid-19 endemic world, the need to have the right talent pool and workforce capability is a crucial step forward.

Plug-and-play vs Plug-train-play

With this, the nature of jobs correspondingly changed and shifted towards broader value creation.

Redesigning jobs was part of the process to free up capacity for redesigned work. Automation and digital technologies could alleviate rote work and allow the workforce to spend more time on value-added tasks such as engaging customers, developing complex design concepts and interpreting data, which ultimately contribute to business revenue.

Owing to the redesigned jobs, new talents are required to fill the gap. Employers should rethink their hiring considerations and move away from a “plug-and-play” approach to one that is “plug-train-play”.

In this tight labour market, employers stand to gain with a wider pool of candidates when they consider those from other sectors or occupations, and untapped pockets of the workforce like back-to-work women and mid-career individuals who have relevant transferable skillsets and experience.

At Workforce Singapore (WSG), we continue to encourage businesses to keep the longer-term view in mind and to look for opportunities to transform their business models and workforce.

We partner and journey alongside employers in guiding them through this transformation process with relevant programmes to support their manpower needs and challenges.

We have seen how companies that value their employees and support them in their reskilling journey have emerged stronger from the pandemic

What is a Career Conversion Programme?

A key initiative that companies can tap is the Career Conversion Programme (CCP), which allows mid-career individuals and existing employees to undergo skills conversion and move into new occupations or sectors that have good prospects and opportunities for progression.

Currently, there are close to 100 CCPs across nearly 30 sectors. There is healthy interest from companies who have considered taking in mid-career jobseekers to augment their current workforce, and also those who have retained and reskilled existing employees so that they can take on new or redesigned job roles to support new business functions arising from the pandemic.

In 2020, WSG ramped up the CCPs to help businesses in sectors that were badly impacted by the pandemic – such as the air transport and hotel sectors – leverage redeployment to reskill workers and avert retrenchments.

Together with the companies, sector agencies and unions, we mapped out their manpower planning, identified job roles that could be redesigned and employees that could be reskilled to take on new or expanded job roles for the future.

One progressive employer is Raffles Hotel Singapore, which worked alongside WSG to streamline some job roles and improve productivity.

For example, workers in their laundry and uniform room teams, which were previously managed independently, were cross-trained in their respective operations and the job was redesigned into a single role.

This allowed the team to cover duties when required, resulting in increased efficiency in attending to guests’ requests. Now that the tourists have returned to our shores, the workers are better prepared to take on larger roles as required, alleviating the company’s manpower challenges.

dNata Singapore is another company that took good care of their employees. During the downturn, the company placed about 100 employees on a 6-month CCP for air transport coordinators, which allowed their employees to be upskilled to take on new or expanded job roles.

The knowledge and skills gained allowed them to provide passenger service for multiple airlines, and handle multiple aircraft types including narrow-body, wide-body and freighter aircraft during turnaround services. This enabled employees to be deployed easily to various teams when the need arose.

Recently, WSG also launched a new CCP for multi-skilled essential employees (real estate/facilities management) to help these companies transform their businesses through job-redesign.

An example of a multi-skilled job role is a facilities technician who can perform building checks and surveillance duties. The job scope includes technical service to resolve facility-related issues, as well as building area monitoring and incidence reporting through in-house digital systems.

How are businesses changing their employment strategies?

To make job redesign more accessible, and to spur the implementation of job redesign initiatives, companies can tap on the Support for Job Redesign under the Productivity Solutions Grant where they can work with established job redesign consultants, with WSG providing up to 70 per cent funding support for consultancy services, capped at S$30,000.

Through expert guidance, companies can confidently embark on job redesign and transform their business to make jobs more productive and attractive for workers.

The pandemic has set up what could be lasting employment-landscape shifts that would require the reskilling of the workforce.

As companies decide on strategies that will shore up the future of the business, it is critical for HR professionals to go deeper into strategic workforce planning with business units and map out new or enhanced job roles that are needed to drive the company forward.

To achieve a successful job redesign outcome, it is paramount for top management and HR professionals to play an active role so that employees will be “all in” and look forward to contributing positively to the firm’s success.

Ultimately, employers also need to be clear about the intended objectives – be it to improve productivity, improve staff retention or increase job satisfaction for example – as these objectives will drive how the redesign is approached and what solutions will be developed.

At the end of the day, job redesign should not be seen as just a paper exercise, after all.

Exploring a career switch? Want to sign up for a WSG programme but unsure which one best fits your needs? Register for a complimentary session with a WSG Career Guidance professional to guide you through your career journey.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Indoor Air Quality Guidelines


The indoor air quality of air-conditioned offices is a subject of public health importance because we spend a substantial amount of time in these premises. Good indoor air quality can lead to improved productivity at the workplace. On the other hand, poor indoor air quality will cause productivity to drop because of comfort problems, ill health and sicknessabsenteeism.

Our city's tropical climate, highly built environment, and energy conservation requirements pose special constraints and challenges to the building industry in ensuring that indoor air quality remains acceptable. In 1995, my Ministry appointed a Technical Advisory Committee on Indoor Air Quality comprising members from both private and public sectors to advise on the guidelines for good air quality. This document represents a very important first step towards interdisciplinary consensus on the issue of indoor air quality.

The objective of this document is to provide general guidance on improving the indoor air quality of air-conditioned office premises and acceptable values for selected parameters. It also provides information on the potential health effects of indoor contaminants, and an action plan to achieve good indoor air quality. The contents are intended to complement the engineering specifications set out in the Singapore Standard Code of Practicefor Mechanical Ventilation and Air-conditioning in Buildings (SS CP13), and should be useful to building owners/management corporations, those involved in servicing the ventilation and air-conditioning systems, and all others responsible for designing, operating and maintaining the building environment. As research continues, amendments may be made from time to time in subsequent editions.


The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for good indoor air quality. 

Scope and application

This document applies to all buildings, new and existing, which are air-conditioned and used as office premises in Singapore.

The indoor air quality parameters addressed are carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, ozone, volatile organic chemicals, total bacterial counts, total fungal counts, suspended particulate matter, air temperature, relative humidity, and air movement.

Guideline maximum concentrations for acceptable indoor air quality are specified for carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and ozone based on their known health effects.

Recommended maximum concentrations for acceptable indoor air quality are specified for suspended particulate matter, volatile organic chemicals, bacteria and fungi based on their potential health effects.

Because human health and comfort are complex issues responsive to the interaction of multiple factors, guideline acceptable values are specified for indoor air temperature, relative humidity, and air movement.


1  Assessment of indoor air quality problems

14.1 It should be the responsibility of the owner of the building to:

(a) assess the risks to health arising from the indoor air quality;

(b) set up a programme to ensure acceptable indoor air quality, implement the programme, and monitor the effectiveness of the programme; and

(c) keep records of all activities implemented.

1.2 The owner should ensure that the building inclusive of its installations is designed, constructed, operated and maintained in such a way that acceptable indoor air quality is achieved.

1.3 Those engaged by the building owner to carry out the assessment of any indoor air quality problems should be competent persons who are adequately qualified and experienced, and provide supervision for the management of the indoor air quality programme.

2 Indoor air quality and health

2.1 Good indoor air quality improves productivity at the workplace. On the other hand, poor indoor air quality could lead to losses in productivity as a result of comfort problems, ill health and sickness-absenteeism.

2.2 Building-related illness is said to occur when occupant exposure to indoor contaminants results in a clinically defined illness, disease or infirmity. Some common indoor air contaminants and their sources are listed in Appendix A. Those affected usually require prolonged recovery after leaving the building.

2.3 Sick building syndrome is said to occur when a substantial proportion of the occupants of a building experience symptoms associated with acute discomfort that are relieved upon leaving the premises. The mechanisms are still not fully understood, but indoor air quality is thought to be contributory. Those affected typically recover completely soon after leaving the building.

2.4 Factors affecting indoor air which can give rise to poor air quality are: the presence of indoor pollution sources; poorly designed, maintained or operated ACMV systems; and uses of the building that were unplanned for when the building was designed or renovated.

3 Action plan to achieve good indoor air quality

3.1 In the event or on the suspicion that the indoor air quality is not good, the following should be made available for inspection during an investigation:

 (a) building plans showing the details of all the floors, and location of the cooling towers and fresh air inlets to the building;

(b) ACMV system layout plans or schematics; and

(c) ACMV system operating schedule and maintenance records.

3.2 A walk-through inspection of the premises and the ACMV system should be conducted by the competent persons to identify possible irregularities. A sample checklist for building inspection is provided in Appendix B.

3.3 Feedback from occupants on the conditions in the building and the operation of the ACMV system should be obtained by the competent persons. A sample confidential questionnaire which can be administered to obtain information is provided in Appendix C.

3.4 Indoor air analysis, and any environmental or biological sampling, should be conducted by the competent persons if deemed necessary for the investigation so that adjustments or alterations can be made.

3.5 Based on the findings of (6.1)-(6.4), building remedial measures should be formulated, implemented and evaluated so that good indoor air quality can be achieved and does not deteriorate again in future.


4 Design

4.1 A new or retrofitted building should be designed with regard to the pollution which may arise within the building. Unless a space has adequate openable windows that can meet natural ventilation requirements, the building should be provided with a mechanical ventilation system that can be operated when required to purge the indoor air from the space, in addition to the air-conditioning system.

4.2 The ACMV system should be designed so that the potential spread of contaminants in the building is kept low. Materials used should not include those that emit chemicals, bacteria or fungi to the supply air. Pollution sources, or pollutive activities of frequent occurrence, should be provided with such process ventilation of the encapsulation, hood or local extraction type so that the spread of contaminants is prevented.

4.3 Building materials and surface finishes should not contain any substances that emit chemicals, bacteria or fungi. They should be able to stand up to the intended use and not cause any emission of contaminants to the indoor air.

4.4 Water supply, drainage, sewerage and other installations should be planned for construction in such a way that the risk of leaks and consequential damage caused by leaks is prevented.

4.5 Outdoor air intakes should be placed where the air admitted is likely to be cleanest, taking into consideration the outdoor air quality standards specified in Appendix D, the position of the building, the exhaust opening position, traffic routes, carparks, unloading bays, refuse chutes and other nearby sources of pollution. Intakes should not be located below ground level or close to evaporative cooling towers. Outdoor air filters should be placed as close as possible to the intake points.

4.6 The building should be designed so that cleaning of windows, doors, floors and other surfaces in contact with supply air or room air is possible. Such surfaces should be cleaned before the building is taken into use. Surfaces which are likely to become heavily soiled should be readily accessible and easily cleanable.


5.1 At all stages of the construction of the building and its ACMV system, inspections should be made by the competent persons so that acceptable indoor air quality can be secured when the system is put into operation.

5.2 The building structure should be constructed in such a way that harmful spread of contaminants from the outside, the ground, or some other separate part of the building does not occur.

5.3 In the construction of the ACMV system, the supply and return air ducts should be made accessible for inspection and cleaning. Components should be made of materials which stand up to the intended use and maintenance. Those which require attendance and maintenance should be sited so that they are readily accessible and replaceable, and mounted so that work can be carried out easily and safely. To reduce dust accumulation, the inner surfaces of the ducts for supply and return air should be smooth and resistant to abrasion.

5.4 Outdoor air for ventilation and indoor air that is to be recirculated should be filtered for particulates. A filter should be placed for outdoor air that is to be introduced into an air handling unit room. The filter should be protected from being wetted by sprays, rain, etc. In placing the filters, there should be an adequate seal between the air filters and the walls of the surroundings ducts or units.

5.5 Installations unrelated to the ACMV system should not be located in the air-handling unit rooms

6 Commissioning and operation

6.1 Before a new or retrofitted building is commissioned into service, it should be demonstrated that the ACMV system has been constructed and is able to function in the way intended. The entire ACMV system should be cleared of any construction debris and dirt, and cleaned before operation starts.

6.2 The specifications and operations of the ACMV system should be in accordance with all provisions of the Singapore Standard Code of Practice for Mechanical Ventilation and Air-conditioning in Buildings (SS CP13).

6.3 Unless there are strong pollutants sources, in which case corrective action should be taken, the ventilation rate should be sufficient to dilute or remove any airborne contaminants to levels which comply with the indoor air quality guideline values specified in Appendix E. Where this is not possible, an air-purging system should be activated to enable purging of the contaminated air, routinely or as and when required.

6.4 It should be possible to assess at any time the condition of the filter, including the pressure drop, the contamination and the installation. The minimum arrestance efficiency for the air filters for cleaning outdoor and indoor air should be 60% and 80%, respectively.

6.5 Instructions for the operation of the building and its ACMV system should be drawn up in direct cooperation with the operations and maintenance staff, including all necessary information for satisfactory ventilation of the rooms served. The instructions manual for each ACMV system should include: (a) a schematic plan of the system; (b) its operation; and (c) the precautions to be taken specifying checks and their frequency, and steps to be taken to remedy defects and deficiencies.

6.6 Rooms where air handling units are situated should not be used as passage ways or for storage. Where they open to a source of contamination, the doors of the rooms should remain air-tight. The inner surfaces of the units and equipment should be easy to clean and abrasion-resistant. Sufficient space for cleaning and for access to the units should be provided.

6.7 Air distribution should be efficient, effective and uniform to ensure no stagnation of air in dead spaces.

7 Renovation

7.1 Major renovation works should be undertaken in such a way that a satisfactory indoor environment is secured. Where relevant to the renovation works, consideration should be given to (7.1)-(7.6) and (8.1)-(8.5) in the stages of design and construction, respectively.

7.2 Processes and activities should be selected so that they have the lowest possible emission. Where processes and activities which pollute the air cannot be avoided, they should as far as possible be encapsulated, provided with local extraction, carried out in areas with direct exhaust to the exterior, or limited to times when few people are exposed.

7.3 The building materials should not contain any toxic substances which could pose a hazard to health when used in the occupied building. Fittings, fixtures, furnishings and furniture should be manufactured, selected, handled, stored and used so that emission to the room air is the least possible.

7.4 For occupied buildings undergoing partial renovation, spaces to be renovated should be effectively isolated from the occupied zones. If necessary, supply air should be separated so that acceptable indoor air quality for the occupants is maintained. Concentrations of formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds, suspended particulate matter and other contaminants in room air should be within the limits specified in Appendix E.

7.5 After any major renovation to the building where the airconditioning  system has been affected (eg. by partitioning of office space), rebalancing of the air distribution should be required

8 Maintenance

8.1 Competent persons should be employed specifically to ensure that regular maintenance of the building inclusive of the ACMV system is carried out on a routine basis. Maintenance staff should be familiar with the prevention of any hazard arising from the building.

8.2 The schedule of maintenance for the ACMV system should be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation to ensure that the equipment operate efficiently. If this is not specified for any component, the frequencies listed in (11.3)- (11.7) should constitute the minimum requirements.

8.3 The building and its ACMV system should be inspected at least every six months with regard to functions which are significant for the indoor air quality. Normal operation of the system should be monitored so that it continues to operate at maximum efficiency and breakdowns are avoided.

8.4 The ACMV system and the air handling unit room should be cleaned and maintained in such a way that the indoor air quality is not adversely affected by the cleaning and maintenance. The components of air-handling units such as fans and dampers should be cleaned at least every six months, depending on the condition of the incoming air and use of the system. Filters should be cleaned or replaced so that they are performing properly at all times and do not become clogged.

8.5 Cooling coils, condensate pipes and water trays should be checked regularly for signs of sludge, algae or rust build-up, chokage and leaks where water could enter the airstream. Coils and condensate pipes should be cleaned at least every six months. The trays should be cleaned at least every one month to ensure that contaminants do not build up. Any ferrous metal surface should be treated with an anticorrosion coating. Re-circulating water should also be treated to prevent rust but that treated water must not be allowed to enter the airstream.

8.6 Cooling towers should be cleaned and treated in accordance with guidelines specified in the Code of Practice for the control oflegionella bacteria in air-conditioning cooling towers in Singapore (Ministryof the Environment, August 1992).

8.7 The ACMV system should be checked and adjusted to ensure correct air flow, temperature and humidity after the first year of operation and at least every two years thereafter. It should also be checked and adjusted after any renovations or changes in floor layout that might affect air distribution.

8.8 Records should be kept of all maintenance work - when and what was done.

9 Quality control

9.1 An audit should be conducted by the competent persons within six months after commencement of operation of the ACMV system. The information for such an audit is similar to that which is collected in (6.1)-(6.4) when investigating an occurrence of building-associated illness, but includes the entire building rather than focusing on any area with an identified problem.

9.2 During the normal operation of a building, an audit should be conducted by the competent persons at least every two years to ensure that the indoor air quality is acceptable and conforms to the specifications listed in Appendix E.

9.3 When indoor air testing is required to study if the air quality complies with the relevant specifications, the tests should be carried out by a laboratory accredited under the Singapore Laboratory Accreditation Scheme.

9.4 The necessary plans, drawings and specifications on the building and its installations should be kept by the owner or the management corporation of the building, and made available for inspection when necessary.

9.5 A formal record book containing adequate and accurate information on the ACMV system should be kept by the owner or the management corporation of the building, and made available for inspection when necessary. The information should include:

(a) description of the air-conditioning system;

(b) name of the building manager or person who ensures that proper records are kept;

(c) person or company who is responsible for the assessment of risk, and implementing and managing precautionary measures;

(d) person or company carrying out the maintenance programme; and

(e) details of maintenance, including:

(i) date and result of visual inspection;

(ii) date and type of cleaning/treatment works conducted; and

(iii) date and nature of any remedial works (if required).


Monday, March 20, 2023

SCDF New Fire Fighting System

Singapore: SCDF had finally added into its fleet of fire fighting equipment inventory -modular oil tank firefighting systems to fight large scale fire.

Modular oil tank firefighting system is SCDF’s latest tool in fighting large-scale fires.

The components of SCDF's latest-generation oil tank firefighting system – such as water pumps and large monitors – can be put together in different ways to combat large-scale oil storage tank fires.

The new system also can discharge up to 100,000 litres of foam solution per minute, equivalent to filling up an Olympic-sized swimming pool within 25 minutes – a significant increase from up to 60,500 litres per minute


In the past, SCDF had two monitors – which dispense water or foam at high capacities – to mitigate large-scale oil tank fires. These were deployed to fires at 23 Tembusu Road on Jurong Island in 2016 and Pulau Busing in 2018.

Now, the modular oil tank firefighting system features monitors that can pump out more foam, allowing SCDF to better fight fires involving larger oil tanks.

One monitor can be connected to a booster pump unit, which serves as the nerve centre of the system where important parameters such as water flow and pressure are controlled.

The booster pump unit can then be connected to a submersible pump unit or a collecting manifold.

The former collects water from an open water source like the sea and supplies it to a pump placed up to 60m away, while the latter allows SCDF’s 12-inch hoses to connect to 5-inch industrial ring mains, which are what Singapore stipulates for companies to provide on their premises

In addition, SCDF can cut down on the number of monitors it deploys because the new monitors are larger-volume ones – up to 80,000 litres per minute, as compared to 22,700 litres per minute, for an individual monitor.

"This allows the SCDF to rapidly intervene and mitigate oil tank fires of up to 112m in diameter," said Colonel Mohamed Firoz Ramjan, commander of the 1st SCDF Division.

Through the use of 12-inch hoses with the new system, SCDF officers can also lay hoses on the ground in a neater and more systematic fashion.

This delivers the same water rate as before, when a smaller number of hose lines were required to run the older system.

The modular oil tank firefighting system's pod-on-vehicle concept also means that its various components can be easily transported on pod carriers to other offshore islands via the use of barges.


SCDF also showcased different personal protective equipment (PPE) that responders wear during HazMat incidents, along with vehicles and its robotic dog that can be deployed in chemical plants.

The PPE to be worn depends on the hazardous substance involved and the environment the responders will be operating in.

For example, the light decon suit is a disposable lightweight suit to protect SCDF officers in decontamination operations.

It provides 24 hours of protection in liquid and vapour-hazard areas, and responders get constant airflow through a gas mask with canisters attached to a powered air-purifying respirator on a belt.

Another high-performance suit with self-contained breathing apparatus has an airtight design and is resistant to acids, alcohols and bases, among other hazardous materials.

It can resist temperatures of at least -40 to 60 degrees Celsus for normal use, and up to 100 degrees Celsius for shorter periods.

Among the vehicles that SCDF will roll out during Exercise Northstar is the HazMat Control Vehicle, which helps to identify hazardous substances, assess the extent of contamination and determine the mitigation approach.

Colonel Shaiful Herman Shali, director of SCDF's HazMat department, told reporters: “(It has) the latest in terms of equipment and technology to detect and identify hazardous substances.

“Within this vehicle, we also have standoff detection capabilities, which allow us to visualise and detect chemicals that may be up to 5km away. This is very important in terms of early warning capabilities.”

The HazMat Control Vehicle, which is currently in its third generation, also has an unmanned aerial vehicle launch pad and analytical equipment for the identification of hazardous substances.

The HazMat Incident Management System that is within the HazMat Control Vehicle enables SCDF officers to conduct wide-scale monitoring during a hazmat incident.

Wall-to-wall monitors in the vehicle can track the air quality in an area, for instance. The system can also aggregate sensor data from various agencies.

It was jointly developed by SCDF, the Home Team Science and Technology Agency, the Defence Science and Technology Agency and DSO National Laboratories.

The Ventilation Vehicle, which was introduced in 2004, can disperse chemical plumes during a HazMat incident and help to combat fires in areas like highway tunnels and industrial areas where ventilation may be limited.

Hoses can also be connected to the vehicles to provide water mists.

SCDF has two such ventilation vehicles at Ang Mo Kio Fire Station and Marina Bay Fire Station, where highway tunnels are close by.

Col Shaiful said: "We will also have, on-site, our HazMat specialists who are trained and well-equipped to mitigate all types of HazMat leaks and scenarios. With all these capabilities and competencies, we will be able to keep Singapore safe."

To learn more click here

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Construction Safety Webinar -WAH

Construction Safety Webinar “Work-at-height” (Technology and Innovation)

Enhancing Safety and Mitigating Risks in Construction Work-at-Height through Technology and Innovation 

Webinar Overview

Working at height is a common activity in the construction industry, but it also comes with inherent risks. Falls from height are one of the leading causes of workplace injuries and fatalities. At SCAL Academy, we understand the importance of safety in the construction industry, and that's why we're organizing a seminar on "Construction Safety Seminar: Work-at-Height" (Technology and Innovation).

This seminar will focus on the use of innovation and technology to improve safety at work at height. We will cover various topics related to work at height safety, including common risks, heat risk mitigation to prevent accidents, current technology used to improve safety at working from heights and current work at height safety regulations. 

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is designed for anyone involved in the construction or high-risk industries.

  • WSH Professionals

  • RM Professionals

  • Site Supervisors

  • Project Managers

  • Contractors

  • Engineers and Architects

  • CEOs and Top Management

Whether you are looking to enhance your knowledge and skills in work at height safety or stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies, this webinar is the perfect platform for you. 

Why Attend?

The Construction Safety Webinar "Work-at-height" (Technology and Innovation) is a must-attend event for anyone involved in construction or maintenance work, particularly those who are involved in work at height. This webinar offers a unique opportunity to learn from industry experts and gain valuable insights into the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in work at height safety. 

What Will You Learn?

During the seminar, attendees will learn about various topics related to mitigating work at height risks, including accident case studies, common contraventions, risk management, ladder safety, safe work practices, and technology applications. Attendees will also gain insights into innovative solutions for mitigating heat stress in the construction industry, particularly for workers operating at heights.

Webinar Topics

Accident case studies and Common Contraventions in relation to Working at Heights

by Mr Leo Deng Lip, Team Lead, Ops (Con), OSH Inspectorate Department Ops (Construction) & Surveillance, Ministry of Manpower

This presentation will provide attendees with valuable insights into the common hazards and risks associated with working at heights that are still commonly observed at construction worksites. Mr. Deng will share accident case studies to illustrate the real-life consequences of failing to implement safety measures when working at height. He will also highlight the common contraventions related to working at heights that are often observed on construction sites. 

Manage Risk at Worksite

Gold Winner of the SCAL Workplace Safety & Health for SLOTS Award 2022 by Mr Rafiqul Islam, Corporate EHS Manager, Chian Teck Realty Pte Ltd

In this presentation, Mr. Rafiqul Islam, Corporate EHS Manager at Chian Teck Realty Pte Ltd, will share valuable insights on managing risks at worksites, with a particular focus on high-risk activities such as working at height, lifting operations, and the use of MEWPs. Attendees will learn about Chian Teck Realty's best practices in promoting WSH awareness and leveraging technology and resources to maintain a safe, healthy, and conducive work environment. These practices have earned the company the Gold Award for the SCAL Workplace Safety & Health Award for SLOTS Registered Contractors in 2022. 

Salient point of SSEN131 (Advises on the safe use of ladders)

by Mr Rong Jing Xiang, Member, SCAL WSH Subcommittee and WAH Task force

In this presentation, Mr. Rong Jing Xiang, Member of the SCAL WSH Subcommittee and WAH Task force, will discuss the salient points of SSEN131, which provides guidance on the safe use of ladders. Attendees will learn about the key considerations when selecting and using ladders, as well as the common hazards and risks associated with ladder use. The presentation will also cover the legal requirements for ladder safety and best practices for ensuring ladder safety on construction sites. 

Sharing of Work Practices for Work at Heights

by Mr Crawford Ang, Director, WSHE, Woh Hup (Private) Limited

In this presentation, Mr. Crawford Ang, Director of WSHE at Woh Hup (Private) Limited, will share some considerations and work practices for safe work at heights. Work at heights is a high-risk activity that often results in serious injuries, but implementing safe measures doesn't have to be difficult. Attendees can expect to learn practical tips and safe principles that can be adopted to help make working at heights safer. 

Technology to enhance safety (Artificial Intelligence for WAH Safety)

by Invigilo and Mr Goh Chye Guan

This presentation will focus on how artificial intelligence can be used to enhance safety measures in the context of working at heights. Attendees will gain insights into how AI can be applied to safety monitoring and risk assessment, as well as the benefits and limitations of using AI in safety management. The presentation will highlight real-world examples of AI applications in work at height safety, providing attendees with practical knowledge on how to leverage technology to improve safety outcomes in their own workplaces. 

Workers’ health, safety and productivity in a warming world

by Prof Jason, NUS

As global temperatures continue to rise, climate change will create serious health risks and undermine labour productivity in many vocations, creating new challenges in this area. In this presentation Prof Jason will share about Project HeatSafe. Project HeatSafe is a collaborative research project based in the National University of Singapore. This project combines the expertise of researchers from a range of different disciplines to investigate the impacts of rising heat levels on the health and productivity of people in Southeast Asia. 

Trial results for heat stress mitigation in Construction using ice slurry

by Mr Alvin Tan, Senior Manager (WSH Technology), WSH Institute (WSHI)

In this presentation attendees will learn about the results of a recent field trial conducted at a construction site in Singapore to measure the effectiveness of ingesting ice slurry for heat stress mitigation. The ingestion of ice slurry has been shown to mitigate heat injuries and improve heat tolerance by lowering body core temperature, and it is recommended under the WSH Guidelines as a measure to induce greater internal cooling for workers on hot days. This presentation will also assess the receptiveness of workers to drinking ice slurry. Additionally, by mitigating heat stress on construction sites, the use of ice slurry can also improve work at height safety by reducing the risk of heat-related accidents and injuries. 

Course Fees (Incl GST)

SCAL members: $75.60

Non-members: $108.00 

Speaker Profiles

Leo Deng Lip, Team Lead, Ops (Con), OSH Inspectorate Department, Ops (Construction) & Surveillance, Ministry of Manpower

Deng Lip is currently with the Construction Operation of the OSH Inspectorate Department, MOM. He has over 19 years of experience with the Ministry, focuses mainly on the construction sector, with works including inspection of construction worksites, investigations into accidents and dangerous occurrences, assessment of management systems and auditing. 

Alvin Tan, Senior Manager (WSH Technology), WSH Institute (WSHI)

Alvin is Senior Manager (WSH Technology) at the WSH Institute (WSHI), a department in the Occupational Safety and Health Division (OSHD), Ministry of Manpower (MOM). He has over 10 years of experience, spanning commercial ship repair and retrofitting, and implementation of work pass policies.

In WSHI, he is driving identification and adoption of WSH technology solutions in Construction and Facilities Management. In the past years, he has worked with government agencies, industry associations, Institutes of Higher Learning and technology vendors to identify, develop and testbed WSH technologies at different levels of technology readiness. He has also been working closely with partner agencies to include WSH technologies in the Industry Digital Plans as well as raise awareness of practical WSH tech solutions for the industry. 

Rafiqul Islam, Corporate EHS Manager, Chian Teck Realty Pte Ltd

Mr Rafiqul Islam, the Corporate EHS Manager at Chian Teck Realty Pte Ltd, is responsible for developing and implementing policies, programs, and management systems to achieve their corporate goals. He is a self-motivated individual and a person who leads by example. In his more than 20 years of EHS journey in the local construction industry, he takes every opportunity to advocate and champion Workplace Safety by engaging his colleagues/team members to participate in relevant awards held by various Authorities. He strongly believes that workplace accidents can be avoided through education, motivation, and teamwork. 

Crawford Ang, Director, WSHE, Woh Hup (Private) Limited

Crawford has over 25 years’ experience in as a WSH personnel in the construction industry. Was involved in construction of numerous type of development ranging from residential, commercial, civil and infrastructure to industrial buildings like manufacturing, pharmaceutical and chemical plants. Over the years, Crawford has developed a passion to train and impart WSH skills to fellow WSH personnel to enhance this professional as well as hoping that this profession will have more value add to the industry. 

Prof Jason Lee, Associate Professor, National University of Singapore

Jason Lee is currently an Associate Professor in Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at the National University of Singapore, co-leading the Human Potential Translational Research Programme and directing the Heat Resilience and Performance Centre. He is a member of the WHO and WMO Report on Climate Change on Workers’ Health and Productivity. Jason chairs the Scientific Committee on Thermal Factors at the International Commission on Occupational Health and is on the management committee at the Global Heat Health Information Network.

Course Duration

0.5 Day Course

  • Training Hours – 4.0 hours

  • Assessment Hours – 0 hours

Medium Of Instruction

  • English

Funding Information

This webinar is not eligible for funding.



SDU: 4 Points


Course Brochure

Construction Safety Webinar: “Work-at-height” (Technology and Innovation)


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