.". Workplace Safety And Health ,WSH Safety Resources Blog: April 2023

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  Beware of fragile surfaces when working at height What is fragile surface Fragile surfaces may look like any stable, solid floor. However,...

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Unsafe And Safe Practices

 Safety lapses in the logistics industry

The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) frequently conducts inspections for safety violations in workplaces. This article highlights safety lapses at companies in the logistics industry uncovered by MOM during their inspections, and what are the safe practices to adopt instead. These errant companies were issued with Stop Work Orders and composition fines.

Here are some of the contraventions found in the logistics industry for learning purposes

Heat Stress Management

Heat Stress at Work 

Working in Singapore’s hot and humid weather can put you at an increased risk of heat stress.

Heat stress occurs when the body is unable to remove excess body heat, and this excess accumulated heat then harms the body.

Heat stress related illnesses include heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke, with heat stroke being potentially fatal.

Preventing Heat Stress

Heat stress must not be overlooked, and you should take the necessary measures to protect yourself from heat-related risks.

Prevention Tips:

Do not over-exert yourself in the first two weeks of work, especially if you have just arrived from a cooler country.

  • Acclimatise yourself to the hot weather.
  • Wear loose-fitting and light-coloured clothes when outdoors.
  • Work under the shade where possible.
  • Drink lots of water – at least 500ml (one bottle) every hour.
  • Take regular breaks in cool shaded areas.
  • Sponge yourself with water during breaks or meals.
  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle with proper meals and sleep.

Helping Someone with Heat Stroke

If you notice someone with signs of heat stroke, call 995 for an ambulance immediately. While waiting for the ambulance, you should:

  • Move the person to a shady or cooler area;
  • Loosen or remove the person’s clothing;
  • Apply cool water and fan on the person; and
  • Place ice packs under the person’s armpits and groin area.

For more information

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Safe Use Mobile Elevated Work Platforms

Introduction Background

Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWPs) are mobile machines with an extendable work platform intended to raise personnel to perform works t height. Boom lifts and scissor lifts are common types of MEWPs.

This guide aims to share good MEWP-related practices in the following categories:

When planning work involving an MEWP, it is important to follow the stages:

i) Before using the MEWP

ii) When using the MEWP

iii) After using the MEWP

MEWPs are a safer option to reach working positions at height. Safe use of MEWPs is important to protect the operator’s safety and other workers around him.

However, accidents can happen. Several MEWP common hazards that have led to serious injuries or deaths include (but are not limited to):

• Entrapment—when the operator was trapped between part of the

basket and fixed structures (e.g. overhead steel beams)

• Overturning—when the MEWP toppled and the operator was thrown out of the basket

• Falling from height—when the operator fell from the work platform while climbing on the toe boards, midrails or guardrails of the MEWP

• Collision with pedestrians, overhead cables, or nearby vehicles

• “Catapult-effect” when using boom-type MEWP

Do not make any modifications or additions to the MEWP that may affect its operation, stability, safety factors, rated load, or structural integrity of the MEWP without the manufacturer and/or supplier prior approval.

• Identify the task to be undertaken;

• Identify the location and timing of MEWP usage;

• Select an appropriate MEWP;

• Identify hazards and risks associated with the use of a specific MEWP;

• Identify the hazards associated with the task;

• Identify control measures;

• Develop the safe work procedures (SWPs) and fall prevention plan (FPP);

• Develop the emergency plan for rescue from height;

• Communicate the plans (e.g. SWP, FPP, emergency plan) to all persons involved;

• Review the plans prior to and during the operation; and

• Incorporate any changes.

Before using an MEWP

A site survey should be conducted by a competent person to assess the site conditions and select an appropriate MEWP for the intended task, taking into consideration other factors such as ground and weather conditions

Ensure MEWP has a clear path of travel. 

Perform pre-use inspection in accordance with Manufacturer’s guidelines before operation.

Do not use the MEWP if any defects are found. ISOLATE, TAG and REPORT the machine as defective.

Do not operate MEWPs if operator is on medication or feeling unwell.

Operators must be trained, familiarised and authorised before operating any MEWP

Cordon off work area to ensure persons and equipment are clear of the area in the proximity of the MEWP. Ensure warning signs are clearly displayed

When using an MEWP

Anchor harness to the designated anchor point using a short lanyard.

Maintain firm footing when working on MEWPs.

Ensure that ground conditions are suitable as required by the specific MEWPs. Do not operate MEWPs on slopes beyond manufacturer’s specifications

Maintain a safe distance from overhead obstacles. Anti-entrapment devices can help raise awareness of overhead obstacles.

MEWPs are not meant for access. Do not exit an MEWP at height

Do not exceed the Safe Working Load and maximum Number of Occupants of the platform specified by the manufacture

After using an MEWP

Park and store MEWP at the designated area

Remove the ignition key to prevent unauthorised access

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

MOM Enforcement Actions

In March 2023, two fire incidents at the workplaces of Premium Automobiles Pte Ltd and Sika (Singapore) Pte Ltd occurred due to the lack of effective controls for flammable substances. The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) conducted enforcement operations in March and inspected more than 120 motor workshops and manufacturing workplaces handling substantial quantities of flammable substances.

Through the enforcement operations, MOM uncovered offences such as inadequate safe work procedures for managing flammable substances, improper storage of flammable substances, and not providing suitable personal protective equipment to workers. 11 companies with very poor or no controls for managing flammable substances were issued with composition fines amounting to S$27,000. 
“Fire and explosion pose a serious threat to life and property as demonstrated in the 2021 Stars Engrg Pte Ltd’s case where three workers died and five injured. Companies that handle flammable substances must take the fire and explosion risk seriously and ensure that effective control measures are in place. Workers must be informed of the risks and trained on the precautions to undertake, including being equipped with adequate personal protective equipment. MOM will continue to take strict enforcement actions against errant companies.” – Mr Sebastian Tan, Director, Occupational Safety and Health Inspectorate, MOM.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

LTA Alert -Rain Cover for Lorry Ferrying Workers

As announced on 19 Oct 2022, the Land Transport Authority, with support from the Ministry of Manpower, mandated the installation of rain covers on all lorries used for transporting workers. The objective is to improve the safety and well-being of workers during their travels in these vehicles.

Rain Cover Installation

The rain covers must be properly secured and installed on the canopy for all non-enclosed sections of the lorry deck, so as to fully shield workers from bad weather. In addition, at least one side of the lorry’s rain cover needs to be transparent, to ensure that there is enough light for the workers onboard.

Example of a properly installed rain cover that covers all non-enclosed sections of the lorry deck, with at least one side being transparent

The rain cover installation service is available at several vehicle workshops and the process take approximately 2 hours, depending on the lorry type. Kindly encourage your members to install the rain covers early as there may be high demand at the workshops closer to the due date.

More information on the safety regulations and measures for lorries ferrying workers can be found below.

New measures were announced on 19 October 2022 to enhance the safety and welfare of worker transportation. Please visit https://go.gov.sg/joint-factsheet

For more information on the safety regulations for lorries ferrying workers, please visit https://go.gov.sg/req-for-ferrying-worker

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Workplace Safety And Health Report

More workplace deaths and close shaves in 2022; surge in cases of work-related health conditions: MOM

Among the "occupational diseases" reported, cases of noise-induced deafness more than tripled from 168 in 2021 to 624 in 2022.

SINGAPORE: The number of workplace fatalities, dangerous occurrences and cases of occupational disease in Singapore rose across the board in 2022, according to the annual Workplace Safety and Health Report released on Tuesday (Apr 4).

Published by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), the report showed there were 46 workplace-related deaths last year - a rate of 1.3 per 100,000 workers. This was up from 37 in 2021 and the highest number of fatalities since 2015 and 2016, when there were 66 each year.

The top two causes were vehicular incidents and falls from a height, which together accounted for half of all workplace fatalities in 2022. The most number of cases, 14, occurred in the construction sector.

"The spate of workplace fatal injuries were largely due to basic safety lapses, such as inadequate safety planning and control measures, and non-compliance with safety measures," said MOM. 

The number of dangerous occurrences – incidents with a high potential for multiple fatalities, but where no one was injured – also more than doubled from 13 in 2021 to 27 in 2022. There were 46 such incidents reported in 2015. 

Among the incidents last year, 20 involved the collapse or failure of structures and equipment, with the remaining involving fires and explosions.

MOM attributed the spike last year to a rise in crane-related incidents in the construction sector, which again contributed the most - 56 per cent - of all dangerous occurrences.

The ministry pointed to a S$4 million grant announced in January, to co-fund the installation of stability control systems on lorry cranes.

MOM also said it was reviewing additional measures that would enhance crane operators' competency, and increase the deterrence of unsafe crane-related operations.

In response to the spate of workplace fatalities last year, a Heightened Safety Period (HSP) was implemented in September. It brought the monthly average of fatalities down from 4.5 to 2.5. 

Senior Minister of State for Manpower Zaqy Mohamad said that while the construction sector has "seen improvements in reducing workplace accidents", the incidence of major injuries did not improve in some sectors such as manufacturing.

The HSP was thus extended until May 31 this year, and a Multi-Agency Workplace Safety Taskforce convened to come up with strategies to strengthen workplace safety.

"Overall, there was some improvement in the workplace safety landscape with the introduction of HSP, but continued vigilance is needed," said MOM. 

"Safety measures announced earlier in February are being implemented and will take effect in the coming weeks and months."


Elsewhere, reported cases of occupational diseases rose from 659 in 2021 to a new high of 1,052 in 2022 - or from a rate of 20 cases per 100,000 workers to 29.7.

These refer to diseases contracted as a result of exposure to risk factors arising from work activity, and listed in the Workplace Safety and Health Act.

The most number of cases - 506 - were picked up in the manufacturing sector.

Noise-induced deafness and musculoskeletal disorders like back injuries were the top two types of occupational diseases, collectively accounting for 92 per cent of all cases.

For noise-induced deafness alone, there was a spike in cases from 168 in 2021 to 624 last year.

MOM attributed the rise in reported cases to ongoing efforts in its Enhanced Workplace Health Surveillance (WHS+) programme, as well as increased awareness in reporting amongst doctors and employers.

WHS+ aims to minimise hazards that lead to occupational diseases.

MOM said it would continue to increase the number of workplaces under WHS+, and also work with the Workplace Safety and Health Council to increase awareness and implementation of workplace health programmes.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Workplace Health Surveillance

Enhanced workplace health surveillance (WHS+)

Companies to implement workplace health (WH) programmes and upstream risk controls at workplaces to prevent occupational diseases.

Increase workplace health (WH) surveillance

Workplace health surveillance involves the monitoring of workplace environments to assess exposure levels of workers to WH hazards such as chemical or noise hazard, as well as the monitoring of workers’ health through medical screening to detect overexposures and early signs of occupational diseases.

Sectors likely to have chemical and excessive noise hazards 

Food, beverage and tobacco


Logistics and transport


Metal working

Non-metallic mineral products

Pharmaceuticals and biological products

Refineries and petrochemicals

Rubber and plastic

Waste treatment and recycling

Woodworking and furniture

Submit declaration on the presence of WH hazards for identified workplaces

Your workplace will be informed via letters to submit a declaration if your workplace:

Uses toxic substances

Has processes involving toxic substances or

Has noisy processes  

Workplaces who declared  presence of toxic substances and/or noisy processes are required to: 

Conduct hygiene monitoring to assess exposure levels of their workers

Implement control measures to reduce workers’ exposure

Put in place effective WH programmes such as Management of Hazardous Chemical Programme (MHCP) or Hearing Conservation Programme (HCP) to manage the hazard at the workplace and

Conduct medical monitoring for your workers who are exposed to specific WH hazards.

Adoption of upstream risk controls

Select appropriate and adequate risk controls following the hierarchy of control to reduce workers’ exposure to WH hazards.

What is hierarchy of control?

Hierarchy of control is a step-by-step approach to eliminating or reducing risks and it ranks risk controls from the highest level of protection and reliability through to the lowest and least reliable protection. Elimination, substitution, and engineering controls are more effective in reducing or controlling the risk of workers’ exposure to WH hazards and should be considered first.

Reduce workers’ exposure to toxic substances and excessive noise

Exposure to toxic substances

Workplace occupiers are required to prevent the accumulation of toxic dust, fumes, gas, vapour, mist, fibre, or other contaminants and protect workers from exposure to these contaminants in the workplace.  

Several upstream risk control measures that occupiers can implement to reduce workers’ exposures to toxic airborne contaminants  can be found under Regulation 39(2) of the Workplace Safety and Health (General Provisions) Regulations.

Exposure to excessive noise

Workplace occupiers are required to reduce or control the noise from any machinery or equipment used, so that no workers will be exposed to excessive noise.

Several upstream risk control measures that occupiers can implement to reduce noise levels in the workplace can be found under Regulation 4(3) of the Workplace Safety and Health (Noise) Regulations. 

WHS+ consultation and audit programme

The WHS+ consultation and audit programme is to help high risk workplaces that use toxic substances and/or workplaces with noisy processes, to manage their WH hazards and reduce workers’ exposure risks, via a systematic approach of identification, evaluation, control and review of the measures.

At a glance

Related eServicesEnhanced Workplace Health Surveillance Consultants and Auditors
Related documents
Relevant regulations

Who is required to undergo this programme

Identified workplaces with high exposure to toxic substances and noise are required by MOM to undergo WHS+ consultation and audit programme. Considerations to include workplaces under this programme will be based on hygiene monitoring reports, incidence of occupational diseases (ODs), etc.

What is required under this programme

Companies will be required to carry out the following:

Phase 1: Conduct gap analysis

Gap analysis should be conducted by a consultant or competent person for noise or chemical hazards. This is to identify the gaps in the implementation of Management of Hazardous Chemicals Programme (MHCP) or Hearing Conservation Programme (HCP) at the workplace, and to develop action plans to rectify the identified gaps.

The consultant or competent person appointed should be a Registered Industrial Hygienist (RIH) or Workplace Safety and Health Officer (WSHO) with relevant training and experience in managing occupational health hazards such as chemicals and noise.

You can refer to the list of service providers offering:

Chemical control consultant services

Noise control consultant services

Phase 2: Develop control and implementation plan (CIP)

A control and implementation plan (CIP) must be developed and implemented by your company to address the effective control of chemicals or noise at the workplace to reduce your workers’ exposure to acceptable levels.

Your company is required to explore possible upstream risk controls (elimination, substitution, and engineering controls) and select suitable and effective risk control solutions to be implemented for identified high-risk work processes at your workplace. You may engage a consultant (e.g. noise control consultant or ventilation design engineer) to advise you on the suitable control measures for your high-risk processes.

A post-implementation toxic substances or noise monitoring is required to be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the control measures implemented. Gaps identified in MHCP or HCP must also be addressed and documented in the CIP.

Phase 3: Conduct third-party audit

Your company is to engage a third-party WSH auditor to audit the completion of gap analysis and CIP. The WSH auditor should be from an auditing organisation accredited by Singapore Accreditation Council to conduct occupational health and safety management system certification and have sufficient competency in auditing.

As part of the audit, WSH auditors will need to ensure that these requirements have been fulfilled:

The action items identified from the gap analysis of MHCP or HCP are addressed.

The risk control measures are comprehensive and properly implemented.

The MHCP or HCP implemented at the workplace are effective in preventing ODs.

The WSH auditor will prepare an audit report, and you are required to submit the audit report to MOM for an exit assessment. The submission should include the completed gap analysis, CIP and WHS+ audit checklist with the post implementation noise or toxic substances monitoring report.

You can refer to the list of service providers offering:

WHS+ MHCP audit services

WHS+ HCP audit services

Phase 4: Exit assessment

Your company will exit from WHS+ consultation and audit programme when it demonstrates significant improvement in its WH programmes implementation and ability to reduce your workers’ exposures to toxic substances and excessive noise effectively.

Your company’s management must also demonstrate their ability to manage WH hazards and maintain or upkeep their WH programmes in their workplaces to prevent ODs.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Extension of Heightened Safety Period Alert

MOM Extends Heightened Safety Period by Three Months with Additional Measures

2.  However, the annualised major injury rate per 100,000 workers increased from 16.8 to 18.7 in that same period. The impact of HSP was also uneven across sectors. While Construction showed the most improvement in terms of monthly average fatal and major injuries2, the Transportation & Storage sector’s monthly average fatalities3 did not improve and its major injuries4 worsened during HSP. This is of concern, as major injuries reflect persistent safety lapses at workplaces and most of these injuries have debilitating effects.

3.  Since the start of 2023, there have been four workplace fatalities. Furthermore, based on past trends, periods post-Chinese New Year have had higher workplace injury numbers as companies rush to compensate for workdays lost. Heightened alert and vigilance need to be maintained.

Additional Measures During Extended HSP

4. During the extended HSP, MOM will put in place the following additional measures, taking into account the recommendations of the International Advisory Panel last month, to complement existing ones (see Annex for existing measures):

  • Require CEOs and Board of Directors to attend a mandatory half-day in-person WSH training course, for companies found to have serious WSH lapses following serious or fatal workplace accidents.

    • This is on top of existing HSP measures where companies may be barred from employing new foreign employees for up to three months. We will continue to require company leaders to personally account to MOM and take responsibility for WSH rectifications. These measures aim to strengthen WSH ownership and accountability among corporate senior leadership, and better equip them to meet their WSH responsibilities.
    • The course curriculum will be an enhanced version of the existing bizSAFE5 training for senior management. It will feature additional modules on the Approved Code of Practice for Chief Executives and Board of Directors’ WSH Duties, and root cause analysis of top incident types. MOM will notify companies whose senior leaders are required to attend this training.
  • Increase maximum fines from $20,000 to $50,000 for breaches of WSH Act Subsidiary Legislation that could result in death or serious bodily injury, in order to enhance deterrence for WSH Act breaches.

  • Empower workers by raising awareness of the various channels to report WSH concerns and providing protection for workers who speak up.

    • The WSH Council will launch a National WSH Campaign in April 2023, to encourage workers and members of the public to report unsafe practices at workplaces. Workers are encouraged to first report WSH concerns to their supervisors and companies for expedient resolution, before raising it to the authorities if no action is taken. This can be easily done through the SnapSAFE page on MOM’s website, and a QR code leading to the page is displayed at worksites. Workers and members of the public can also call MOM’s hotline at 6438 5122.
    • Migrant workers can also reach out to MOM through the FWMOMCare app, or reach the Migrant Workers’ Centre at 6536 2692. The Campaign will also heighten awareness of the types of protection available for workers who report or raise WSH issues.

  • Introduce bite-sized versions of WSH guidance materials to better support all companies, in particular SMEs, in instilling a stronger safe operations culture. This is in addition to the earlier expansion of the StartSAFE programme to better support SMEs. The WSH Council will introduce these materials from May 2023. 

Longer-term Measures to Sustain WSH Standards

5.  Beyond the HSP and the above measures, MOM, together with the Multi-Agency Workplace Safety Taskforce (MAST)6, will consider further measures to strengthen WSH standards and practices. These include placing greater accountability on employers and senior management, enhancing safety training, reviewing incentives and penalties, and sectoral strategies.

6.  Said Senior Minister of State for Manpower, Mr Zaqy Mohamad: “We have made good progress following the HSP, with improvements seen in the annualised workplace fatality rates and within the Construction sector. This shows that tangible results in WSH performance is possible with concerted efforts from all stakeholders. However, we are still not where we want to be – which is why we remain cautious and have decided to extend the HSP with additional measures. Only with vigilance, greater ownership and continual training, can we get back on track to achieving our WSH 2028 goals of keeping our fatality rate at below 1.0 per 100,000 workers, and our major injury rates at below 12.0 per 100,000 workers.”


Existing Initiatives for Heightened Safety Period 



Tighter enforcement measures

Companies found to have serious WSH lapses following serious or fatal workplace accidents may be debarred from employing new foreign employees for up to three months. Chief Executives will also be required to personally account to MOM and take responsibility for rectifications.

Strengthened support for SMEs who need help to improve their WSH practices and processes, through the expansion of StartSAFE

Provide small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with more access to WSH consultants who can help them identify WSH risks and implement good WSH practices, as part of the existing StartSAFE programme. The costs of the WSH consultants are fully borne by MOM.

Targeted measures for the construction sector

  1. A new harmonised set of disqualification criteria across all public sector construction tenders to align the evaluation criteria and temporarily disqualify contractors with poor WSH performance from participating in these tenders;
  2. A Revised Demerit Point System, where the threshold for issuing demerit points is lowered. This means that more demerit points will be issued for WSH Act breaches, and errant companies with consistently poor WSH performance will reach the penalty thresholds more quickly - after which they will be debarred from hiring foreign employees for up to 2 years.

Set up of Multi-Agency Workplace Safety Taskforce

Comprising representatives from key government agencies that oversee sectors where most fatal and major injuries occur, the Multi-Agency Workplace Safety Taskforce aims to:

  1. Identify sectoral-specific strategies that complement MOM’s cross-sectoral strategies, to contribute to a sustained reduction in workplace fatality and injury rates, and
  2. Strengthen sectoral engagements with companies to reinforce the importance of WSH.


See go.gov.sg/heightenedsafetyperiod

  1. Monthly average number of fatalities for Construction fell from 1.6 pre-HSP to 0.3 during HSP. Similarly, monthly average number of major injuries fell from 8.3 pre-HSP to 7.3 during HSP for major injuries with higher risk of fatalities, and 5.5 pre-HSP to 4.5 during HSP for major injuries with lower risk of fatalities.
  2. Monthly average number of fatalities for Transportation & Storage pre- and during HSP remained at 0.8.
  3. Monthly average number of major injuries with lower risk of fatalities for Transportation & Storage worsened from 2.3 pre-HSP to 4.3 during HSP, and monthly average number of major injuries with higher risk of fatalities stayed about the same pre- and during HSP at 2.3 and 2.0 respectively.
  4. bizSAFE is a nationally recognised capability building programme designed to help companies build workplace safety and health capabilities.
  5. Set up on 12 October 2022, the MAST comprises representatives from Ministry of Manpower, Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of National Development and Ministry of Trade and Industry.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

WSH Case Studies -Falling From Heights

What is WSH Case Studies

WSH Case Studies is a free resources for various groups from management and safety professionals to supervisors and workers for improving WSH practices .

It offers insights to past  accidents that have taken place in Singapore. The case studies not only provide lessons learnt for the industry, but more importantly, they remind us to actively review our current practices and continually find ways to make our workplaces safer. Readers are encouraged to carefully think through each case, review its relevancy and context to specific workplace situations, and incorporate the lessons learnt where appropriate.

Here are accidents case studies -falling from height

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