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  Beware of fragile surfaces when working at height What is fragile surface Fragile surfaces may look like any stable, solid floor. However,...

Friday, December 23, 2011

Unsafe Work Practices

Hazards is a condition ( unsafe act/unsafe condition)  with the potential to cause harm or injury and it can happen anytime and anywhere. Examples of common WSH hazards includes 

1.Falling from height hazards, 2.Struck by objects,3.Electrical Hazards
4.Machine Hazards, 5.Mechanical Hazards of tools and equipments
6.Fore & Explosion Hazards,7)Noise Hazards,8)Confined Space Hazards
9)Ergonomic Hazards,10)Chemical Hazards,11)Thermal Hazards
12)Radiation Hazards

In the photographs, it was observed that workers are working underneath lifted load during lifting operation and there is no tag line to position the load.

The unsafe practices identified are as follows:
1) Workers work underneath lifted loads during a lifting operation and exposed their life to potential crushing hazards. Nothing should be underneath the lifted load during a lifting operation.
2) )Failure to make use of fall protection personal protection equipment in this case safety harness
3)Failure to provide safe means of access for working at height above 2 meter, and in this case is a safe scaffold
4)Failure to provide tag line & lifting supervisor to ensure the lifted load is guided properly for safe load positioning

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